This module generates the intermediate output specific to the inspection of Time series analysis.
As a part of generation of final output, there are various functions created such as -
- ts_processed_feats
- ts_eligiblity_check
- ts_viz_data
- ts_analyzer
- daypart_cat
Respective functions have sections containing the detailed definition of the parameters used for computing.
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# coding=utf-8 """This module generates the intermediate output specific to the inspection of Time series analysis. As a part of generation of final output, there are various functions created such as - - ts_processed_feats - ts_eligiblity_check - ts_viz_data - ts_analyzer - daypart_cat Respective functions have sections containing the detailed definition of the parameters used for computing. """ import calendar from anovos.shared.utils import ( attributeType_segregation, ends_with, output_to_local, path_ak8s_modify, ) from anovos.data_analyzer.stats_generator import measures_of_percentiles from anovos.data_ingest.ts_auto_detection import ts_preprocess from anovos.data_transformer.datetime import ( timeUnits_extraction, unix_to_timestamp, lagged_ts, ) import csv import datetime import io import os import re import subprocess import warnings from pathlib import Path import dateutil.parser import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyspark from loguru import logger from pyspark.sql import Window from pyspark.sql import functions as F from pyspark.sql import types as T from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose def daypart_cat(column): """ This functioin helps to convert the input hour part into the respective day parts. The different dayparts are Early Hours, Work Hours, Late Hours, Commuting Hours, Other Hours based on the hour value. Parameters ---------- column Reads the column containing the hour part and converts into respective day part Returns ------- String """ # calculate hour buckets after adding local timezone if column is None: return "Missing_NA" elif (column >= 4) and (column < 7): return "early_hours" elif (column >= 10) and (column < 17): return "work_hours" elif (column >= 23) or (column < 4): return "late_hours" elif ((column >= 7) and (column < 10)) or ((column >= 17) and (column < 20)): return "commuting_hours" else: return "other_hours" f_daypart_cat = F.udf(daypart_cat, T.StringType()) def ts_processed_feats(idf, col, id_col, tz, cnt_row, cnt_unique_id): """ This function helps to extract time units from the input dataframe on a processed column being timestamp / date. Parameters ---------- idf Input dataframe col Column belonging to timestamp / date id_col ID column tz Timezone offset cnt_row Count of rows present in the Input dataframe cnt_unique_id Count of unique records present in the Input dataframe Returns ------- DataFrame """ if cnt_row == cnt_unique_id: odf = ( timeUnits_extraction( idf, col, "all", output_mode="append", ) .withColumn("yyyymmdd_col", F.to_date(col)) .orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") .withColumn("daypart_cat", f_daypart_cat(F.col(col + "_hour"))) .withColumn( "week_cat", F.when(F.col(col + "_dayofweek") > 5, F.lit("weekend")).otherwise( "weekday" ), ) .withColumnRenamed(col + "_dayofweek", "dow") ) return odf else: odf = ( timeUnits_extraction( idf, col, "all", output_mode="append", ) .withColumn("yyyymmdd_col", F.to_date(col)) .orderBy(id_col, "yyyymmdd_col") .withColumn("daypart_cat", f_daypart_cat(F.col(col + "_hour"))) .withColumn( "week_cat", F.when(F.col(col + "_dayofweek") > 5, F.lit("weekend")).otherwise( "weekday" ), ) .withColumnRenamed(col + "_dayofweek", "dow") ) return odf def ts_eligiblity_check(spark, idf, id_col, opt=1, tz_offset="local"): """ This function helps to extract various metrics which can help to understand the nature of timestamp / date column for a given dataset. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column opt Option to choose between [1,2]. 1 is kept as default. Based on the user input, the specific aggregation of data will happen. tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". Returns ------- DataFrame """ lagged_df = lagged_ts( idf.select("yyyymmdd_col").distinct().orderBy("yyyymmdd_col"), "yyyymmdd_col", lag=1, tsdiff_unit="days", output_mode="append", ).orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") diff_lagged_df = list( np.around( lagged_df.withColumn( "daydiff", F.datediff("yyyymmdd_col", "yyyymmdd_col_lag1") ) .where(F.col("daydiff").isNotNull()) .groupBy() .agg( F.mean("daydiff").alias("mean"), F.variance("daydiff").alias("variance"), F.stddev("daydiff").alias("stdev"), ) .withColumn("coef_of_var_lag", F.col("stdev") / F.col("mean")) .