This module help to analyze & summarize the geospatial related data fields which are identified through the auto-detection module. Additionally, it generates the intermediate output which are fed in to the reporting section.
As a part of generation of final output, there are various functions created under this sub-module. All of them are listed below.
- descriptive_stats_gen
- lat_long_col_stats_gen
- geohash_col_stats_gen
- stats_gen_lat_long_geo
- geo_cluster_analysis
- geo_cluster_generator
- generate_loc_charts_processor
- generate_loc_charts_controller
- geospatial_autodetection
Respective functions have sections containing the detailed definition of the parameters used for computing.
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# coding=utf-8 """This module help to analyze & summarize the geospatial related data fields which are identified through the auto-detection module. Additionally, it generates the intermediate output which are fed in to the reporting section. As a part of generation of final output, there are various functions created under this sub-module. All of them are listed below. - descriptive_stats_gen - lat_long_col_stats_gen - geohash_col_stats_gen - stats_gen_lat_long_geo - geo_cluster_analysis - geo_cluster_generator - generate_loc_charts_processor - generate_loc_charts_controller - geospatial_autodetection Respective functions have sections containing the detailed definition of the parameters used for computing. """ from anovos.shared.utils import ends_with, output_to_local, path_ak8s_modify from anovos.data_ingest import data_sampling from anovos.data_ingest.geo_auto_detection import ll_gh_cols, geo_to_latlong import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score from itertools import product from pathlib import Path from pyspark.sql import functions as F from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN import subprocess import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") global_theme = px.colors.sequential.Plasma global_theme_r = px.colors.sequential.Plasma_r global_plot_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_paper_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" blank_chart = go.Figure() blank_chart.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color blank_chart.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color blank_chart.update_xaxes(visible=False) blank_chart.update_yaxes(visible=False) mapbox_list = [ "open-street-map", "white-bg", "carto-positron", "carto-darkmatter", "stamen- terrain", "stamen-toner", "stamen-watercolor", ] def descriptive_stats_gen( df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ): """ This function is the base function to produce descriptive stats for geospatial fields, and save relevant outputs in csv format inside master_path. If lat_col and long_col are valid, two tables will be generated - An overall summary table: This table has two columns: "stats" and "count", and 5 rows. These 5 rows summarizes the count of distinct {lat, long} pair count, latitude and longitude and shows the most common {lat,long} pair with occurrence respectively. - A top lat-long pairs table: This table shows the top lat-long pairs based on occurrence, and max_val parameter determines the number of records. If geohash_col is valid, two tables will be generated - An overall summary table: This table has two columns: "stats" and "count", and 3 rows. These 3 rows displays the total number of distinct geohashes, precision level observed for geohashes and the most common geohash respectively. - A top geohash distribution table: This table shows the top geohash distributions based on occurrence, and max_val parameter determines the number of records. Parameters ---------- df DataFrame to be analyzed lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column geohash_col Geohash column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- DataFrame[CSV] """ if (lat_col is not None) & (long_col is not None): dist_lat_long, dist_lat, dist_long = (, long_col).distinct().count(),,, ) top_lat_long = ( df.withColumn( "lat_long_pair", F.concat( F.lit("["), F.col(lat_col), F.lit(","), F.col(long_col), F.lit("]") ), ) .groupBy("lat_long_pair") .agg( F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count_id"), F.count(id_col).alias("count_records"), ) .orderBy("count_id", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) ) most_lat_long = top_lat_long.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[0] most_lat_long_cnt = top_lat_long.