This module help produce the output containing a transformation through auto timestamp / date detection by reading the ingested dataframe from source.
As a part of generation of the auto detection output, there are various functions created such as -
- regex_date_time_parser
- ts_loop_cols_pre
- ts_preprocess
Respective functions have sections containing the detailed definition of the parameters used for computing.
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# coding=utf-8 """This module help produce the output containing a transformation through auto timestamp / date detection by reading the ingested dataframe from source. As a part of generation of the auto detection output, there are various functions created such as - - regex_date_time_parser - ts_loop_cols_pre - ts_preprocess Respective functions have sections containing the detailed definition of the parameters used for computing. """ import calendar import csv import datetime import io import os import re import subprocess import warnings from pathlib import Path import dateutil.parser import mlflow import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyspark from loguru import logger from pyspark.sql import Window from pyspark.sql import functions as F from pyspark.sql import types as T from anovos.data_analyzer.stats_generator import measures_of_percentiles from anovos.data_transformer.datetime import ( lagged_ts, timeUnits_extraction, unix_to_timestamp, ) from anovos.shared.utils import ( attributeType_segregation, ends_with, output_to_local, path_ak8s_modify, ) ###regex based ts parser function def regex_date_time_parser( spark, idf, id_col, col, tz, val_unique_cat, trans_cat, save_output=None, output_mode="replace", ): """ This function helps to produce the transformed output in timestamp (if auto-detected) based on the input data. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column col Column passed for Auto detection of Timestamp / date type tz Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC). Default option is set as "Local". val_unique_cat Maximum character length of the field. trans_cat Custom data type basis which further processing will be conditioned. save_output Output path where the transformed ddata can be saved output_mode Option to choose between Append or Replace. If the option Append is selected, the column names are Appended by "_ts" else it's replaced by the original column name Returns ------- DataFrame """ REGEX_PARTS = { "Y": r"(?:19[4-9]\d|20[0-3]\d)", # 1940 to 2039 "y": r"(?:\d\d)", # 00 to 99 "m": r"(?:1[012]|0?[1-9])", # 0?1 to 12 "mz": r"(?:1[012]|0[1-9])", # 01 to 12 "B": r"(?:" r"D?JAN(?:UAR[IY])?|" r"[FP]EB(?:RUAR[IY])?|" r"MAC|MAR(?:CH|ET)?|MRT|" r"APR(?:IL)?|" r"M[EA]I|MAY|" r"JUNE?|D?JUNI?|" r"JUL(?:Y|AI)?|D?JULI?|" r"OG(?:OS)?|AUG(?:UST)?|AGT?(?:USTUS)?|" r"SEP(?:T(?:EMBER)?)?|" r"O[KC]T(?:OBER)?|" r"NO[VP](?:EMBER)?|" r"D[EI][SC](?:EMBER)?" r")", "d": r"(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])", # 0?1 to 31 "d_range": r"(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])(?: ?[-] ?(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9]))?", # 14-15 "dz": r"(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0[1-9])", # 01 to 31 "j": r"(?:36[0-6]|3[0-5]\d|[12]\d\d|0?[1-9]\d|0?0?[1-9])", # 0?0?1 to 366 "H": r"(?:2[0-4]|[01]?\d)", # 0?0 to 24 "HZ": r"(?:2[0-4]|[01]\d)", # 0?0 to 24 "I": r"(?:1[012]|0?[1-9])", # 0?1 to 12 "M": r"(?:[1-5]\d|0\d)", # 00 to 59 "S": r"(?:6[01]|[0-5]\d)", # 00 to 61 (leap second) "p": r"(?:MIDNI(?:GHT|TE)|AFTERNOON|MORNING|NOON|[MN]N|H(?:(?:OU)?RS?)?|[AP]\.? ?M\.?)", "p2": r"(?:MIDNI(?:GHT|TE)|NOON|[AP]\.? ?M\.?)", "Z": r"(?:A(?:C(?:DT|ST|T|WST)|DT|E(?:DT|ST)|FT|K(?:DT|ST)|M(?:ST|T)|RT|ST|WST" r"|Z(?:O(?:ST|T)|T))|B(?:DT|I(?:OT|T)|OT|R(?:ST|T)|ST|TT)|C(?:AT|CT|DT|E(" r"?:ST|T)|H(?:A(?:DT|ST)|O(?:ST|T)|ST|UT)|I(?:ST|T)|KT|L(?:ST|T)|O(?:ST|T" r")|ST|T|VT|WST|XT)|D(?:AVT|DUT|FT)|E(?:A(?:S(?:ST|T)|T)|CT|DT|E(?:ST|T)|" r"G(?:ST|T)|IT|ST)|F(?:ET|JT|K(?:ST|T)|NT)|G(?:A(?:LT|MT)|ET|FT|I(?:LT|T)" r"|MT|ST|YT)|H(?:AEC|DT|KT|MT|OV(?:ST|T)|ST)|I(?:CT|D(?:LW|T)|OT|R(?:DT|K" r"T|ST)|ST)|JST|K(?:ALT|GT|OST|RAT|ST)|L(?:HST|INT)|M(?:A(?:GT|RT|WT)|DT|" r"E(?:ST|T)|HT|I(?:ST|T)|MT|S(?:K|T)|UT|VT|YT)|N(?:CT|DT|FT|PT|ST|T|UT|Z(" r"?:DT|ST))|O(?:MST|RAT)|P(?:DT|ET(?:T)?|GT|H(?:OT|T)|KT|M(?:DT|ST)|ONT|S" r"T|Y(?:ST|T))|R(?:ET|OTT)|S(?:A(?:KT|MT|ST)|BT|CT|DT|GT|LST|R(?:ET|T)|ST" r"|YOT)|T(?:AHT|FT|HA|JT|KT|LT|MT|OT|RT|VT)|U(?:LA(?:ST|T)|TC|Y(?:ST|T)|Z" r"T)|V(?:ET|LAT|O(?:LT|ST)|UT)|W(?:A(?:KT|ST|T)|E(?:ST|T)|IT|ST)|Y(?:AKT|" r"EKT))", # FROM: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_time_zone_abbreviations "z": r"(?:[+-](?:0\d|1[0-4]):?(?:00|15|30|45))", # [+-] 00:00 to 14:45 "A": r"(?:" r"MON(?:DAY)?|(?:IS|SE)N(?:[IE]N)?|" r"TUE(?:S(?:DAY)?)?|SEL(?:ASA)?|" r"WED(?:NESDAY)?|RABU?|" r"THU(?:RS(?:DAY)?)?|KH?A(?:M(?:IS)?)?|" r"FRI(?:DAY)?|JUM(?:[AM]A?T)?|" r"SAT(?:URDAY)?|SAB(?:TU)?|" r"SUN(?:DAY)?|AHA?D|MIN(?:GGU)?" r")", "th": r"(?:ST|ND|RD|TH|º)", } REGEX_PATTERNS_PARSERS = { # 14/8/1991 "dd_mm_YYYY_1": r"(?:{d}/{m}/{Y})", "dd_d2": r"(?:{d}\\{m}\\{Y})", "dd_mm_YYYY_3": r"(?:{d}[-]{m}[-]{Y})", "dd_mm_YYYY_4": r"(?:{d}\.{m}\.{Y})", # 'dd_mm_YYYY_5': r"(?:{d}{m}{Y})", # too many phone numbers "dd_mm_YYYY_6": r"(?:{d} ?{m} ?{Y})", "dd_mm_YYYY_7": r"(?:{dz}{mz}{Y})", # 14/8/91 "dd_mm_yy_1": r"(?:{d}/{m}/{y})", "dd_mm_yy_2": r"(?:{d}\\{m}\\{y})", "dd_mm_yy_3": r"(?:{d}[-]{m}[-]{y})", "dd_mm_yy_4": r"(?:{d}\.{m}\.