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect(), 3, ) ) p1 = measures_of_percentiles( spark, idf.groupBy(id_col).agg(F.countDistinct("yyyymmdd_col").alias("id_date_pair")), list_of_cols="id_date_pair", ) p2 = measures_of_percentiles( spark, idf.groupBy("yyyymmdd_col").agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("date_id_pair")), list_of_cols="date_id_pair", ) if opt == 1: odf = p1.union(p2).toPandas() return odf else: odf = idf m = ( odf.groupBy("yyyymmdd_col") .count() .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .collect() ) mode = str(m[0][0]) + " [" + str(m[0][1]) + "]" missing_vals = odf.where(F.col("yyyymmdd_col").isNull()).count() odf = ( odf.groupBy() .agg( F.countDistinct("yyyymmdd_col").alias("count_unique_dates"), F.min("yyyymmdd_col").alias("min_date"), F.max("yyyymmdd_col").alias("max_date"), ) .withColumn("modal_date", F.lit(mode)) .withColumn("date_diff", F.datediff("max_date", "min_date")) .withColumn("missing_date", F.lit(missing_vals)) .withColumn("mean", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[0])) .withColumn("variance", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[1])) .withColumn("stdev", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[2])) .withColumn("cov", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[3])) .toPandas() ) return odf def ts_viz_data( idf, x_col, y_col, id_col, tz_offset="local", output_mode="append", output_type="daily", n_cat=10, ): """ This function helps to produce the processed dataframe with the relevant aggregation at the time frequency chosen for a given column as seen against the timestamp / date column. Parameters ---------- idf Input Dataframe x_col Timestamp / Date column as set in the X-Axis y_col Numerical & Categorical column as set in the Y-Axis id_col ID Column tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". output_mode Option to choose between Append or Replace. If the option Append is selected, the column names are Appended by "_ts" else it's replaced by the original column name output_type Option to choose between "Daily" or "Weekly" or "Hourly". Daily is chosen as default. If "Daily" is selected as the output type, the daily view is populated ; If it's "Hourly", the view is shown at a Day part level. However, if it's "Weekly", then the display it per individual week days (1-7) as captured. n_cat For categorical columns whose cardinality is beyond N, the Top N categories are chosen, beyond which the categories are grouped as Others. Returns ------- DataFrame """ y_col_org = y_col y_col = y_col.replace("-", "_") idf = idf.withColumnRenamed(y_col_org, y_col) for i in idf.dtypes: if y_col == i[0]: y_col_dtype = i[1] if y_col_dtype == "string": top_cat = list( idf.groupBy(y_col) .count() .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(int(n_cat)) .select(y_col) .toPandas()[y_col] .values ) idf = idf.withColumn( y_col, F.when(F.col(y_col).isin(top_cat), F.col(y_col)).otherwise(F.lit("Others")), ) if output_type == "daily": odf = ( idf.groupBy(y_col, "yyyymmdd_col") .agg(F.count(y_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") .withColumnRenamed("yyyymmdd_col", x_col) .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "hourly": odf = ( idf.groupBy(y_col, "daypart_cat") .agg(F.count(y_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("daypart_cat") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "weekly": odf = ( idf.groupBy(y_col, "dow") .agg(F.count(y_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("dow") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) return odf else: if output_type == "daily": odf = ( idf.groupBy("yyyymmdd_col") .agg( F.min(y_col).alias("min"), F.max(y_col).alias("max"), F.mean(y_col).alias("mean"), F.expr("percentile(" + y_col + ", array(0.5))")[0].alias("median"), ) .orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") .withColumnRenamed("yyyymmdd_col", x_col) .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "hourly": odf = ( idf.groupBy("daypart_cat") .agg( F.min(y_col).alias("min"), F.max(y_col).alias("max"), F.mean(y_col).alias("mean"), F.expr("percentile(" + y_col + ", array(0.5))")[0].alias("median"), ) .orderBy("daypart_cat") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "weekly": odf = ( idf.groupBy("dow") .agg( F.min(y_col).alias("min"), F.max(y_col).alias("max"), F.mean(y_col).alias("mean"), F.expr("percentile(" + y_col + ", array(0.5))")[0].alias("median"), ) .orderBy("dow") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) return odf def ts_analyzer( spark, idf, id_col, max_days, output_path, output_type="daily", tz_offset="local", run_type="local", auth_key="NA", ): """ This function helps to produce the processed output in an aggregate form considering the input dataframe with processed timestamp / date column. The aggregation happens across Mean, Median, Min & Max for the Numerical / Categorical column. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input Dataframe id_col ID Column max_days Max days upto which the data will be aggregated. If we've a dataset containing a timestamp / date field with very high number of unique dates (Let's say beyond 20 years worth of daily data), a maximum days value chosen basis which the latest output is displayed. output_path Output path where the intermediate data is going to be saved output_type Option to choose between "Daily" or "Weekly" or "Hourly". Daily is chosen as default. If "Daily" is selected as the output type, the daily view is populated ; If it's "Hourly", the view is shown at a Day part level. However, if it's "Weekly", then the display it per individual week days (1-7) as captured. tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". run_type Option to choose between run type "local" or "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "Local". auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- Output[CSV] """ if run_type == "local": local_path = output_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(output_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) num_cols = [x for x in num_cols if x not in [id_col]] cat_cols = [x for x in cat_cols if x not in [id_col]] ts_loop_cols_post = [x[0] for x in idf.dtypes if x[1] in ["timestamp", "date"]] cnt_row = idf.count() cnt_unique_id = idf.select(id_col).distinct().count() for i in ts_loop_cols_post: ts_processed_feat_df = ts_processed_feats( idf, i, id_col, tz_offset, cnt_row, cnt_unique_id ) ts_processed_feat_df.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) # for j in range(1, 3): # f = ts_eligiblity_check( # spark, # ts_processed_feat_df, # id_col=id_col, # opt=j, # tz_offset=tz_offset, # ) # f.to_csv( # ends_with(local_path) + "stats_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j) + ".csv", # index=False, # ) f1 = ts_eligiblity_check( spark, ts_processed_feat_df, id_col=id_col, opt=1, tz_offset=tz_offset ) f1.to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + "stats_" + str(i) + "_" + str(1) + ".csv", index=False, ) f2 = ts_eligiblity_check( spark, ts_processed_feat_df, id_col=id_col, opt=2, tz_offset=tz_offset ) f2.to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + "stats_" + str(i) + "_" + str(2) + ".csv", index=False, ) for k in [num_cols, cat_cols]: for l in k: for m in [output_type]: f = ( ts_viz_data( ts_processed_feat_df, i, l, id_col=id_col, tz_offset=tz_offset, output_mode="append", output_type=m, n_cat=10, ) .tail(int(max_days)) .dropna() ) f.to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + i + "_" + l + "_" + m + ".csv", index=False, ) ts_processed_feat_df.unpersist() if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(output_path) ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true ' ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def daypart_cat(column)
This functioin helps to convert the input hour part into the respective day parts. The different dayparts are Early Hours, Work Hours, Late Hours, Commuting Hours, Other Hours based on the hour value.
- Reads the column containing the hour part and converts into respective day part
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def daypart_cat(column): """ This functioin helps to convert the input hour part into the respective day parts. The different dayparts are Early Hours, Work Hours, Late Hours, Commuting Hours, Other Hours based on the hour value. Parameters ---------- column Reads the column containing the hour part and converts into respective day part Returns ------- String """ # calculate hour buckets after adding local timezone if column is None: return "Missing_NA" elif (column >= 4) and (column < 7): return "early_hours" elif (column >= 10) and (column < 17): return "work_hours" elif (column >= 23) or (column < 4): return "late_hours" elif ((column >= 7) and (column < 10)) or ((column >= 17) and (column < 20)): return "commuting_hours" else: return "other_hours"
def f_daypart_cat(column)
This functioin helps to convert the input hour part into the respective day parts. The different dayparts are Early Hours, Work Hours, Late Hours, Commuting Hours, Other Hours based on the hour value.
