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import subprocess from pathlib import Path import datapane as dp import mlflow import pandas as pd import as px from anovos.data_analyzer.association_evaluator import ( IG_calculation, IV_calculation, correlation_matrix, variable_clustering, ) from anovos.data_analyzer.quality_checker import ( IDness_detection, biasedness_detection, duplicate_detection, invalidEntries_detection, nullColumns_detection, nullRows_detection, outlier_detection, ) from anovos.data_analyzer.stats_generator import ( global_summary, measures_of_cardinality, measures_of_centralTendency, measures_of_counts, measures_of_dispersion, measures_of_percentiles, measures_of_shape, ) from anovos.shared.utils import ends_with, output_to_local, path_ak8s_modify global_theme = px.colors.sequential.Plasma global_theme_r = px.colors.sequential.Plasma_r global_plot_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_paper_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" default_template = ( dp.HTML( """ <html> <img src="" style="height:100px;display:flex;margin:auto;float:right"/> </html> """ ), dp.Text("# ML-Anovos Report"), ) blank_df = dp.DataTable(pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" ") def stats_args(path, func): """ Parameters ---------- path Path to pre-saved statistics func Quality Checker function Returns ------- Dictionary Each key/value is argument (related to pre-saved statistics) to be passed for the quality checker function. """ output = {} mainfunc_to_args = { "biasedness_detection": ["stats_mode"], "IDness_detection": ["stats_unique"], "nullColumns_detection": ["stats_unique", "stats_mode", "stats_missing"], "variable_clustering": ["stats_mode"], } args_to_statsfunc = { "stats_unique": "measures_of_cardinality", "stats_mode": "measures_of_centralTendency", "stats_missing": "measures_of_counts", } for arg in mainfunc_to_args.get(func, []): output[arg] = { "file_path": (ends_with(path) + args_to_statsfunc[arg] + ".csv"), "file_type": "csv", "file_configs": {"header": True, "inferSchema": True}, } return output def anovos_basic_report( spark, idf, id_col="", label_col="", event_label="", skip_corr_matrix=True, output_path=".", run_type="local", auth_key="NA", print_impact=True, mlflow_config=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe id_col ID column (Default value = "") label_col Label/Target column (Default value = "") event_label Value of (positive) event (i.e label 1) (Default value = "") skip_corr_matrix True, False. This argument is to skip correlation matrix generation in basic_report.(Default value = True) output_path File Path for saving metrics and basic report (Default value = ".") run_type "local", "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" "emr" if the files are read from or written in AWS s3 "databricks" if the files are read from or written in dbfs in azure databricks "ak8s" if the files are read from or written to in wasbs:// container in azure environment (Default value = "local") auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. print_impact True, False. This argument is to print out the data analyzer statistics.(Default value = False) mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. """ global num_cols global cat_cols SG_funcs = [ global_summary, measures_of_counts, measures_of_centralTendency, measures_of_cardinality, measures_of_dispersion, measures_of_percentiles, measures_of_shape, ] QC_rows_funcs = [duplicate_detection, nullRows_detection] QC_cols_funcs = [ nullColumns_detection, outlier_detection, IDness_detection, biasedness_detection, invalidEntries_detection, ] if mlflow_config is not None: output_path = output_path + "/" + mlflow_config.get("run_id", "") if skip_corr_matrix: AA_funcs = [variable_clustering] else: AA_funcs = [correlation_matrix, variable_clustering] AT_funcs = [IV_calculation, IG_calculation] all_funcs = SG_funcs + QC_rows_funcs + QC_cols_funcs + AA_funcs + AT_funcs if run_type == "local": local_path = output_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(output_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for func in all_funcs: if func in SG_funcs: stats = func(spark, idf) elif func in (QC_rows_funcs + QC_cols_funcs): extra_args = stats_args(output_path, func.__name__) if func.__name__ in ["outlier_detection", "duplicate_detection"]: extra_args["print_impact"] = True stats = func(spark, idf, **extra_args)[1] elif func in AA_funcs: extra_args = stats_args(output_path, func.__name__) stats = func(spark, idf, drop_cols=id_col, **extra_args) elif label_col: if func in AT_funcs: stats = func(spark, idf, label_col=label_col, event_label=event_label) else: continue stats.toPandas().to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv", index=False ) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp " + ends_with(local_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv " + ends_with(output_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) elif run_type == "ak8s": local_file = ends_with(local_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv" output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + local_file + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if print_impact: print(func.__name__, ":\n") stats = ends_with(output_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv", header=True, inferSchema=True, ) def remove_u_score(col): col_ = col.split("_") bl = [] for i in col_: if i == "nullColumns" or i == "nullRows": bl.append("Null") else: bl.append(i[0].upper() + i[1:]) return " ".join(bl) global_summary_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + "global_summary.csv") rows_count = int( global_summary_df[global_summary_df.metric.values == "rows_count"].value.values[ 0 ] ) catcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) numcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) columns_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "columns_count" ].value.values[0] ) catcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_name" ].value.values ) ) numcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_name" ].value.values ) ) l1 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("*This section summarizes the dataset with key statistical metrics.