{y})", # 'dd_mm_yy_5': r"(?:{dz}{mz}{y})", # too many phone numbers # 14 Aug, 1991 "dd_mmm_YYYY_1": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_2": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_3": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[-] ?{B} ?[ -] ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_4": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[ -]? ?{B} ?,? ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_5": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\. ?{B} ?\. ?{Y})", # 14 Aug '91 "dd_mmm_yy_1": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_2": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_3": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[-] ?{B} ?[-] ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_4": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[ -]? ?{B} ?,? ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_5": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\. ?{B} ?\. ?'?{y})", # 14th Aug "dd_mmm": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[/\\. -] ?{B})", # 08/14/1991 # WARNING! dateutil set to day first "mm_dd_YYYY_1": r"(?:{m}/{d}/{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_2": r"(?:{m}\\{d}\\{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_3": r"(?:{m}[-]{d}[-]{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_4": r"(?:{m} {d} {Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_5": r"(?:{m}\.{d}\.{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_6": r"(?:{mz}{dz}{Y})", # 8/14/91 # WARNING! dateutil set to day first "mm_dd_yy_1": r"(?:{m}/{d}/{y})", "mm_dd_yy_2": r"(?:{m}\\{d}\\{y})", "mm_dd_yy_3": r"(?:{m}[-]{d}[-]{y})", "mm_dd_yy_4": r"(?:{m}\.{d}\.{y})", # 'mm_dd_yy_5': r"(?:{mz}{dz}{y})", # too many phone numbers # Aug 14th, 1991 "mmm_dd_YYYY_1": r"(?:{B} ?/ ?{d}{th}? ?/ ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_2": r"(?:{B} ?\\ ?{d}{th}? ?\\ ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_3": r"(?:{B} ?[-] ?{d}{th}? ?[ -] ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_4": r"(?:{B} ?[ -]? ?{d}{th}? ?, ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_5": r"(?:{B} ?\. ?{d}{th}? ?\. ?{Y})", # Aug-14 '91 "mmm_dd_yy_1": r"(?:{B} ?/ ?{d}{th}? ?/ ?'?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_2": r"(?:{B} ?\\ ?{d}{th}? ?\\ ?'?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_3": r"(?:{B} ?[-] ?{d}{th}? ?[-] ?'?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_4": r"(?:{B} ?[. -]? ?{d}{th}?, '?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_5": r"(?:{B} ?\. ?{d}{th}? ?\. ?'?{y})", # Aug-14 # WARNING! dateutil assumes current year "mmm_dd": r"(?:{B} ?[/\\. -] ?{d}{th}?)", # # Aug-91 # 'mmm_yy': r"(?:{B} ?[/\\. -] ?'{y})", # too many false positives # August 1991 "mmm_YYYY": r"(?:{B} ?[/\\. -] ?{Y})", # many non-useful dates # 1991-8-14 "YYYY_mm_dd_1": r"(?:{Y}/{m}/{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_2": r"(?:{Y}\\{m}\\{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_3": r"(?:{Y}[-]{m}[-]{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_4": r"(?:{Y} {m} {d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_5": r"(?:{Y}\.{m}\.{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_6": r"(?:{Y}{mz}{dz})", # 910814 (ISO 8601) # 'yy_mm_dd_1': r"(?:{y} {m} {d})", # too many random numbers "yy_mm_dd_2": r"(?:{y}/{m}/{d})", "yy_mm_dd_3": r"(?:{y}\\{m}\\{d})", "yy_mm_dd_4": r"(?:{y}[-]{m}[-]{d})", "yy_mm_dd_5": r"(?:{y}\.{m}\.{d})", # 'yy_mm_dd_6': r"(?:{y}{mz}{dz})", # too many phone numbers # 1991-Aug-14 "YYYY_mmm_dd_1": r"(?:{Y} ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?{d})", "YYYY_mmm_dd_2": r"(?:{Y} ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?{d})", "YYYY_mmm_dd_3": r"(?:{Y} ?[-] ?{B} ?[-] ?{d})", "YYYY_mmm_dd_4": r"(?:{Y} ?{B} ?[ -]? ?{d}{th}?)", # 91-Aug-14 "yy_mmm_dd_1": r"(?:'?{y} ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?{d})", "yy_mmm_dd_2": r"(?:'?{y} ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?{d})", "yy_mmm_dd_3": r"(?:'?{y} ?[-] ?{B} ?[-] ?{d})", "yy_mmm_dd_4": r"(?:'?{y} ?{B} ?[ -]? ?{d}{th}?)", # # 1991.226 (Aug 14 = day 226 in 1991) # dateutil fails # 'YYYY_ddd_1': r"(?:{Y}\.{j})", # too many random numbers # 'YYYY_ddd_2': r"(?:{Y}[-]{j})", # too many random numbers # time "HH_MM_SS": r"(?:{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?{p})?(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_MZ_pp_1": r"(?:{H}:{M}(?: ?{p})?(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_MZ_pp_1b": r"(?:{H}[:. ]{M}(?: ?{p})(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_MZ_pp_2": r"(?:(?<!\.){HZ}[. ]?{M}(?: ?{p})(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_pp": r"(?:(?<!\.){H} ?{p2}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", # # 910814094500 (9:45am) # 'yy_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS': r"(?:{y}{mz}{dz}{H}{M}{S})", # too many phone numbers # 1991-08-14T09:45:00Z "YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM": r"(?:{Y}[-]{m}[-]{d}[T ]{H}:{M}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS_1": r"(?:{Y}[-]{m}[-]{d}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS_2": r"(?:{Y}{mz}{d}T?