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[1] top_lat_long = top_lat_long.toPandas() d1 = dist_lat_long, dist_lat, dist_long, most_lat_long, most_lat_long_cnt d1_desc = ( "Distinct {Lat, Long} Pair", "Distinct Latitude", "Distinct Longitude", "Most Common {Lat, Long} Pair", "Most Common {Lat, Long} Pair Occurence", ) gen_stats = ( pd.DataFrame(d1, d1_desc) .reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "Stats", 0: "Count"}) ) l = ["Overall_Summary", "Top_" + str(max_val) + "_Lat_Long"] for idx, i in enumerate([gen_stats, top_lat_long]): i.to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + l[idx] + "_1_" + lat_col + "_" + long_col + ".csv", index=False, ) if geohash_col is not None: dist_geohash = precision_geohash = ( .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect()[0] ) max_occuring_geohash = ( df.groupBy(geohash_col) .agg(F.count(id_col).alias("count_records")) .orderBy("count_records", ascending=False) .limit(1) ) geohash_val = max_occuring_geohash.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[0] geohash_cnt = max_occuring_geohash.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[1] l = ["Overall_Summary", "Top_" + str(max_val) + "_Geohash_Distribution"] geohash_area_width_height_1_12 = [ "5,009.4km x 4,992.6km", "1,252.3km x 624.1km", "156.5km x 156km", "39.1km x 19.5km", "4.9km x 4.9km", "1.2km x 609.4m", "152.9m x 152.4m", "38.2m x 19m", "4.8m x 4.8m", "1.2m x 59.5cm", "14.9cm x 14.9cm", "3.7cm x 1.9cm", ] pd.DataFrame( [ ["Total number of Distinct Geohashes", str(dist_geohash)], [ "The Precision level observed for the Geohashes", str(precision_geohash) + " [Reference Area Width x Height : " + str(geohash_area_width_height_1_12[precision_geohash - 1]) + "] ", ], [ "The Most Common Geohash", str(geohash_val) + " , " + str(geohash_cnt), ], ], columns=["Stats", "Count"], ).to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + l[0] + "_2_" + geohash_col + ".csv", index=False ) df.withColumn( "geohash_" + str(precision_geohash), F.substring(F.col(geohash_col), 1, precision_geohash), ).groupBy("geohash_" + str(precision_geohash)).agg( F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count_id"), F.count(id_col).alias("count_records"), ).orderBy( "count_id", ascending=False ).limit( max_val ).toPandas().to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + l[1] + "_2_" + geohash_col + ".csv", index=False ) def lat_long_col_stats_gen(df, lat_col, long_col, id_col, master_path, max_val): """ This function helps to produce descriptive stats for the latitude and longitude columns. If there's more than 1 latitude-longitude pair, an iteration through all pairs will be conducted. Each pair will have its own descriptive statistics tables generated by "descriptive_stats_gen" function. Parameters ---------- df DataFrame to be analyzed lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- """ if len(lat_col) == 1 & len(long_col) == 1: descriptive_stats_gen( df, lat_col[0], long_col[0], None, id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: for i in range(0, len(lat_col)): descriptive_stats_gen( df, lat_col[i], long_col[i], None, id_col, master_path, max_val ) def geohash_col_stats_gen(df, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val): """ This function helps to produce descriptive stats for the geohash columns. If there's more than 1 geohash column, an iteratio through all geohash columns will be conducted. Each geohash column will have its own descriptive statistics tables generated by "descriptive_stats_gen" function. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame geohash_col Geohash column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- """ if len(geohash_col) == 1: descriptive_stats_gen( df, None, None, geohash_col[0], id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: for i in range(0, len(geohash_col)): descriptive_stats_gen( df, None, None, geohash_col[i], id_col, master_path, max_val ) def stats_gen_lat_long_geo( df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ): """ This function is the main function used when generating geospatial-analysis tab for Anovos full report. It helps to produce descriptive statistics files for the geospatial fields by calling "lat_long_col_stats_gen" and "geohash_col_stats_gen" respectively, and the files will be used for generating Anovos full report's Geospatial Analyzer tab. If lat_col and long_col are valid, "lat_long_col_stats_gen" function will be called and intermediate files (overall summary and tables showing top lat-long pairs) will be stored inside master_path. If geohash_col is valid, "geohash_col_stats_gen" function will be called and intermediate files (overall summary and tables showing top geohash distribution) will be stored inside master_path. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column geohash_col Geohash column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- """ if lat_col: len_lat = len(lat_col) ll_stats = lat_long_col_stats_gen( df, lat_col, long_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: len_lat = 0 if geohash_col: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) geohash_stats = geohash_col_stats_gen( df, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat + len_geohash_col) == 1: if len_lat == 0: return geohash_stats else: return ll_stats elif (len_lat + len_geohash_col) > 1: if (len_lat > 1) and (len_geohash_col == 0): return ll_stats elif (len_lat == 0) and (len_geohash_col > 1): return geohash_stats elif (len_lat >= 1) and (len_geohash_col >= 1): return ll_stats, geohash_stats def geo_cluster_analysis( df, lat_col, long_col, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, col_name, global_map_box_val, ): """ This function is the base function to generate cluster analysis statistics for the geospatial fields, and save 8 plots in JSON format inside master_path. K-Means and DBSCAN are the two clustering algorihtm used and the 8 plots are divided into 4 sections as below: - Cluster Identification: The first plot displays the cluster-identification process using K-Means algorithm. It is an elbow curve plot showing the distortion vs. number of clusters, and identifies the optimal number of clusters with a vertical line at K. The second plot displays the cluster-identification process using DBSCAN algorithm. It shows the distribution of silouhette scores across different parameters in a heatmap, and a darker color represents smaller scores. - Cluster Distribution The first plot shows distribution of clusters generated by K-Means algorithm in a pie-chart, and the distance is calculated using Euclidean distance. The second plot shows distribution of clusters generated by DBSCAN algorithm in a pie-chart, and the distance is calculated using Haversine distance. - Visualization The first plow is a Mapbox scatter plot of cluster-wise geospatial datapoints using K-Means algorithm. Color-coded datapoints are shown in a map which allows zoom-in, zoom-out, and latitude, longitude and cluster information are displayed for each label. The second plow is a Mapbox scatter plot of cluster-wise geospatial datapoints using DBSCAN algorithm. Color-coded datapoints are shown in a map which allows zoom-in, zoom-out, and latitude, longitude and cluster information are displayed for each label. Displaying these two plots together allows users to have an intuitive impact of results generated by different clustering techniques. - Outlier Points Unlike other sections, this section only contains results generated by DBSCAN algorithm. The first plot is a scatter plot of outlier points captured using DBSCAN algorithm with Euclidean distance calculation. The x-axis is longitude and y-axis is latitude, and outlier points will be marked as "X". The second plot is a scatter plot of outlier points captured using DBSCAN algorithm with Haversine distance calculation. The x-axis is longitude and y-axis is latitude, and outlier points will be marked as "X". Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column max_cluster Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster eps Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering min_samples Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data col_name Analysis column global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index Returns ------- """ df_ = df[[lat_col, long_col]] max_k = int(max_cluster) ## iterations distortions = [] for i in range(2, max_k + 1): if len(df_) >= i: model = MiniBatchKMeans( n_clusters=i, init="k-means++", max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0 ) distortions.append(model.inertia_) ## best k: the lowest derivative k = [i * 100 for i in np.diff(distortions, 2)].index( min([i * 100 for i in np.diff(distortions, 2)]) ) ## plot f1 = go.Figure() f1.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(range(1, len(distortions) + 1)), y=distortions, mode="lines+markers", name="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[2], width=2, dash="dash"), marker=dict(size=10), ) ) f1.update_yaxes( title="Distortion", showgrid=True, gridwidth=1, gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.gray[10], ) f1.update_xaxes(title="Values of K") f1.add_vline(x=k, line_width=3, line_dash="dash", line_color=global_theme[4]) f1.update_layout( title_text="Elbow Curve Showing the Optimal Number of Clusters [K : " + str(k) + "] <br><sup>Algorithm Used : KMeans</sup>" ) f1.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f1.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f1.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_elbow_" + col_name) model = MiniBatchKMeans( n_clusters=k, init="k-means++", max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0 ) df_["cluster"] = model.fit_predict(df_) df_.to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_output_kmeans_" + col_name + ".csv", index=False, ) # Use `hole` to create a donut-like pie chart cluster_dtls = df_.groupby(["cluster"]).size().reset_index(name="counts") f2 = go.Figure( go.Pie( labels=list(cluster_dtls.cluster.values), values=list(cluster_dtls.counts.values), hole=0.3, marker_colors=global_theme, text=list(cluster_dtls.cluster.values), ) ) f2.update_layout( title_text="Distribution of Clusters" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : K-Means (Distance : Euclidean) </sup>", legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center"), ) f2.