*"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Global Summary"), dp.Group( dp.Text(" Total Number of Records: **" + str(f"{rows_count:,d}") + "**"), dp.Text(" Total Number of Attributes: **" + str(columns_count) + "**"), dp.Text(" Number of Numerical Attributes : **" + str(numcols_count) + "**"), dp.Text(" Numerical Attributes Name : **" + str(numcols_name) + "**"), dp.Text( " Number of Categorical Attributes : **" + str(catcols_count) + "**" ), dp.Text(" Categorical Attributes Name : **" + str(catcols_name) + "**"), ), ) l2 = dp.Text("### Statistics by Metric Type") SG_content = [] for i in SG_funcs: if i.__name__ != "global_summary": SG_content.append( dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) l3 = dp.Group(dp.Select(blocks=SG_content, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), dp.Text("# ")) tab1 = dp.Group( l1, dp.Text("# "), l2, l3, dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Descriptive Statistics", ) QCcol_content = [] for i in QC_cols_funcs: QCcol_content.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i.__name__))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ) ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) QCrow_content = [] for i in QC_rows_funcs: if i.__name__ == "duplicate_detection": stats = pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ) unique_rows_count = ( " No. Of Unique Rows: **" + str( format( int(stats[stats["metric"] == "unique_rows_count"].value.values), ",", ) ) + "**" ) total_rows_count = ( " No. of Rows: **" + str( format( int(stats[stats["metric"] == "rows_count"].value.values), "," ) ) + "**" ) duplicate_rows_count = ( " No. of Duplicate Rows: **" + str( format( int(stats[stats["metric"] == "duplicate_rows"].value.values), ",", ) ) + "**" ) duplicate_rows_pct = ( " Percentage of Duplicate Rows: **" + str( float( stats[stats["metric"] == "duplicate_pct"].value.values * 100.0 ) ) + " %" + "**" ) QCrow_content.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i.__name__))), dp.Group( dp.Text(total_rows_count), dp.Text(unique_rows_count), dp.Text(duplicate_rows_count), dp.Text(duplicate_rows_pct), ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) else: QCrow_content.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i.__name__))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv" ).round(3) ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) QCcol_content = [item for sublist in QCcol_content for item in sublist] QCrow_content = [item for sublist in QCrow_content for item in sublist] tab2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*QCcol_content), label="Column Level"), dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*QCrow_content), label="Row Level"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) AA_content = [] for i in AA_funcs + AT_funcs: if i.__name__ == "correlation_matrix": stats = pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ) feats_order = list(stats["attribute"].values) stats = stats.round(3) fig = px.imshow( stats[feats_order], y=feats_order, color_continuous_scale=global_theme, aspect="auto", ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color AA_content.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(stats[["attribute"] + feats_order]), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) elif i.__name__ == "variable_clustering": stats = ( pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv") .round(3) .sort_values(by=["Cluster"], ascending=True) ) fig = px.sunburst( stats, path=["Cluster", "Attribute"], values="RS_Ratio", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.layout.autosize = True AA_content.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(stats), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) else: if label_col: stats = pd.read_csv( ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv" ).round(3) col_nm = [x for x in list(stats.columns) if "attribute" not in x] stats = stats.sort_values(col_nm[0], ascending=True) fig = stats, x=col_nm[0], y="attribute", orientation="h", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.layout.autosize = True AA_content.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(stats), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) if len(AA_content) == 1: AA_content.append(blank_df) else: AA_content # @TODO: is there better templating approach such as jinja tab3 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section analyzes the interaction between different attributes and/or the relationship between an attribute & the binary target variable.* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Association Matrix & Plot"), dp.Select(blocks=AA_content, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), label="Attribute Associations", ) dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=[tab1, tab2, tab3], type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save(ends_with(local_path) + "basic_report.html", open=True) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifacts(local_dir=local_path, artifact_path=output_path) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp " + ends_with(local_path) + "basic_report.html " + ends_with(output_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + 'basic_report.html" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '"' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def anovos_basic_report(spark, idf, id_col='', label_col='', event_label='', skip_corr_matrix=True, output_path='.', run_type='local', auth_key='NA', print_impact=True, mlflow_config=None)
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- ID column (Default value = "")
- Label/Target column (Default value = "")
- Value of (positive) event (i.e label 1) (Default value = "")
- True, False. This argument is to skip correlation matrix generation in basic_report.(Default value = True)
- File Path for saving metrics and basic report (Default value = ".")