{H}{M}{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "YYYY_dd_mm_HH_MM_SS_3": r"(?:{Y}[-]{d}[-]{m}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "mm_dd_YYYY_HH_MM_SS_1": r"(?:{m}[-]{d}[-]{Y}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "dd_mm_YYYY_HH_MM_SS_1": r"(?:{d}[-]{m}[-]{Y}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", # # standalone # 'day': r"{A}", # too many false positives # 'month': r"{B}", # too many false positives # 'year': r"{Y}", # too many random numbers # 'timezone': r"(?:Z|{Z}|{z})", # too many malay words } # unicode fixes REGEX_FORMATTED = { label: "\\b" + pattern.format(**REGEX_PARTS) # fill in the chunks .replace("-]", "\u2009\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014-]") # unicode dashes .replace("'?", "['\u2018\u2019]?") # unicode quotes + "\\b" for label, pattern in REGEX_PATTERNS_PARSERS.items() } # match emails and urls to avoid returning chunks of them REGEX_FORMATTED[ "eml" ] = r"""[a-zA-Z0-9][^\s`!@%$^={}\[\]/\\"',()<>:;]+(?:@|%40|\s+at\s+|\s*<\s*at\s*>\s*)[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9~.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,15}""" REGEX_FORMATTED[ "url" ] = r"\b(?:(?:https?|ftp|file)://|www\d?\.|ftp\.)[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$?!:,.]*[A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$]" REGEX_FORMATTED["dot"] = r"(?:\d+\.){3,}\d+" # compile all the regex patterns REGEX_COMPILED = { label: re.compile(pattern, flags=re.I | re.U) for label, pattern in REGEX_FORMATTED.items() } if trans_cat == "dt": return idf elif (trans_cat in ["long_c", "bigint_c", "int_c"]) & ( int(val_unique_cat) in [10, 13] ): if int(val_unique_cat) == 10: precision = "s" elif int(val_unique_cat) == 13: precision = "ms" else: precision = "ms" output_df = unix_to_timestamp( spark, idf, col, precision=precision, tz=tz, output_mode=output_mode ).orderBy(id_col, col) if save_output is not None: output_df.write.parquet(save_output, mode="overwrite") else: return output_df elif trans_cat == "string": list_dates = list(set(idf.select(col).rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect())) def regex_text(text, longest=True, context_max_len=999, dayfirst=False): # join multiple spaces, convert tabs, strip leading/trailing whitespace if isinstance(text, str): pass else: raise ValueError("Incompatible Column Type!!") text = " ".join(text.split()) matches = [] for regex_label, regex_obj in REGEX_COMPILED.items(): for m in regex_obj.finditer(text): context_start = max(0, (m.start() + m.end() - context_max_len) // 2) context_end = min(len(text), context_start + context_max_len) context_str = text[context_start:context_end] if context_start != 0: context_str = "\u2026" + context_str[1:] if context_end != len(text): context_str = ( context_str[:-1] + "\u2026" ) # this is the `...` character parsed_date = None try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", category=dateutil.parser.UnknownTimezoneWarning, ) if "HH" in regex_label: if "dd" in regex_label or "YYYY" in regex_label: matched_text = re.sub(r"[\\]", "/", m.group()) parsed_date = dateutil.parser.parse( matched_text, dayfirst=dayfirst ) else: matched_text = re.sub( r"H(?:(?:OU)?RS?)?", "", m.group(), flags=re.I ) matched_text = re.sub( r"MN", r"AM", matched_text, flags=re.I ) matched_text = re.sub( r"NN", r"PM", matched_text, flags=re.I ) matched_text = re.sub( r"(\d)[. ](\d)", r"\1:\2", matched_text ) matched_text = f"1970-01-01 {matched_text}" parsed_date = dateutil.parser.parse( matched_text, dayfirst=dayfirst ) elif "dd" in regex_label or "YYYY" in regex_label: matched_text = re.sub(r"[\\]", "/", m.group()) parsed_date = dateutil.parser.parse( matched_text, dayfirst=dayfirst ) except ValueError: pass matches.append( { "REGEX_LABEL": regex_label, "MATCH": m.group(), "START": m.start(), "END": m.end(), "MATCH_LEN": m.end() - m.start(), "NORM_TEXT_LEN": len(text), "CONTEXT": context_str, "PARSED": parsed_date, } ) # narrow to longest match for match in matches: if not longest or all( (other["START"] >= match["START"] and other["END"] <= match["END"]) or other["START"] > match["END"] or other["END"] < match["START"] for other in matches ): # don't return emails or urls if match["REGEX_LABEL"] not in {"eml", "url", "dot"}: yield match bl = [] file_lines = list_dates for line_num, line in enumerate(file_lines): bl_int = [] for match_info in regex_text(line): try: ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se = ( match_info["PARSED"].year, match_info["PARSED"].month, match_info["PARSED"].day, match_info["PARSED"].hour, match_info["PARSED"].minute, match_info["PARSED"].second, ) if len(bl_int) == 0: bl_int = [ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se] else: if ye == 1970 and mo == 1 and da == 1: pass if ho + mi + se == 0: pass if ye > 1970: bl_int[0] = ye if mo > 0 and ye != 1970: bl_int[1] = mo if da > 0 and ye != 1970: bl_int[2] = da if ho > 0: bl_int[3] = ho if mi > 0: bl_int[4] = mi if se > 0: bl_int[5] = se else: pass except: pass bl.append( [ match_info["CONTEXT"], datetime.datetime( bl_int[0], bl_int[1], bl_int[2], bl_int[3], bl_int[4], bl_int[5], ), ] ) if len(bl) >= 1: columns = [col, col + "_ts"] # output_df = spark.createDataFrame(spark.parallelize(bl),columns) output_df = spark.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame(bl, columns=columns)) else: return idf elif trans_cat in ["string_c", "int_c"]: if int(val_unique_cat) == 4: output_df = idf.select(col).withColumn( col + "_ts", F.col(col).cast("string").cast("date") ) elif int(val_unique_cat) == 6: output_df = ( idf.select(col) .withColumn(col, F.concat(col, F.lit("01"))) .withColumn(col + "_ts", F.to_date(col, "yyyyMMdd")) ) elif int(val_unique_cat) == 8: f = ( idf.select( F.max(F.substring(col, 1, 4)), F.max(F.substring(col, 5, 2)), F.max(F.substring(col, 7, 2)), ) .