- Reads the column containing the hour part and converts into respective day part
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def daypart_cat(column): """ This functioin helps to convert the input hour part into the respective day parts. The different dayparts are Early Hours, Work Hours, Late Hours, Commuting Hours, Other Hours based on the hour value. Parameters ---------- column Reads the column containing the hour part and converts into respective day part Returns ------- String """ # calculate hour buckets after adding local timezone if column is None: return "Missing_NA" elif (column >= 4) and (column < 7): return "early_hours" elif (column >= 10) and (column < 17): return "work_hours" elif (column >= 23) or (column < 4): return "late_hours" elif ((column >= 7) and (column < 10)) or ((column >= 17) and (column < 20)): return "commuting_hours" else: return "other_hours"
def ts_analyzer(spark, idf, id_col, max_days, output_path, output_type='daily', tz_offset='local', run_type='local', auth_key='NA')
This function helps to produce the processed output in an aggregate form considering the input dataframe with processed timestamp / date column. The aggregation happens across Mean, Median, Min & Max for the Numerical / Categorical column.
- Spark session
- Input Dataframe
- ID Column
- Max days upto which the data will be aggregated. If we've a dataset containing a timestamp / date field with very high number of unique dates (Let's say beyond 20 years worth of daily data), a maximum days value chosen basis which the latest output is displayed.
- Output path where the intermediate data is going to be saved
- Option to choose between "Daily" or "Weekly" or "Hourly". Daily is chosen as default. If "Daily" is selected as the output type, the daily view is populated ; If it's "Hourly", the view is shown at a Day part level. However, if it's "Weekly", then the display it per individual week days (1-7) as captured.
- Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local".
- Option to choose between run type "local" or "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "Local".
- Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA"
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def ts_analyzer( spark, idf, id_col, max_days, output_path, output_type="daily", tz_offset="local", run_type="local", auth_key="NA", ): """ This function helps to produce the processed output in an aggregate form considering the input dataframe with processed timestamp / date column. The aggregation happens across Mean, Median, Min & Max for the Numerical / Categorical column. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input Dataframe id_col ID Column max_days Max days upto which the data will be aggregated. If we've a dataset containing a timestamp / date field with very high number of unique dates (Let's say beyond 20 years worth of daily data), a maximum days value chosen basis which the latest output is displayed. output_path Output path where the intermediate data is going to be saved output_type Option to choose between "Daily" or "Weekly" or "Hourly". Daily is chosen as default. If "Daily" is selected as the output type, the daily view is populated ; If it's "Hourly", the view is shown at a Day part level. However, if it's "Weekly", then the display it per individual week days (1-7) as captured. tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". run_type Option to choose between run type "local" or "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "Local". auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- Output[CSV] """ if run_type == "local": local_path = output_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(output_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) num_cols = [x for x in num_cols if x not in [id_col]] cat_cols = [x for x in cat_cols if x not in [id_col]] ts_loop_cols_post = [x[0] for x in idf.dtypes if x[1] in ["timestamp", "date"]] cnt_row = idf.count() cnt_unique_id = idf.select(id_col).distinct().count() for i in ts_loop_cols_post: ts_processed_feat_df = ts_processed_feats( idf, i, id_col, tz_offset, cnt_row, cnt_unique_id ) ts_processed_feat_df.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) # for j in range(1, 3): # f = ts_eligiblity_check( # spark, # ts_processed_feat_df, # id_col=id_col, # opt=j, # tz_offset=tz_offset, # ) # f.to_csv( # ends_with(local_path) + "stats_" + str(i) + "_" + str(j) + ".csv", # index=False, # ) f1 = ts_eligiblity_check( spark, ts_processed_feat_df, id_col=id_col, opt=1, tz_offset=tz_offset ) f1.to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + "stats_" + str(i) + "_" + str(1) + ".csv", index=False, ) f2 = ts_eligiblity_check( spark, ts_processed_feat_df, id_col=id_col, opt=2, tz_offset=tz_offset ) f2.to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + "stats_" + str(i) + "_" + str(2) + ".csv", index=False, ) for k in [num_cols, cat_cols]: for l in k: for m in [output_type]: f = ( ts_viz_data( ts_processed_feat_df, i, l, id_col=id_col, tz_offset=tz_offset, output_mode="append", output_type=m, n_cat=10, ) .tail(int(max_days)) .dropna() ) f.to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + i + "_" + l + "_" + m + ".csv", index=False, ) ts_processed_feat_df.unpersist() if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(output_path) ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true ' ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def ts_eligiblity_check(spark, idf, id_col, opt=1, tz_offset='local')
This function helps to extract various metrics which can help to understand the nature of timestamp / date column for a given dataset.
