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import subprocess import warnings from pathlib import Path import mlflow import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import pyspark from loguru import logger from pyspark.sql import functions as F from pyspark.sql import types as T from pyspark.sql.window import Window from anovos.data_analyzer.stats_generator import uniqueCount_computation from anovos.data_ingest.data_ingest import read_dataset from anovos.data_transformer.transformers import ( attribute_binning, imputation_MMM, outlier_categories, ) from anovos.shared.utils import ( attributeType_segregation, ends_with, output_to_local, path_ak8s_modify, ) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") global_theme = px.colors.sequential.Plasma global_theme_r = px.colors.sequential.Plasma_r global_plot_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_paper_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" num_cols = [] cat_cols = [] def save_stats( spark, idf, master_path, function_name, reread=False, run_type="local", mlflow_config=None, auth_key="NA", ): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf input dataframe master_path Path to master folder under which all statistics will be saved in a csv file format. function_name Function Name for which statistics need to be saved. file name will be saved as csv reread option to reread. Default value is kept as False run_type local or emr or databricks or ak8s based on the mode of execution. Default value is kept as local mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- """ if run_type == "local": local_path = master_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(master_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") local_path = ( local_path + "/" + mlflow_config["run_id"] if mlflow_config is not None and mlflow_config.get("track_reports", False) else local_path ) Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) idf.toPandas().to_csv(ends_with(local_path) + function_name + ".csv", index=False) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifact(local_path) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp " + ends_with(local_path) + function_name + ".csv " + ends_with(master_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + function_name + '.csv" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '"' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if reread: odf = ends_with(master_path) + function_name + ".csv", header=True, inferSchema=True, ) return odf def edit_binRange(col): """ Parameters ---------- col The column which is passed as input and needs to be treated. The generated output will not contain any range whose value at either side is the same. Returns ------- """ try: list_col = col.split("-") deduped_col = list(set(list_col)) if len(list_col) != len(deduped_col): return deduped_col[0] else: return col except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed during edit_binRange, error {e}") pass f_edit_binRange = F.udf(edit_binRange, T.StringType()) def binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session col The input column which is needed to by mapped with respective index cutoffs_path paths containing the range cutoffs applicable for each index Returns ------- """ bin_cutoffs = ( .where(F.col("attribute") == col) .select("parameters") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect()[0] ) bin_ranges = [] max_cat = len(bin_cutoffs) + 1 for idx in range(0, max_cat): if idx == 0: bin_ranges.append("<= " + str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx], 4))) elif idx < (max_cat - 1): bin_ranges.append( str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx - 1], 4)) + "-" + str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx], 4)) ) else: bin_ranges.append("> " + str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx - 1], 4))) mapping = spark.createDataFrame( zip(range(1, max_cat + 1), bin_ranges), schema=["bin_idx", col] ) return mapping def plot_frequency(spark, idf, col, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histograms col Analysis column cutoffs_path Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column Returns ------- """ odf = ( idf.groupBy(col) .count() .withColumn( "count_%", 100 * (F.col("count") / F.sum("count").over(Window.partitionBy())), ) .withColumn(col, f_edit_binRange(col)) ) if col in cat_cols: odf_pd = odf.orderBy("count", ascending=False).toPandas().fillna("Missing") odf_pd.loc[odf_pd[col] == "others", col] = "others*" if col in num_cols: mapping = binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path) odf_pd = ( odf.join(mapping, col, "left_outer") .orderBy("bin_idx") .toPandas() .fillna("Missing") ) fig = odf_pd, x=col, y="count", text=odf_pd["count_%"].apply(lambda x: "{0:1.2f}%".format(x)), color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.update_traces(textposition="outside") fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Frequency Distribution for " + str(col.upper()))) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") # fig.update_layout(barmode='stack', xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'}) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # plotly.offline.plot(fig, auto_open=False, validate=False, filename=f"{base_loc}/{file_name_}bar_graph.html") return fig def plot_outlier(spark, idf, col, split_var=None, sample_size=500000): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe which would be referred for capturing the outliers in form of violin charts col Analysis column split_var Column which is needed. Default value is kept as None sample_size Maximum Sample size. Default value is kept as 500000 Returns ------- """ idf_sample = False, min(1.0, float(sample_size) / idf.count()), 0 ) idf_sample.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK).count() idf_imputed = imputation_MMM(spark, idf_sample) idf_pd = idf_imputed.toPandas() fig = px.violin( idf_pd, y=col, color=split_var, box=True, points="outliers", color_discrete_sequence=[global_theme_r[8], global_theme_r[4]], ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) return fig def plot_eventRate(spark, idf, col, label_col, event_label, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histogram col Analysis column label_col Label column event_label Event label cutoffs_path Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column Returns ------- """ odf = ( idf.withColumn( label_col, F.when(F.col(label_col) == event_label, 1).otherwise(0) ) .groupBy(col) .pivot(label_col) .count() .fillna(0, subset=["0", "1"]) .withColumn("event_rate", 100 * (F.col("1") / (F.col("0") + F.col("1")))) .withColumn("attribute_name", F.lit(col)) .withColumn(col, f_edit_binRange(col)) ) if col in cat_cols: odf_pd = odf.orderBy("event_rate", ascending=False).toPandas() odf_pd.loc[odf_pd[col] == "others", col] = "others*" if col in num_cols: mapping = binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path) odf_pd = odf.join(mapping, col, "left_outer").orderBy("bin_idx").toPandas() fig = odf_pd, x=col, y="event_rate", text=odf_pd["event_rate"].apply(lambda x: "{0:1.2f}%".format(x)), color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.update_traces(textposition="outside") fig.update_layout( title_text=str( "Event Rate Distribution for " + str(col.upper()) + str(" [Target Variable : " + str(event_label) + str("]")) ) ) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # plotly.offline.plot(fig, auto_open=False, validate=False, filename=f"{base_loc}/{file_name_}feat_analysis_label.html") return fig def plot_comparative_drift(spark, idf, source, col, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Target dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histogram source Source dataframe of comparison col Analysis column cutoffs_path Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column Returns ------- """ odf = ( idf.groupBy(col) .agg((F.count(col) / idf.count()).alias("countpct_target")) .fillna(np.nan, subset=[col]) ) if col in cat_cols: odf_pd = ( odf.join( source.withColumnRenamed("p", "countpct_source").fillna( np.nan, subset=[col] ), col, "full_outer", ) .orderBy("countpct_target", ascending=False) .toPandas() ) if col in num_cols: mapping = binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path) odf_pd = ( odf.join(mapping, col, "left_outer") .fillna(np.nan, subset=["bin_idx"]) .join( source.fillna(np.nan, subset=[col]).select( F.col(col).alias("bin_idx"), F.col("p").alias("countpct_source") ), "bin_idx", "full_outer", ) .orderBy("bin_idx") .toPandas() ) odf_pd.fillna( {col: "Missing", "countpct_source": 0, "countpct_target": 0}, inplace=True ) odf_pd["%_diff"] = ( (odf_pd["countpct_target"] / odf_pd["countpct_source"]) - 1 ) * 100 fig = go.Figure() fig.add_bar( y=list(odf_pd.countpct_source.values), x=odf_pd[col], name="source", marker=dict(color=global_theme), ) fig.update_traces(overwrite=True, marker={"opacity": 0.7}) fig.add_bar( y=list(odf_pd.countpct_target.values), x=odf_pd[col], name="target", text=odf_pd["%_diff"].apply(lambda x: "{0:0.2f}%".format(x)), marker=dict(color=global_theme), ) fig.update_traces(textposition="outside") fig.update_layout( paper_bgcolor=global_paper_bg_color, plot_bgcolor=global_plot_bg_color, showlegend=False, ) fig.update_layout( title_text=str( "Drift Comparison for " + col + "<br><sup>(L->R : Source->Target)</sup>" ) ) fig.update_traces(marker=dict(color=global_theme)) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=odf_pd[col], y=odf_pd.countpct_target.values, mode='lines+markers', # line=dict(color=px.colors.qualitative.Antique[10], width=3, dash='dot'))) fig.update_layout( xaxis_tickfont_size=14, yaxis=dict(title="frequency", titlefont_size=16, tickfont_size=14), ) return