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if int(f[1]) > 12: frmt = "yyyyddMM" elif int(f[2]) > 12: frmt = "yyyyMMdd" elif ( (int(f[0]) > 1970 & int(f[0]) < 2049) & (int(f[1]) > 0 & int(f[1]) <= 12) & (int(f[2]) > 0 & int(f[2]) <= 31) ): frmt = "yyyyMMdd" elif ( (int(f[0]) > 1970 & int(f[0]) < 2049) & (int(f[1]) > 0 & int(f[1]) <= 31) & (int(f[2]) > 0 & int(f[2]) <= 12) ): frmt = "yyyyddMM" else: return idf output_df = idf.select(F.col(col).cast("string")).withColumn( col + "_ts", F.to_date(col, frmt) ) else: return idf else: return idf # if ((output_df.where(F.col(col + "_ts").isNull()).count()) / output_df.count()) > 0.9: # return idf # else: # pass if output_mode == "replace": output_df = ( idf.join(output_df, col, "left_outer") .drop(col) .withColumnRenamed(col + "_ts", col) .orderBy(id_col, col) ) elif output_mode == "append": output_df = idf.join(output_df, col, "left_outer").orderBy(id_col, col + "_ts") else: return "Incorrect Output Mode Selected" if save_output: output_df.write.parquet(save_output, mode="overwrite") else: return output_df def ts_loop_cols_pre(idf, id_col): """ This function helps to analyze the potential columns which can be passed for the time series check. The columns are passed on to the auto-detection block. Parameters ---------- idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column Returns ------- Three lists """ lc1, lc2, lc3 = [], [], [] for i in idf.dtypes: try: col_len = ( idf.select(F.max(F.length(i[0]))).rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[0] ) except: col_len = 0 if idf.select(i[0]).dropna().distinct().count() == 0: lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("NA") lc3.append(col_len) elif ( (i[0] != id_col) & (idf.select(F.length(i[0])).distinct().count() == 1) & (col_len in [4, 6, 8, 10, 13]) ): if i[1] == "string": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("string_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif i[1] == "long": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("long_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif i[1] == "bigint": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("bigint_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif i[1] == "int": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("int_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif (i[0] != id_col) & (i[1] in ["string", "object"]): lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("string") lc3.append(col_len) elif (i[0] != id_col) & (i[1] in ["timestamp", "date"]): lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("dt") lc3.append(col_len) else: lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("NA") lc3.append(col_len) return lc1, lc2, lc3 def ts_preprocess( spark, idf, id_col, output_path, tz_offset="local", run_type="local", mlflow_config=None, auth_key="NA", ): """ This function helps to read the input spark dataframe as source and do all the necessary processing. All the intermediate data created through this step foro the Time Series Analyzer. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column output_path Output path where the data would be saved tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". run_type Option to choose between run type "local" or "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "local". mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for "ak8s" run_type. Returns ------- DataFrame,Output[CSV] """ if run_type == "local": local_path = output_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(output_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) ts_loop_col_dtls = ts_loop_cols_pre(idf, id_col) l1, l2 = [], [] for index, i in enumerate(ts_loop_col_dtls[1]): if i != "NA": l1.append(index) if i == "dt": l2.append(index) ts_loop_cols = [ts_loop_col_dtls[0][i] for i in l1] pre_exist_ts_cols = [ts_loop_col_dtls[0][i] for i in l2] for i in ts_loop_cols: try: idx = ts_loop_col_dtls[0].index(i) val_unique_cat = ts_loop_col_dtls[2][idx] trans_cat = ts_loop_col_dtls[1][idx] idf = regex_date_time_parser( spark, idf, id_col, i, tz_offset, val_unique_cat, trans_cat, save_output=None, output_mode="replace", ) idf.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) except: pass odf = idf.distinct() ts_loop_cols_post = [x[0] for x in idf.dtypes if x[1] in ["timestamp", "date"]] num_cols = [x for x in num_cols if x not in [id_col] + ts_loop_cols_post] cat_cols = [x for x in cat_cols if x not in [id_col] + ts_loop_cols_post] c1 = ts_loop_cols c2 = list(set(ts_loop_cols_post) - set(pre_exist_ts_cols)) c3 = pre_exist_ts_cols c4 = ts_loop_cols_post f = pd.DataFrame( [ [",".join(idf.columns)], [",".join(c1)], [",".join(c2)], [",".join(c3)], [",".join(c4)], [",".join(num_cols)], [",".join(cat_cols)], ], columns=["cols"], ) f.to_csv(ends_with(local_path) + "ts_cols_stats.csv", index=False) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifact(ends_with(local_path) + "ts_cols_stats.csv") if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(output_path) ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true ' ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) return odf
def regex_date_time_parser(spark, idf, id_col, col, tz, val_unique_cat, trans_cat, save_output=None, output_mode='replace')
This function helps to produce the transformed output in timestamp (if auto-detected) based on the input data.
- Spark session
- Input dataframe
- ID Column
- Column passed for Auto detection of Timestamp / date type
- Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC). Default option is set as "Local".
- Maximum character length of the field.
- Custom data type basis which further processing will be conditioned.