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_kmeans_" + col_name) f3 = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat=lat_col, lon=long_col, color="cluster", color_continuous_scale=global_theme, mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], ) f3.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") f3.update_layout(mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val]) f3.update_layout( title_text="Cluster Wise Geospatial Datapoints " + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : K-Means</sup>" ) f3.update_layout(coloraxis_showscale=False, autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f3.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_kmeans_" + col_name) # Reading in 2D Feature Space df_ = df[[lat_col, long_col]] # DBSCAN model with parameters eps = eps.split(",") min_samples = min_samples.split(",") for i in range(3): eps[i] = float(eps[i]) min_samples[i] = float(min_samples[i]) DBSCAN_params = list( product( np.arange(eps[0], eps[1], eps[2]), np.arange(min_samples[0], min_samples[1], min_samples[2]), ) ) no_of_clusters = [] sil_score = [] for p in DBSCAN_params: try: DBS_clustering = DBSCAN(eps=p[0], min_samples=p[1], metric="haversine").fit( df_ ) sil_score.append(silhouette_score(df_, DBS_clustering.labels_)) except: sil_score.append(0) tmp = pd.DataFrame.from_records(DBSCAN_params, columns=["Eps", "Min_samples"]) tmp["Sil_score"] = sil_score eps_, min_samples_ = list(tmp.sort_values("Sil_score", ascending=False).values[0])[ 0:2 ] DBS_clustering = DBSCAN(eps=eps_, min_samples=min_samples_, metric="haversine").fit( df_ ) DBSCAN_clustered = df_.copy() DBSCAN_clustered.loc[:, "Cluster"] = DBS_clustering.labels_ DBSCAN_clustered.to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_output_dbscan_" + col_name + ".csv", index=False, ) pivot_1 = pd.pivot_table( tmp, values="Sil_score", index="Min_samples", columns="Eps" ) f1_ = px.imshow( pivot_1.values, text_auto=".3f", color_continuous_scale=global_theme, aspect="auto", y=list(pivot_1.index), x=list(pivot_1.columns), ) f1_.update_xaxes(title="Eps") f1_.update_yaxes(title="Min_samples") f1_.update_traces( text=np.around(pivot_1.values, decimals=3), texttemplate="%{text}" ) f1_.update_layout( title_text="Distribution of Silhouette Scores Across Different Parameters " + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN</sup>" ) f1_.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f1_.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f1_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_silhoutte_" + col_name) DBSCAN_clustered.loc[DBSCAN_clustered["Cluster"] == -1, "Cluster"] = 999 cluster_dtls_ = ( DBSCAN_clustered.groupby(["Cluster"]).size().reset_index(name="counts") ) f2_ = go.Figure( go.Pie( labels=list(cluster_dtls_.Cluster.values), values=list(cluster_dtls_.counts.values), hole=0.3, marker_colors=global_theme, text=list(cluster_dtls_.Cluster.values), ) ) f2_.update_layout( title_text="Distribution of Clusters" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN (Distance : Haversine) </sup>", legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center"), ) f2_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_dbscan_" + col_name) f3_ = px.scatter_mapbox( DBSCAN_clustered, lat=lat_col, lon=long_col, color="Cluster", color_continuous_scale=global_theme, mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], ) f3_.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") f3_.update_layout(mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val]) f3_.update_layout( title_text="Cluster Wise Geospatial Datapoints " + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN</sup>" ) f3_.update_layout(autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f3_.update_coloraxes(showscale=False) f3_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_dbscan_" + col_name) try: DBSCAN_clustered_ = df_.copy() df_outlier = DBSCAN(eps=eps_, min_samples=min_samples_).fit(DBSCAN_clustered_) DBSCAN_clustered_.loc[:, "Cluster"] = df_outlier.labels_ DBSCAN_clustered_ = DBSCAN_clustered_[DBSCAN_clustered_.Cluster.values == -1] DBSCAN_clustered_["outlier"] = 1 f4 = go.Figure( go.Scatter( mode="markers", x=DBSCAN_clustered_[long_col], y=DBSCAN_clustered_[lat_col], marker_symbol="x-thin", marker_line_color="black", marker_color="black", marker_line_width=2, marker_size=20, ) ) f4.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f4.