- Spark session
- Input dataframe
- ID Column
- Option to choose between [1,2]. 1 is kept as default. Based on the user input, the specific aggregation of data will happen.
- Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local".
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def ts_eligiblity_check(spark, idf, id_col, opt=1, tz_offset="local"): """ This function helps to extract various metrics which can help to understand the nature of timestamp / date column for a given dataset. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column opt Option to choose between [1,2]. 1 is kept as default. Based on the user input, the specific aggregation of data will happen. tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". Returns ------- DataFrame """ lagged_df = lagged_ts( idf.select("yyyymmdd_col").distinct().orderBy("yyyymmdd_col"), "yyyymmdd_col", lag=1, tsdiff_unit="days", output_mode="append", ).orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") diff_lagged_df = list( np.around( lagged_df.withColumn( "daydiff", F.datediff("yyyymmdd_col", "yyyymmdd_col_lag1") ) .where(F.col("daydiff").isNotNull()) .groupBy() .agg( F.mean("daydiff").alias("mean"), F.variance("daydiff").alias("variance"), F.stddev("daydiff").alias("stdev"), ) .withColumn("coef_of_var_lag", F.col("stdev") / F.col("mean")) .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect(), 3, ) ) p1 = measures_of_percentiles( spark, idf.groupBy(id_col).agg(F.countDistinct("yyyymmdd_col").alias("id_date_pair")), list_of_cols="id_date_pair", ) p2 = measures_of_percentiles( spark, idf.groupBy("yyyymmdd_col").agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("date_id_pair")), list_of_cols="date_id_pair", ) if opt == 1: odf = p1.union(p2).toPandas() return odf else: odf = idf m = ( odf.groupBy("yyyymmdd_col") .count() .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .collect() ) mode = str(m[0][0]) + " [" + str(m[0][1]) + "]" missing_vals = odf.where(F.col("yyyymmdd_col").isNull()).count() odf = ( odf.groupBy() .agg( F.countDistinct("yyyymmdd_col").alias("count_unique_dates"), F.min("yyyymmdd_col").alias("min_date"), F.max("yyyymmdd_col").alias("max_date"), ) .withColumn("modal_date", F.lit(mode)) .withColumn("date_diff", F.datediff("max_date", "min_date")) .withColumn("missing_date", F.lit(missing_vals)) .withColumn("mean", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[0])) .withColumn("variance", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[1])) .withColumn("stdev", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[2])) .withColumn("cov", F.lit(diff_lagged_df[3])) .toPandas() ) return odf
def ts_processed_feats(idf, col, id_col, tz, cnt_row, cnt_unique_id)
This function helps to extract time units from the input dataframe on a processed column being timestamp / date.
- Input dataframe
- Column belonging to timestamp / date
- ID column
- Timezone offset
- Count of rows present in the Input dataframe
- Count of unique records present in the Input dataframe
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def ts_processed_feats(idf, col, id_col, tz, cnt_row, cnt_unique_id): """ This function helps to extract time units from the input dataframe on a processed column being timestamp / date. Parameters ---------- idf Input dataframe col Column belonging to timestamp / date id_col ID column tz Timezone offset cnt_row Count of rows present in the Input dataframe cnt_unique_id Count of unique records present in the Input dataframe Returns ------- DataFrame """ if cnt_row == cnt_unique_id: odf = ( timeUnits_extraction( idf, col, "all", output_mode="append", ) .withColumn("yyyymmdd_col", F.to_date(col)) .orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") .withColumn("daypart_cat", f_daypart_cat(F.col(col + "_hour"))) .withColumn( "week_cat", F.when(F.col(col + "_dayofweek") > 5, F.lit("weekend")).otherwise( "weekday" ), ) .withColumnRenamed(col + "_dayofweek", "dow") ) return odf else: odf = ( timeUnits_extraction( idf, col, "all", output_mode="append", ) .withColumn("yyyymmdd_col", F.to_date(col)) .orderBy(id_col, "yyyymmdd_col") .withColumn("daypart_cat", f_daypart_cat(F.col(col + "_hour"))) .withColumn( "week_cat", F.when(F.col(col + "_dayofweek") > 5, F.lit("weekend")).otherwise( "weekday" ), ) .withColumnRenamed(col + "_dayofweek", "dow") ) return odf
def ts_viz_data(idf, x_col, y_col, id_col, tz_offset='local', output_mode='append', output_type='daily', n_cat=10)
This function helps to produce the processed dataframe with the relevant aggregation at the time frequency chosen for a given column as seen against the timestamp / date column.