- Output path where the transformed ddata can be saved
- Option to choose between Append or Replace. If the option Append is selected, the column names are Appended by "_ts" else it's replaced by the original column name
Expand source code
def regex_date_time_parser( spark, idf, id_col, col, tz, val_unique_cat, trans_cat, save_output=None, output_mode="replace", ): """ This function helps to produce the transformed output in timestamp (if auto-detected) based on the input data. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column col Column passed for Auto detection of Timestamp / date type tz Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC). Default option is set as "Local". val_unique_cat Maximum character length of the field. trans_cat Custom data type basis which further processing will be conditioned. save_output Output path where the transformed ddata can be saved output_mode Option to choose between Append or Replace. If the option Append is selected, the column names are Appended by "_ts" else it's replaced by the original column name Returns ------- DataFrame """ REGEX_PARTS = { "Y": r"(?:19[4-9]\d|20[0-3]\d)", # 1940 to 2039 "y": r"(?:\d\d)", # 00 to 99 "m": r"(?:1[012]|0?[1-9])", # 0?1 to 12 "mz": r"(?:1[012]|0[1-9])", # 01 to 12 "B": r"(?:" r"D?JAN(?:UAR[IY])?|" r"[FP]EB(?:RUAR[IY])?|" r"MAC|MAR(?:CH|ET)?|MRT|" r"APR(?:IL)?|" r"M[EA]I|MAY|" r"JUNE?|D?JUNI?|" r"JUL(?:Y|AI)?|D?JULI?|" r"OG(?:OS)?|AUG(?:UST)?|AGT?(?:USTUS)?|" r"SEP(?:T(?:EMBER)?)?|" r"O[KC]T(?:OBER)?|" r"NO[VP](?:EMBER)?|" r"D[EI][SC](?:EMBER)?" r")", "d": r"(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])", # 0?1 to 31 "d_range": r"(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9])(?: ?[-] ?(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9]))?", # 14-15 "dz": r"(?:3[01]|[12]\d|0[1-9])", # 01 to 31 "j": r"(?:36[0-6]|3[0-5]\d|[12]\d\d|0?[1-9]\d|0?0?[1-9])", # 0?0?1 to 366 "H": r"(?:2[0-4]|[01]?\d)", # 0?0 to 24 "HZ": r"(?:2[0-4]|[01]\d)", # 0?0 to 24 "I": r"(?:1[012]|0?[1-9])", # 0?1 to 12 "M": r"(?:[1-5]\d|0\d)", # 00 to 59 "S": r"(?:6[01]|[0-5]\d)", # 00 to 61 (leap second) "p": r"(?:MIDNI(?:GHT|TE)|AFTERNOON|MORNING|NOON|[MN]N|H(?:(?:OU)?RS?)?|[AP]\.? ?M\.?)", "p2": r"(?:MIDNI(?:GHT|TE)|NOON|[AP]\.? ?M\.?)", "Z": r"(?:A(?:C(?:DT|ST|T|WST)|DT|E(?:DT|ST)|FT|K(?:DT|ST)|M(?:ST|T)|RT|ST|WST" r"|Z(?:O(?:ST|T)|T))|B(?:DT|I(?:OT|T)|OT|R(?:ST|T)|ST|TT)|C(?:AT|CT|DT|E(" r"?:ST|T)|H(?:A(?:DT|ST)|O(?:ST|T)|ST|UT)|I(?:ST|T)|KT|L(?:ST|T)|O(?:ST|T" r")|ST|T|VT|WST|XT)|D(?:AVT|DUT|FT)|E(?:A(?:S(?:ST|T)|T)|CT|DT|E(?:ST|T)|" r"G(?:ST|T)|IT|ST)|F(?:ET|JT|K(?:ST|T)|NT)|G(?:A(?:LT|MT)|ET|FT|I(?:LT|T)" r"|MT|ST|YT)|H(?:AEC|DT|KT|MT|OV(?:ST|T)|ST)|I(?:CT|D(?:LW|T)|OT|R(?:DT|K" r"T|ST)|ST)|JST|K(?:ALT|GT|OST|RAT|ST)|L(?:HST|INT)|M(?:A(?:GT|RT|WT)|DT|" r"E(?:ST|T)|HT|I(?:ST|T)|MT|S(?:K|T)|UT|VT|YT)|N(?:CT|DT|FT|PT|ST|T|UT|Z(" r"?:DT|ST))|O(?:MST|RAT)|P(?:DT|ET(?:T)?|GT|H(?:OT|T)|KT|M(?:DT|ST)|ONT|S" r"T|Y(?:ST|T))|R(?:ET|OTT)|S(?:A(?:KT|MT|ST)|BT|CT|DT|GT|LST|R(?:ET|T)|ST" r"|YOT)|T(?:AHT|FT|HA|JT|KT|LT|MT|OT|RT|VT)|U(?:LA(?:ST|T)|TC|Y(?:ST|T)|Z" r"T)|V(?:ET|LAT|O(?:LT|ST)|UT)|W(?:A(?:KT|ST|T)|E(?:ST|T)|IT|ST)|Y(?:AKT|" r"EKT))", # FROM: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_time_zone_abbreviations "z": r"(?:[+-](?:0\d|1[0-4]):?(?:00|15|30|45))", # [+-] 00:00 to 14:45 "A": r"(?:" r"MON(?:DAY)?|(?:IS|SE)N(?:[IE]N)?|" r"TUE(?:S(?:DAY)?)?|SEL(?:ASA)?|" r"WED(?:NESDAY)?|RABU?|" r"THU(?:RS(?:DAY)?)?|KH?A(?:M(?:IS)?)?|" r"FRI(?:DAY)?|JUM(?:[AM]A?T)?|" r"SAT(?:URDAY)?|SAB(?:TU)?|" r"SUN(?:DAY)?|AHA?D|MIN(?:GGU)?" r")", "th": r"(?:ST|ND|RD|TH|º)", } REGEX_PATTERNS_PARSERS = { # 14/8/1991 "dd_mm_YYYY_1": r"(?:{d}/{m}/{Y})", "dd_d2": r"(?:{d}\\{m}\\{Y})", "dd_mm_YYYY_3": r"(?:{d}[-]{m}[-]{Y})", "dd_mm_YYYY_4": r"(?:{d}\.{m}\.{Y})", # 'dd_mm_YYYY_5': r"(?:{d}{m}{Y})", # too many phone numbers "dd_mm_YYYY_6": r"(?:{d} ?{m} ?{Y})", "dd_mm_YYYY_7": r"(?:{dz}{mz}{Y})", # 14/8/91 "dd_mm_yy_1": r"(?:{d}/{m}/{y})", "dd_mm_yy_2": r"(?:{d}\\{m}\\{y})", "dd_mm_yy_3": r"(?:{d}[-]{m}[-]{y})", "dd_mm_yy_4": r"(?:{d}\.{m}\.{y})", # 'dd_mm_yy_5': r"(?:{dz}{mz}{y})", # too many phone numbers # 14 Aug, 1991 "dd_mmm_YYYY_1": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_2": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_3": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[-] ?{B} ?[ -] ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_4": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[ -]? ?{B} ?,? ?{Y})", "dd_mmm_YYYY_5": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\. ?{B} ?\. ?{Y})", # 14 Aug '91 "dd_mmm_yy_1": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_2": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_3": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[-] ?{B} ?[-] ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_4": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[ -]? ?{B} ?,? ?'?{y})", "dd_mmm_yy_5": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?\. ?{B} ?\. ?'?{y})", # 14th Aug "dd_mmm": r"(?:{d}{th}? ?[/\\. -] ?{B})", # 08/14/1991 # WARNING! dateutil set to day first "mm_dd_YYYY_1": r"(?:{m}/{d}/{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_2": r"(?:{m}\\{d}\\{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_3": r"(?:{m}[-]{d}[-]{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_4": r"(?:{m} {d} {Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_5": r"(?:{m}\.