fig def charts_to_objects( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], label_col=None, event_label=1, bin_method="equal_range", bin_size=10, coverage=1.0, drift_detector=False, outlier_charts=False, source_path="NA", master_path=".", stats_unique={}, run_type="local", auth_key="NA", ): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe list_of_cols List of columns passed for analysis (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns dropped from analysis (Default value = []) label_col Label column (Default value = None) event_label Event label (Default value = 1) bin_method Binning method equal_range or equal_frequency (Default value = "equal_range") bin_size Maximum bin size categories. Default value is kept as 10 coverage Maximum coverage of categories. Default value is kept as 1.0 (which is 100%) drift_detector True or False as per the availability. Default value is kept as False source_path Source data path. Default value is kept as "NA" to save intermediate data in "intermediate_data/" folder. master_path Path where the output needs to be saved, ideally the same path where the analyzed data output is also saved (Default value = ".") stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) run_type local or emr or databricks or ak8s run type. Default value is kept as local auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- """ global num_cols global cat_cols if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] if stats_unique == {}: remove_cols = ( uniqueCount_computation(spark, idf, list_of_cols) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) else: remove_cols = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = list( set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in (drop_cols + remove_cols)]) ) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols) | (len(list_of_cols) == 0): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation( if cat_cols: idf_cleaned = outlier_categories( spark, idf, list_of_cols=cat_cols, coverage=coverage, max_category=bin_size ) else: idf_cleaned = idf if source_path == "NA": source_path = "intermediate_data" if drift_detector: encoding_model_exists = True binned_cols = ( + "/drift_statistics/attribute_binning") .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) to_be_binned = [e for e in num_cols if e not in binned_cols] else: encoding_model_exists = False binned_cols = [] to_be_binned = num_cols if to_be_binned: idf_encoded = attribute_binning( spark, idf_cleaned, list_of_cols=to_be_binned, method_type=bin_method, bin_size=bin_size, bin_dtype="categorical", pre_existing_model=False, model_path=source_path + "/charts_to_objects", output_mode="append", ) else: idf_encoded = idf_cleaned if binned_cols: idf_encoded = attribute_binning( spark, idf_encoded, list_of_cols=binned_cols, method_type=bin_method, bin_size=bin_size, bin_dtype="categorical", pre_existing_model=True, model_path=source_path + "/drift_statistics", output_mode="append", ) cutoffs_path1 = source_path + "/charts_to_objects/attribute_binning" cutoffs_path2 = source_path + "/drift_statistics/attribute_binning" idf_encoded.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) if run_type == "local": local_path = master_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(master_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for idx, col in enumerate(list_of_cols): if col in binned_cols: cutoffs_path = cutoffs_path2 else: cutoffs_path = cutoffs_path1 if col in cat_cols: f = plot_frequency(spark, idf_encoded, col, cutoffs_path) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "freqDist_" + col) if label_col: if col != label_col: f = plot_eventRate( spark, idf_encoded, col, label_col, event_label, cutoffs_path ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "eventDist_" + col) if drift_detector: try: frequency_path = ( source_path + "/drift_statistics/frequency_counts/" + col ) idf_source = frequency_path, header=True, inferSchema=True ) f = plot_comparative_drift( spark, idf_encoded, idf_source, col, cutoffs_path ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "drift_" + col) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed during drift detection, error {e}") pass if col in num_cols: if outlier_charts: f = plot_outlier(spark, idf, col, split_var=None) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "outlier_" + col) f = plot_frequency( spark, idf_encoded.drop(col).withColumnRenamed(col + "_binned", col), col, cutoffs_path, ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "freqDist_" + col) if label_col: if col != label_col: f = plot_eventRate( spark, idf_encoded.drop(col).withColumnRenamed(col + "_binned", col), col, label_col, event_label, cutoffs_path, ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "eventDist_" + col) if drift_detector: try: frequency_path = ( source_path + "/drift_statistics/frequency_counts/" + col ) idf_source = frequency_path, header=True, inferSchema=True ) f = plot_comparative_drift( spark, idf_encoded.drop(col).withColumnRenamed(col + "_binned", col), idf_source, col, cutoffs_path, ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "drift_" + col) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed during drift detection, error {e}") pass pd.DataFrame(idf.dtypes, columns=["attribute", "data_type"]).to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + "data_type.csv", index=False ) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(master_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path)
- Spark Session
- The input column which is needed to by mapped with respective index
- paths containing the range cutoffs applicable for each index
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def binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session col The input column which is needed to by mapped with respective index cutoffs_path paths containing the range cutoffs applicable for each index Returns ------- """ bin_cutoffs = ( .where(F.col("attribute") == col) .select("parameters") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect()[0] ) bin_ranges = [] max_cat = len(bin_cutoffs) + 1 for idx in range(0, max_cat): if idx == 0: bin_ranges.append("<= " + str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx], 4))) elif idx < (max_cat - 1): bin_ranges.append( str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx - 1], 4)) + "-" + str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx], 4)) ) else: bin_ranges.append("> " + str(round(bin_cutoffs[idx - 1], 4))) mapping = spark.createDataFrame( zip(range(1, max_cat + 1), bin_ranges), schema=["bin_idx", col] ) return mapping
def charts_to_objects(spark, idf, list_of_cols='all', drop_cols=[], label_col=None, event_label=1, bin_method='equal_range', bin_size=10, coverage=1.0, drift_detector=False, outlier_charts=False, source_path='NA', master_path='.', stats_unique={}, run_type='local', auth_key='NA')
- Spark Session
- Input dataframe
- List of columns passed for analysis (Default value = "all")
- List of columns dropped from analysis (Default value = [])
- Label column (Default value = None)
- Event label (Default value = 1)
- Binning method equal_range or equal_frequency (Default value = "equal_range")
- Maximum bin size categories. Default value is kept as 10
- Maximum coverage of categories. Default value is kept as 1.0 (which is 100%)
- True or False as per the availability. Default value is kept as False
- Source data path. Default value is kept as "NA" to save intermediate data in "intermediate_data/" folder.
- Path where the output needs to be saved, ideally the same path where the analyzed data output is also saved (Default value = ".")
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- local or emr or databricks or ak8s run type. Default value is kept as local
- Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA"
Expand source code
def charts_to_objects( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], label_col=None, event_label=1, bin_method="equal_range", bin_size=10, coverage=1.0, drift_detector=False, outlier_charts=False, source_path="NA", master_path=".", stats_unique={}, run_type="local", auth_key="NA", ): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe list_of_cols List of columns passed for analysis (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns dropped from analysis (Default value = []) label_col Label column (Default value = None) event_label Event label (Default value = 1) bin_method Binning method equal_range or equal_frequency (Default value = "equal_range") bin_size Maximum bin size categories. Default value is kept as 10 coverage Maximum coverage of categories. Default value is kept as 1.0 (which is 100%) drift_detector True or False as per the availability. Default value is kept as False source_path Source data path. Default value is kept as "NA" to save intermediate data in "intermediate_data/" folder. master_path Path where the output needs to be saved, ideally the same path where the analyzed data output is also saved (Default value = ".") stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) run_type local or emr or databricks or ak8s run type. Default value is kept as local auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- """ global num_cols global cat_cols if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] if stats_unique == {}: remove_cols = ( uniqueCount_computation(spark, idf, list_of_cols) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) else: remove_cols = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = list( set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in (drop_cols + remove_cols)]) ) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols) | (len(list_of_cols) == 0): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation( if cat_cols: idf_cleaned = outlier_categories( spark, idf, list_of_cols=cat_cols, coverage=coverage, max_category=bin_size ) else: idf_cleaned = idf if source_path == "NA": source_path = "intermediate_data" if drift_detector: encoding_model_exists = True binned_cols = ( + "/drift_statistics/attribute_binning") .