- "local", "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" "emr" if the files are read from or written in AWS s3 "databricks" if the files are read from or written in dbfs in azure databricks "ak8s" if the files are read from or written to in wasbs:// container in azure environment (Default value = "local")
- Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type.
- True, False. This argument is to print out the data analyzer statistics.(Default value = False)
- MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled.
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def anovos_basic_report( spark, idf, id_col="", label_col="", event_label="", skip_corr_matrix=True, output_path=".", run_type="local", auth_key="NA", print_impact=True, mlflow_config=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe id_col ID column (Default value = "") label_col Label/Target column (Default value = "") event_label Value of (positive) event (i.e label 1) (Default value = "") skip_corr_matrix True, False. This argument is to skip correlation matrix generation in basic_report.(Default value = True) output_path File Path for saving metrics and basic report (Default value = ".") run_type "local", "emr" or "databricks" or "ak8s" "emr" if the files are read from or written in AWS s3 "databricks" if the files are read from or written in dbfs in azure databricks "ak8s" if the files are read from or written to in wasbs:// container in azure environment (Default value = "local") auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. print_impact True, False. This argument is to print out the data analyzer statistics.(Default value = False) mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. """ global num_cols global cat_cols SG_funcs = [ global_summary, measures_of_counts, measures_of_centralTendency, measures_of_cardinality, measures_of_dispersion, measures_of_percentiles, measures_of_shape, ] QC_rows_funcs = [duplicate_detection, nullRows_detection] QC_cols_funcs = [ nullColumns_detection, outlier_detection, IDness_detection, biasedness_detection, invalidEntries_detection, ] if mlflow_config is not None: output_path = output_path + "/" + mlflow_config.get("run_id", "") if skip_corr_matrix: AA_funcs = [variable_clustering] else: AA_funcs = [correlation_matrix, variable_clustering] AT_funcs = [IV_calculation, IG_calculation] all_funcs = SG_funcs + QC_rows_funcs + QC_cols_funcs + AA_funcs + AT_funcs if run_type == "local": local_path = output_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(output_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for func in all_funcs: if func in SG_funcs: stats = func(spark, idf) elif func in (QC_rows_funcs + QC_cols_funcs): extra_args = stats_args(output_path, func.__name__) if func.__name__ in ["outlier_detection", "duplicate_detection"]: extra_args["print_impact"] = True stats = func(spark, idf, **extra_args)[1] elif func in AA_funcs: extra_args = stats_args(output_path, func.__name__) stats = func(spark, idf, drop_cols=id_col, **extra_args) elif label_col: if func in AT_funcs: stats = func(spark, idf, label_col=label_col, event_label=event_label) else: continue stats.toPandas().to_csv( ends_with(local_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv", index=False ) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp " + ends_with(local_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv " + ends_with(output_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) elif run_type == "ak8s": local_file = ends_with(local_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv" output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + local_file + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if print_impact: print(func.__name__, ":\n") stats = ends_with(output_path) + func.__name__ + ".csv", header=True, inferSchema=True, ) def remove_u_score(col): col_ = col.split("_") bl = [] for i in col_: if i == "nullColumns" or i == "nullRows": bl.append("Null") else: bl.append(i[0].upper() + i[1:]) return " ".join(bl) global_summary_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + "global_summary.csv") rows_count = int( global_summary_df[global_summary_df.metric.values == "rows_count"].value.values[ 0 ] ) catcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) numcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) columns_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "columns_count" ].value.values[0] ) catcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_name" ].value.values ) ) numcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_name" ].value.values ) ) l1 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("*This section summarizes the dataset with key statistical metrics.*"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Global Summary"), dp.Group( dp.Text(" Total Number of Records: **" + str(f"{rows_count:,d}") + "**"), dp.Text(" Total Number of Attributes: **" + str(columns_count) + "**"), dp.Text(" Number of Numerical Attributes : **" + str(numcols_count) + "**"), dp.Text(" Numerical Attributes Name : **" + str(numcols_name) + "**"), dp.Text( " Number of Categorical Attributes : **" + str(catcols_count) + "**" ), dp.Text(" Categorical Attributes Name : **" + str(catcols_name) + "**"), ), ) l2 = dp.Text("### Statistics by Metric Type") SG_content = [] for i in SG_funcs: if i.__name__ != "global_summary": SG_content.append( dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) l3 = dp.Group(dp.Select(blocks=SG_content, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), dp.Text("# ")) tab1 = dp.Group( l1, dp.Text("# "), l2, l3, dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Descriptive Statistics", ) QCcol_content = [] for i in QC_cols_funcs: QCcol_content.