- Input Dataframe
- Timestamp / Date column as set in the X-Axis
- Numerical & Categorical column as set in the Y-Axis
- ID Column
- Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local".
- Option to choose between Append or Replace. If the option Append is selected, the column names are Appended by "_ts" else it's replaced by the original column name
- Option to choose between "Daily" or "Weekly" or "Hourly". Daily is chosen as default. If "Daily" is selected as the output type, the daily view is populated ; If it's "Hourly", the view is shown at a Day part level. However, if it's "Weekly", then the display it per individual week days (1-7) as captured.
- For categorical columns whose cardinality is beyond N, the Top N categories are chosen, beyond which the categories are grouped as Others.
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def ts_viz_data( idf, x_col, y_col, id_col, tz_offset="local", output_mode="append", output_type="daily", n_cat=10, ): """ This function helps to produce the processed dataframe with the relevant aggregation at the time frequency chosen for a given column as seen against the timestamp / date column. Parameters ---------- idf Input Dataframe x_col Timestamp / Date column as set in the X-Axis y_col Numerical & Categorical column as set in the Y-Axis id_col ID Column tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". output_mode Option to choose between Append or Replace. If the option Append is selected, the column names are Appended by "_ts" else it's replaced by the original column name output_type Option to choose between "Daily" or "Weekly" or "Hourly". Daily is chosen as default. If "Daily" is selected as the output type, the daily view is populated ; If it's "Hourly", the view is shown at a Day part level. However, if it's "Weekly", then the display it per individual week days (1-7) as captured. n_cat For categorical columns whose cardinality is beyond N, the Top N categories are chosen, beyond which the categories are grouped as Others. Returns ------- DataFrame """ y_col_org = y_col y_col = y_col.replace("-", "_") idf = idf.withColumnRenamed(y_col_org, y_col) for i in idf.dtypes: if y_col == i[0]: y_col_dtype = i[1] if y_col_dtype == "string": top_cat = list( idf.groupBy(y_col) .count() .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(int(n_cat)) .select(y_col) .toPandas()[y_col] .values ) idf = idf.withColumn( y_col, F.when(F.col(y_col).isin(top_cat), F.col(y_col)).otherwise(F.lit("Others")), ) if output_type == "daily": odf = ( idf.groupBy(y_col, "yyyymmdd_col") .agg(F.count(y_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") .withColumnRenamed("yyyymmdd_col", x_col) .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "hourly": odf = ( idf.groupBy(y_col, "daypart_cat") .agg(F.count(y_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("daypart_cat") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "weekly": odf = ( idf.groupBy(y_col, "dow") .agg(F.count(y_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("dow") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) return odf else: if output_type == "daily": odf = ( idf.groupBy("yyyymmdd_col") .agg( F.min(y_col).alias("min"), F.max(y_col).alias("max"), F.mean(y_col).alias("mean"), F.expr("percentile(" + y_col + ", array(0.5))")[0].alias("median"), ) .orderBy("yyyymmdd_col") .withColumnRenamed("yyyymmdd_col", x_col) .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "hourly": odf = ( idf.groupBy("daypart_cat") .agg( F.min(y_col).alias("min"), F.max(y_col).alias("max"), F.mean(y_col).alias("mean"), F.expr("percentile(" + y_col + ", array(0.5))")[0].alias("median"), ) .orderBy("daypart_cat") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) elif output_type == "weekly": odf = ( idf.groupBy("dow") .agg( F.min(y_col).alias("min"), F.max(y_col).alias("max"), F.mean(y_col).alias("mean"), F.expr("percentile(" + y_col + ", array(0.5))")[0].alias("median"), ) .orderBy("dow") .withColumnRenamed(y_col, y_col_org) .toPandas() ) return odf