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) to_be_binned = [e for e in num_cols if e not in binned_cols] else: encoding_model_exists = False binned_cols = [] to_be_binned = num_cols if to_be_binned: idf_encoded = attribute_binning( spark, idf_cleaned, list_of_cols=to_be_binned, method_type=bin_method, bin_size=bin_size, bin_dtype="categorical", pre_existing_model=False, model_path=source_path + "/charts_to_objects", output_mode="append", ) else: idf_encoded = idf_cleaned if binned_cols: idf_encoded = attribute_binning( spark, idf_encoded, list_of_cols=binned_cols, method_type=bin_method, bin_size=bin_size, bin_dtype="categorical", pre_existing_model=True, model_path=source_path + "/drift_statistics", output_mode="append", ) cutoffs_path1 = source_path + "/charts_to_objects/attribute_binning" cutoffs_path2 = source_path + "/drift_statistics/attribute_binning" idf_encoded.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) if run_type == "local": local_path = master_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(master_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for idx, col in enumerate(list_of_cols): if col in binned_cols: cutoffs_path = cutoffs_path2 else: cutoffs_path = cutoffs_path1 if col in cat_cols: f = plot_frequency(spark, idf_encoded, col, cutoffs_path) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "freqDist_" + col) if label_col: if col != label_col: f = plot_eventRate( spark, idf_encoded, col, label_col, event_label, cutoffs_path ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "eventDist_" + col) if drift_detector: try: frequency_path = ( source_path + "/drift_statistics/frequency_counts/" + col ) idf_source = frequency_path, header=True, inferSchema=True ) f = plot_comparative_drift( spark, idf_encoded, idf_source, col, cutoffs_path ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "drift_" + col) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed during drift detection, error {e}") pass if col in num_cols: if outlier_charts: f = plot_outlier(spark, idf, col, split_var=None) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "outlier_" + col) f = plot_frequency( spark, idf_encoded.drop(col).withColumnRenamed(col + "_binned", col), col, cutoffs_path, ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "freqDist_" + col) if label_col: if col != label_col: f = plot_eventRate( spark, idf_encoded.drop(col).withColumnRenamed(col + "_binned", col), col, label_col, event_label, cutoffs_path, ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "eventDist_" + col) if drift_detector: try: frequency_path = ( source_path + "/drift_statistics/frequency_counts/" + col ) idf_source = frequency_path, header=True, inferSchema=True ) f = plot_comparative_drift( spark, idf_encoded.drop(col).withColumnRenamed(col + "_binned", col), idf_source, col, cutoffs_path, ) f.write_json(ends_with(local_path) + "drift_" + col) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed during drift detection, error {e}") pass pd.DataFrame(idf.dtypes, columns=["attribute", "data_type"]).to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + "data_type.csv", index=False ) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(master_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def edit_binRange(col)
- The column which is passed as input and needs to be treated. The generated output will not contain any range whose value at either side is the same.
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def edit_binRange(col): """ Parameters ---------- col The column which is passed as input and needs to be treated. The generated output will not contain any range whose value at either side is the same. Returns ------- """ try: list_col = col.split("-") deduped_col = list(set(list_col)) if len(list_col) != len(deduped_col): return deduped_col[0] else: return col except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed during edit_binRange, error {e}") pass
def f_edit_binRange(col)
- The column which is passed as input and needs to be treated. The generated output will not contain any range whose value at either side is the same.