{d}\.{Y})", "mm_dd_YYYY_6": r"(?:{mz}{dz}{Y})", # 8/14/91 # WARNING! dateutil set to day first "mm_dd_yy_1": r"(?:{m}/{d}/{y})", "mm_dd_yy_2": r"(?:{m}\\{d}\\{y})", "mm_dd_yy_3": r"(?:{m}[-]{d}[-]{y})", "mm_dd_yy_4": r"(?:{m}\.{d}\.{y})", # 'mm_dd_yy_5': r"(?:{mz}{dz}{y})", # too many phone numbers # Aug 14th, 1991 "mmm_dd_YYYY_1": r"(?:{B} ?/ ?{d}{th}? ?/ ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_2": r"(?:{B} ?\\ ?{d}{th}? ?\\ ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_3": r"(?:{B} ?[-] ?{d}{th}? ?[ -] ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_4": r"(?:{B} ?[ -]? ?{d}{th}? ?, ?{Y})", "mmm_dd_YYYY_5": r"(?:{B} ?\. ?{d}{th}? ?\. ?{Y})", # Aug-14 '91 "mmm_dd_yy_1": r"(?:{B} ?/ ?{d}{th}? ?/ ?'?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_2": r"(?:{B} ?\\ ?{d}{th}? ?\\ ?'?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_3": r"(?:{B} ?[-] ?{d}{th}? ?[-] ?'?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_4": r"(?:{B} ?[. -]? ?{d}{th}?, '?{y})", "mmm_dd_yy_5": r"(?:{B} ?\. ?{d}{th}? ?\. ?'?{y})", # Aug-14 # WARNING! dateutil assumes current year "mmm_dd": r"(?:{B} ?[/\\. -] ?{d}{th}?)", # # Aug-91 # 'mmm_yy': r"(?:{B} ?[/\\. -] ?'{y})", # too many false positives # August 1991 "mmm_YYYY": r"(?:{B} ?[/\\. -] ?{Y})", # many non-useful dates # 1991-8-14 "YYYY_mm_dd_1": r"(?:{Y}/{m}/{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_2": r"(?:{Y}\\{m}\\{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_3": r"(?:{Y}[-]{m}[-]{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_4": r"(?:{Y} {m} {d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_5": r"(?:{Y}\.{m}\.{d})", "YYYY_mm_dd_6": r"(?:{Y}{mz}{dz})", # 910814 (ISO 8601) # 'yy_mm_dd_1': r"(?:{y} {m} {d})", # too many random numbers "yy_mm_dd_2": r"(?:{y}/{m}/{d})", "yy_mm_dd_3": r"(?:{y}\\{m}\\{d})", "yy_mm_dd_4": r"(?:{y}[-]{m}[-]{d})", "yy_mm_dd_5": r"(?:{y}\.{m}\.{d})", # 'yy_mm_dd_6': r"(?:{y}{mz}{dz})", # too many phone numbers # 1991-Aug-14 "YYYY_mmm_dd_1": r"(?:{Y} ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?{d})", "YYYY_mmm_dd_2": r"(?:{Y} ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?{d})", "YYYY_mmm_dd_3": r"(?:{Y} ?[-] ?{B} ?[-] ?{d})", "YYYY_mmm_dd_4": r"(?:{Y} ?{B} ?[ -]? ?{d}{th}?)", # 91-Aug-14 "yy_mmm_dd_1": r"(?:'?{y} ?/ ?{B} ?/ ?{d})", "yy_mmm_dd_2": r"(?:'?{y} ?\\ ?{B} ?\\ ?{d})", "yy_mmm_dd_3": r"(?:'?{y} ?[-] ?{B} ?[-] ?{d})", "yy_mmm_dd_4": r"(?:'?{y} ?{B} ?[ -]? ?{d}{th}?)", # # 1991.226 (Aug 14 = day 226 in 1991) # dateutil fails # 'YYYY_ddd_1': r"(?:{Y}\.{j})", # too many random numbers # 'YYYY_ddd_2': r"(?:{Y}[-]{j})", # too many random numbers # time "HH_MM_SS": r"(?:{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?{p})?(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_MZ_pp_1": r"(?:{H}:{M}(?: ?{p})?(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_MZ_pp_1b": r"(?:{H}[:. ]{M}(?: ?{p})(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_MZ_pp_2": r"(?:(?<!\.){HZ}[. ]?{M}(?: ?{p})(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "HH_pp": r"(?:(?<!\.){H} ?{p2}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", # # 910814094500 (9:45am) # 'yy_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS': r"(?:{y}{mz}{dz}{H}{M}{S})", # too many phone numbers # 1991-08-14T09:45:00Z "YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM": r"(?:{Y}[-]{m}[-]{d}[T ]{H}:{M}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS_1": r"(?:{Y}[-]{m}[-]{d}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM_SS_2": r"(?:{Y}{mz}{d}T?{H}{M}{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "YYYY_dd_mm_HH_MM_SS_3": r"(?:{Y}[-]{d}[-]{m}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "mm_dd_YYYY_HH_MM_SS_1": r"(?:{m}[-]{d}[-]{Y}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", "dd_mm_YYYY_HH_MM_SS_1": r"(?:{d}[-]{m}[-]{Y}[T ]{H}:{M}:{S}(?: ?(?:Z|{Z}|{z}))?)", # # standalone # 'day': r"{A}", # too many false positives # 'month': r"{B}", # too many false positives # 'year': r"{Y}", # too many random numbers # 'timezone': r"(?:Z|{Z}|{z})", # too many malay words } # unicode fixes REGEX_FORMATTED = { label: "\\b" + pattern.format(**REGEX_PARTS) # fill in the chunks .replace("-]", "\u2009\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014-]") # unicode dashes .replace("'?", "['\u2018\u2019]?") # unicode quotes + "\\b" for label, pattern in REGEX_PATTERNS_PARSERS.items() } # match emails and urls to avoid returning chunks of them REGEX_FORMATTED[ "eml" ] = r"""[a-zA-Z0-9][^\s`!@%$^={}\[\]/\\"',()<>:;]+(?:@|%40|\s+at\s+|\s*<\s*at\s*>\s*)[a-zA-Z0-9][-_a-zA-Z0-9~.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,15}""" REGEX_FORMATTED[ "url" ] = r"\b(?:(?:https?|ftp|file)://|www\d?\.|ftp\.)[-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$?!:,.]