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i.__name__))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ) ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) QCrow_content = [] for i in QC_rows_funcs: if i.__name__ == "duplicate_detection": stats = pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ) unique_rows_count = ( " No. Of Unique Rows: **" + str( format( int(stats[stats["metric"] == "unique_rows_count"].value.values), ",", ) ) + "**" ) total_rows_count = ( " No. of Rows: **" + str( format( int(stats[stats["metric"] == "rows_count"].value.values), "," ) ) + "**" ) duplicate_rows_count = ( " No. of Duplicate Rows: **" + str( format( int(stats[stats["metric"] == "duplicate_rows"].value.values), ",", ) ) + "**" ) duplicate_rows_pct = ( " Percentage of Duplicate Rows: **" + str( float( stats[stats["metric"] == "duplicate_pct"].value.values * 100.0 ) ) + " %" + "**" ) QCrow_content.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i.__name__))), dp.Group( dp.Text(total_rows_count), dp.Text(unique_rows_count), dp.Text(duplicate_rows_count), dp.Text(duplicate_rows_pct), ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) else: QCrow_content.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i.__name__))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv" ).round(3) ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) QCcol_content = [item for sublist in QCcol_content for item in sublist] QCrow_content = [item for sublist in QCrow_content for item in sublist] tab2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*QCcol_content), label="Column Level"), dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*QCrow_content), label="Row Level"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) AA_content = [] for i in AA_funcs + AT_funcs: if i.__name__ == "correlation_matrix": stats = pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv").round( 3 ) feats_order = list(stats["attribute"].values) stats = stats.round(3) fig = px.imshow( stats[feats_order], y=feats_order, color_continuous_scale=global_theme, aspect="auto", ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color AA_content.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(stats[["attribute"] + feats_order]), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) elif i.__name__ == "variable_clustering": stats = ( pd.read_csv(ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv") .round(3) .sort_values(by=["Cluster"], ascending=True) ) fig = px.sunburst( stats, path=["Cluster", "Attribute"], values="RS_Ratio", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.layout.autosize = True AA_content.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(stats), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) else: if label_col: stats = pd.read_csv( ends_with(local_path) + str(i.__name__) + ".csv" ).round(3) col_nm = [x for x in list(stats.columns) if "attribute" not in x] stats = stats.sort_values(col_nm[0], ascending=True) fig = stats, x=col_nm[0], y="attribute", orientation="h", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.layout.autosize = True AA_content.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(stats), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(i.__name__), ) ) if len(AA_content) == 1: AA_content.append(blank_df) else: AA_content # @TODO: is there better templating approach such as jinja tab3 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section analyzes the interaction between different attributes and/or the relationship between an attribute & the binary target variable.* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Association Matrix & Plot"), dp.Select(blocks=AA_content, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), label="Attribute Associations", ) dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=[tab1, tab2, tab3], type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save(ends_with(local_path) + "basic_report.html", open=True) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifacts(local_dir=local_path, artifact_path=output_path) if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp " + ends_with(local_path) + "basic_report.html " + ends_with(output_path) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(output_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + 'basic_report.html" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '"' ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def stats_args(path, func)
- Path to pre-saved statistics
- Quality Checker function
- Each key/value is argument (related to pre-saved statistics) to be passed for the quality checker function.
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def stats_args(path, func): """ Parameters ---------- path Path to pre-saved statistics func Quality Checker function Returns ------- Dictionary Each key/value is argument (related to pre-saved statistics) to be passed for the quality checker function. """ output = {} mainfunc_to_args = { "biasedness_detection": ["stats_mode"], "IDness_detection": ["stats_unique"], "nullColumns_detection": ["stats_unique", "stats_mode", "stats_missing"], "variable_clustering": ["stats_mode"], } args_to_statsfunc = { "stats_unique": "measures_of_cardinality", "stats_mode": "measures_of_centralTendency", "stats_missing": "measures_of_counts", } for arg in mainfunc_to_args.get(func, []): output[arg] = { "file_path": (ends_with(path) + args_to_statsfunc[arg] + ".csv"), "file_type": "csv", "file_configs": {"header": True, "inferSchema": True}, } return output