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def edit_binRange(col): """ Parameters ---------- col The column which is passed as input and needs to be treated. The generated output will not contain any range whose value at either side is the same. Returns ------- """ try: list_col = col.split("-") deduped_col = list(set(list_col)) if len(list_col) != len(deduped_col): return deduped_col[0] else: return col except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed during edit_binRange, error {e}") pass
def plot_comparative_drift(spark, idf, source, col, cutoffs_path)
- Spark Session
- Target dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histogram
- Source dataframe of comparison
- Analysis column
- Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column
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def plot_comparative_drift(spark, idf, source, col, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Target dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histogram source Source dataframe of comparison col Analysis column cutoffs_path Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column Returns ------- """ odf = ( idf.groupBy(col) .agg((F.count(col) / idf.count()).alias("countpct_target")) .fillna(np.nan, subset=[col]) ) if col in cat_cols: odf_pd = ( odf.join( source.withColumnRenamed("p", "countpct_source").fillna( np.nan, subset=[col] ), col, "full_outer", ) .orderBy("countpct_target", ascending=False) .toPandas() ) if col in num_cols: mapping = binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path) odf_pd = ( odf.join(mapping, col, "left_outer") .fillna(np.nan, subset=["bin_idx"]) .join( source.fillna(np.nan, subset=[col]).select( F.col(col).alias("bin_idx"), F.col("p").alias("countpct_source") ), "bin_idx", "full_outer", ) .orderBy("bin_idx") .toPandas() ) odf_pd.fillna( {col: "Missing", "countpct_source": 0, "countpct_target": 0}, inplace=True ) odf_pd["%_diff"] = ( (odf_pd["countpct_target"] / odf_pd["countpct_source"]) - 1 ) * 100 fig = go.Figure() fig.add_bar( y=list(odf_pd.countpct_source.values), x=odf_pd[col], name="source", marker=dict(color=global_theme), ) fig.update_traces(overwrite=True, marker={"opacity": 0.7}) fig.add_bar( y=list(odf_pd.countpct_target.values), x=odf_pd[col], name="target", text=odf_pd["%_diff"].apply(lambda x: "{0:0.2f}%".format(x)), marker=dict(color=global_theme), ) fig.update_traces(textposition="outside") fig.update_layout( paper_bgcolor=global_paper_bg_color, plot_bgcolor=global_plot_bg_color, showlegend=False, ) fig.update_layout( title_text=str( "Drift Comparison for " + col + "<br><sup>(L->R : Source->Target)</sup>" ) ) fig.update_traces(marker=dict(color=global_theme)) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=odf_pd[col], y=odf_pd.countpct_target.values, mode='lines+markers', # line=dict(color=px.colors.qualitative.Antique[10], width=3, dash='dot'))) fig.update_layout( xaxis_tickfont_size=14, yaxis=dict(title="frequency", titlefont_size=16, tickfont_size=14), ) return fig
def plot_eventRate(spark, idf, col, label_col, event_label, cutoffs_path)
- Spark Session
- Input dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histogram
- Analysis column
- Label column
- Event label
- Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column
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def plot_eventRate(spark, idf, col, label_col, event_label, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histogram col Analysis column label_col Label column event_label Event label cutoffs_path Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column Returns ------- """ odf = ( idf.withColumn( label_col, F.when(F.col(label_col) == event_label, 1).otherwise(0) ) .groupBy(col) .pivot(label_col) .count() .fillna(0, subset=["0", "1"]) .withColumn("event_rate", 100 * (F.col("1") / (F.col("0") + F.col("1")))) .withColumn("attribute_name", F.lit(col)) .withColumn(col, f_edit_binRange(col)) ) if col in cat_cols: odf_pd = odf.orderBy("event_rate", ascending=False).toPandas() odf_pd.loc[odf_pd[col] == "others", col] = "others*" if col in num_cols: mapping = binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path) odf_pd = odf.join(mapping, col, "left_outer").orderBy("bin_idx").toPandas() fig = odf_pd, x=col, y="event_rate", text=odf_pd["event_rate"].apply(lambda x: "{0:1.2f}%".format(x)), color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.update_traces(textposition="outside") fig.update_layout( title_text=str( "Event Rate Distribution for " + str(col.upper()) + str(" [Target Variable : " + str(event_label) + str("]")) ) ) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # plotly.offline.plot(fig, auto_open=False, validate=False, filename=f"{base_loc}/{file_name_}feat_analysis_label.html") return fig
def plot_frequency(spark, idf, col, cutoffs_path)
- Spark Session
- Input dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histograms