*[A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$]" REGEX_FORMATTED["dot"] = r"(?:\d+\.){3,}\d+" # compile all the regex patterns REGEX_COMPILED = { label: re.compile(pattern, flags=re.I | re.U) for label, pattern in REGEX_FORMATTED.items() } if trans_cat == "dt": return idf elif (trans_cat in ["long_c", "bigint_c", "int_c"]) & ( int(val_unique_cat) in [10, 13] ): if int(val_unique_cat) == 10: precision = "s" elif int(val_unique_cat) == 13: precision = "ms" else: precision = "ms" output_df = unix_to_timestamp( spark, idf, col, precision=precision, tz=tz, output_mode=output_mode ).orderBy(id_col, col) if save_output is not None: output_df.write.parquet(save_output, mode="overwrite") else: return output_df elif trans_cat == "string": list_dates = list(set(idf.select(col).rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect())) def regex_text(text, longest=True, context_max_len=999, dayfirst=False): # join multiple spaces, convert tabs, strip leading/trailing whitespace if isinstance(text, str): pass else: raise ValueError("Incompatible Column Type!!") text = " ".join(text.split()) matches = [] for regex_label, regex_obj in REGEX_COMPILED.items(): for m in regex_obj.finditer(text): context_start = max(0, (m.start() + m.end() - context_max_len) // 2) context_end = min(len(text), context_start + context_max_len) context_str = text[context_start:context_end] if context_start != 0: context_str = "\u2026" + context_str[1:] if context_end != len(text): context_str = ( context_str[:-1] + "\u2026" ) # this is the `...` character parsed_date = None try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter( "ignore", category=dateutil.parser.UnknownTimezoneWarning, ) if "HH" in regex_label: if "dd" in regex_label or "YYYY" in regex_label: matched_text = re.sub(r"[\\]", "/", m.group()) parsed_date = dateutil.parser.parse( matched_text, dayfirst=dayfirst ) else: matched_text = re.sub( r"H(?:(?:OU)?RS?)?", "", m.group(), flags=re.I ) matched_text = re.sub( r"MN", r"AM", matched_text, flags=re.I ) matched_text = re.sub( r"NN", r"PM", matched_text, flags=re.I ) matched_text = re.sub( r"(\d)[. ](\d)", r"\1:\2", matched_text ) matched_text = f"1970-01-01 {matched_text}" parsed_date = dateutil.parser.parse( matched_text, dayfirst=dayfirst ) elif "dd" in regex_label or "YYYY" in regex_label: matched_text = re.sub(r"[\\]", "/", m.group()) parsed_date = dateutil.parser.parse( matched_text, dayfirst=dayfirst ) except ValueError: pass matches.append( { "REGEX_LABEL": regex_label, "MATCH": m.group(), "START": m.start(), "END": m.end(), "MATCH_LEN": m.end() - m.start(), "NORM_TEXT_LEN": len(text), "CONTEXT": context_str, "PARSED": parsed_date, } ) # narrow to longest match for match in matches: if not longest or all( (other["START"] >= match["START"] and other["END"] <= match["END"]) or other["START"] > match["END"] or other["END"] < match["START"] for other in matches ): # don't return emails or urls if match["REGEX_LABEL"] not in {"eml", "url", "dot"}: yield match bl = [] file_lines = list_dates for line_num, line in enumerate(file_lines): bl_int = [] for match_info in regex_text(line): try: ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se = ( match_info["PARSED"].year, match_info["PARSED"].month, match_info["PARSED"].day, match_info["PARSED"].hour, match_info["PARSED"].minute, match_info["PARSED"].second, ) if len(bl_int) == 0: bl_int = [ye, mo, da, ho, mi, se] else: if ye == 1970 and mo == 1 and da == 1: pass if ho + mi + se == 0: pass if ye > 1970: bl_int[0] = ye if mo > 0 and ye != 1970: bl_int[1] = mo if da > 0 and ye != 1970: bl_int[2] = da if ho > 0: bl_int[3] = ho if mi > 0: bl_int[4] = mi if se > 0: bl_int[5] = se else: pass except: pass bl.append( [ match_info["CONTEXT"], datetime.datetime( bl_int[0], bl_int[1], bl_int[2], bl_int[3], bl_int[4], bl_int[5], ), ] ) if len(bl) >= 1: columns = [col, col + "_ts"] # output_df = spark.createDataFrame(spark.parallelize(bl),columns) output_df = spark.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame(bl, columns=columns)) else: return idf elif trans_cat in ["string_c", "int_c"]: if int(val_unique_cat) == 4: output_df = idf.select(col).withColumn( col + "_ts", F.col(col).cast("string").cast("date") ) elif int(val_unique_cat) == 6: output_df = ( idf.select(col) .withColumn(col, F.concat(col, F.lit("01"))) .withColumn(col + "_ts", F.to_date(col, "yyyyMMdd")) ) elif int(val_unique_cat) == 8: f = ( idf.select( F.max(F.substring(col, 1, 4)), F.max(F.substring(col, 5, 2)), F.max(F.substring(col, 7, 2)), ) .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if int(f[1]) > 12: frmt = "yyyyddMM" elif int(f[2]) > 12: frmt = "yyyyMMdd" elif ( (int(f[0]) > 1970 & int(f[0]) < 2049) & (int(f[1]) > 0 & int(f[1]) <= 12) & (int(f[2]) > 0 & int(f[2]) <= 31) ): frmt = "yyyyMMdd" elif ( (int(f[0]) > 1970 & int(f[0]) < 2049) & (int(f[1]) > 0 & int(f[1]) <= 31) & (int(f[2]) > 0 & int(f[2]) <= 12) ): frmt = "yyyyddMM" else: return idf output_df = idf.select(F.col(col).cast("string")).withColumn( col + "_ts", F.to_date(col, frmt) ) else: return idf else: return idf # if ((output_df.where(F.col(col + "_ts").isNull()).count()) / output_df.count()) > 0.9: # return idf # else: # pass if output_mode == "replace": output_df = ( idf.join(output_df, col, "left_outer") .drop(col) .withColumnRenamed(col + "_ts", col) .orderBy(id_col, col) ) elif output_mode == "append": output_df = idf.join(output_df, col, "left_outer").orderBy(id_col, col + "_ts") else: return "Incorrect Output Mode Selected" if save_output: output_df.write.parquet(save_output, mode="overwrite") else: return output_df
def ts_loop_cols_pre(idf, id_col)
This function helps to analyze the potential columns which can be passed for the time series check. The columns are passed on to the auto-detection block.
- Input dataframe
- ID Column
Three lists
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def ts_loop_cols_pre(idf, id_col): """ This function helps to analyze the potential columns which can be passed for the time series check. The columns are passed on to the auto-detection block. Parameters ---------- idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column Returns ------- Three lists """ lc1, lc2, lc3 = [], [], [] for i in idf.dtypes: try: col_len = ( idf.select(F.max(F.length(i[0]))).rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[0] ) except: col_len = 0 if idf.select(i[0]).dropna().distinct().count() == 0: lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("NA") lc3.append(col_len) elif ( (i[0] != id_col) & (idf.select(F.length(i[0])).distinct().count() == 1) & (col_len in [4, 6, 8, 10, 13]) ): if i[1] == "string": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("string_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif i[1] == "long": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("long_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif i[1] == "bigint": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("bigint_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif i[1] == "int": lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("int_c") lc3.append(col_len) elif (i[0] != id_col) & (i[1] in ["string", "object"]): lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("string") lc3.append(col_len) elif (i[0] != id_col) & (i[1] in ["timestamp", "date"]): lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("dt") lc3.append(col_len) else: lc1.append(i[0]) lc2.append("NA") lc3.append(col_len) return lc1, lc2, lc3
def ts_preprocess(spark, idf, id_col, output_path, tz_offset='local', run_type='local', mlflow_config=None, auth_key='NA')
This function helps to read the input spark dataframe as source and do all the necessary processing. All the intermediate data created through this step foro the Time Series Analyzer.
- Spark session
- Input dataframe
- ID Column
- Output path where the data would be saved
- Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local".
- Option to choose between run type "local" or "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "local".
- MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled.
- Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for "ak8s" run_type.
Expand source code
def ts_preprocess( spark, idf, id_col, output_path, tz_offset="local", run_type="local", mlflow_config=None, auth_key="NA", ): """ This function helps to read the input spark dataframe as source and do all the necessary processing. All the intermediate data created through this step foro the Time Series Analyzer. Parameters ---------- spark Spark session idf Input dataframe id_col ID Column output_path Output path where the data would be saved tz_offset Timezone offset (Option to chose between options like Local, GMT, UTC, etc.). Default option is set as "Local". run_type Option to choose between run type "local" or "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "local". mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for "ak8s" run_type. Returns ------- DataFrame,Output[CSV] """ if run_type == "local": local_path = output_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(output_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) ts_loop_col_dtls = ts_loop_cols_pre(idf, id_col) l1, l2 = [], [] for index, i in enumerate(ts_loop_col_dtls[1]): if i != "NA": l1.append(index) if i == "dt": l2.append(index) ts_loop_cols = [ts_loop_col_dtls[0][i] for i in l1] pre_exist_ts_cols = [ts_loop_col_dtls[0][i] for i in l2] for i in ts_loop_cols: try: idx = ts_loop_col_dtls[0].index(i) val_unique_cat = ts_loop_col_dtls[2][idx] trans_cat = ts_loop_col_dtls[1][idx] idf = regex_date_time_parser( spark, idf, id_col, i, tz_offset, val_unique_cat, trans_cat, save_output=None, output_mode="replace", ) idf.persist(pyspark.StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK) except: pass odf = idf.distinct() ts_loop_cols_post = [x[0] for x in idf.dtypes if x[1] in ["timestamp", "date"]] num_cols = [x for x in num_cols if x not in [id_col] + ts_loop_cols_post] cat_cols = [x for x in cat_cols if x not in [id_col] + ts_loop_cols_post] c1 = ts_loop_cols c2 = list(set(ts_loop_cols_post) - set(pre_exist_ts_cols)) c3 = pre_exist_ts_cols c4 = ts_loop_cols_post f = pd.DataFrame( [ [",".join(idf.columns)], [",".join(c1)], [",".join(c2)], [",".join(c3)], [",".join(c4)], [",".join(num_cols)], [",".join(cat_cols)], ], columns=["cols"], ) f.to_csv(ends_with(local_path) + "ts_cols_stats.csv", index=False) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifact(ends_with(local_path) + "ts_cols_stats.csv") if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(output_path) ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true ' ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) return odf