- Analysis column
- Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column
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def plot_frequency(spark, idf, col, cutoffs_path): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe which would be referred for producing the frequency charts in form of bar plots / histograms col Analysis column cutoffs_path Path containing the range cut offs details for the analysis column Returns ------- """ odf = ( idf.groupBy(col) .count() .withColumn( "count_%", 100 * (F.col("count") / F.sum("count").over(Window.partitionBy())), ) .withColumn(col, f_edit_binRange(col)) ) if col in cat_cols: odf_pd = odf.orderBy("count", ascending=False).toPandas().fillna("Missing") odf_pd.loc[odf_pd[col] == "others", col] = "others*" if col in num_cols: mapping = binRange_to_binIdx(spark, col, cutoffs_path) odf_pd = ( odf.join(mapping, col, "left_outer") .orderBy("bin_idx") .toPandas() .fillna("Missing") ) fig = odf_pd, x=col, y="count", text=odf_pd["count_%"].apply(lambda x: "{0:1.2f}%".format(x)), color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.update_traces(textposition="outside") fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Frequency Distribution for " + str(col.upper()))) fig.update_xaxes(type="category") # fig.update_layout(barmode='stack', xaxis={'categoryorder':'total descending'}) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # plotly.offline.plot(fig, auto_open=False, validate=False, filename=f"{base_loc}/{file_name_}bar_graph.html") return fig
def plot_outlier(spark, idf, col, split_var=None, sample_size=500000)
- Spark Session
- Input dataframe which would be referred for capturing the outliers in form of violin charts
- Analysis column
- Column which is needed. Default value is kept as None
- Maximum Sample size. Default value is kept as 500000
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def plot_outlier(spark, idf, col, split_var=None, sample_size=500000): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input dataframe which would be referred for capturing the outliers in form of violin charts col Analysis column split_var Column which is needed. Default value is kept as None sample_size Maximum Sample size. Default value is kept as 500000 Returns ------- """ idf_sample = False, min(1.0, float(sample_size) / idf.count()), 0 ) idf_sample.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK).count() idf_imputed = imputation_MMM(spark, idf_sample) idf_pd = idf_imputed.toPandas() fig = px.violin( idf_pd, y=col, color=split_var, box=True, points="outliers", color_discrete_sequence=[global_theme_r[8], global_theme_r[4]], ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) return fig
def save_stats(spark, idf, master_path, function_name, reread=False, run_type='local', mlflow_config=None, auth_key='NA')
- Spark Session
- input dataframe
- Path to master folder under which all statistics will be saved in a csv file format.
- Function Name for which statistics need to be saved. file name will be saved as csv
- option to reread. Default value is kept as False
- local or emr or databricks or ak8s based on the mode of execution. Default value is kept as local
- MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled.
- Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA"
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def save_stats( spark, idf, master_path, function_name, reread=False, run_type="local", mlflow_config=None, auth_key="NA", ): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf input dataframe master_path Path to master folder under which all statistics will be saved in a csv file format. function_name Function Name for which statistics need to be saved. file name will be saved as csv reread option to reread. Default value is kept as False run_type local or emr or databricks or ak8s based on the mode of execution. Default value is kept as local mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- """ if run_type == "local": local_path = master_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(master_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") local_path = ( local_path + "/" + mlflow_config["run_id"] if mlflow_config is not None and mlflow_config.get("track_reports", False) else local_path ) Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) idf.toPandas().to_csv(ends_with(local_path) + function_name + ".csv", index=False) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifact(local_path) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp " + ends_with(local_path) + function_name + ".csv " + ends_with(master_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + function_name + '.csv" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '"' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if reread: odf = ends_with(master_path) + function_name + ".csv", header=True, inferSchema=True, ) return odf