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f4.update_xaxes(title_text="longitude") f4.update_yaxes(title_text="latitude") f4.update_layout(autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f4.update_layout( title_text="Outlier Points Captured By Cluster Analysis" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN (Distance : Euclidean)</sup>" ) f4.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + col_name) except: f4 = blank_chart f4.update_layout( title_text="No Outliers Were Found Using DBSCAN (Distance : Euclidean)" ) f4.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + col_name) try: df_outlier_ = DBSCAN_clustered[DBSCAN_clustered.Cluster.values == 999] f4_ = go.Figure( go.Scatter( mode="markers", x=df_outlier_[long_col], y=df_outlier_[lat_col], marker_symbol="x-thin", marker_line_color="black", marker_color="black", marker_line_width=2, marker_size=20, ) ) f4_.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f4_.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f4_.update_xaxes(title_text="longitude") f4_.update_yaxes(title_text="latitude") f4_.update_layout(autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f4_.update_layout( title_text="Outlier Points Captured By Cluster Analysis" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN (Distance : Haversine)</sup>" ) f4_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + col_name) except: f4_ = blank_chart f4_.update_layout( title_text="No Outliers Were Found Using DBSCAN (Distance : Haversine)" ) f4_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + col_name) def geo_cluster_generator( df, lat_col_list, long_col_list, geo_col_list, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, global_map_box_val, max_records, ): """ This function helps to trigger cluster analysis stats for the identified geospatial fields by calling "geo_cluster_analysis" function. If lat-long pairs are available, cluster analysis of each pair will be conducted and intermediate files will be saved inside master_path. If geohash columns are available, cluster analysis of each geohash column will be conducted and intermediate files will be saved into master_path. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col_list Latitude columns identified in the data long_col_list Longitude columns identified in the data geo_col_list Geohash columns identified in the data max_cluster Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster eps Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering min_samples Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed Returns ------- """ if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): pass else: cnt_records = df.count() frac_sample = float(max_records) / float(cnt_records) if frac_sample > 1: frac_sample_ = 1.0 else: frac_sample_ = float(frac_sample) df =*[lat_col_list + long_col_list + geo_col_list]).dropna() if frac_sample_ == 1.0: df = df.toPandas() else: df = data_sampling.data_sample( df, strata_cols="all", fraction=frac_sample_ ).toPandas() try: lat_col = lat_col_list long_col = long_col_list except: lat_col = [] try: geohash_col = geo_col_list except: geohash_col = [] if len(lat_col) >= 1: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): col_name = lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] geo_cluster_analysis( df, lat_col[idx], long_col[idx], max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, col_name, global_map_box_val, ) if len(geohash_col) >= 1: for idx, i in enumerate(geohash_col): col_name = geohash_col[idx] df_ = df df_["latitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_name], 0), axis=1 ) df_["longitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_name], 1), axis=1 ) geo_cluster_analysis( df_, "latitude", "longitude", max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, col_name, global_map_box_val, ) def generate_loc_charts_processor( df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, max_val, id_col, global_map_box_val, master_path ): """ This function helps to generate the output of location charts for the geospatial fields, and save Mapbox scatter plots in JSON format inside master_path. If lat-long pairs are available, Mapbox scatter plot of each pair will be generated to visualize the locations of each datapoint. If geohash columns are available, every geohash column will go through geohash-to-lat-long transformation, and Mapbox scatter plot of the transformed lat-long pairs will be generated. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col Latitude columns identified in the data long_col Longitude columns identified in the data geohash_col Geohash columns identified in the data max_val Maximum geospatial points analyzed id_col ID column global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data Returns ------- """ if lat_col: cols_to_select = lat_col + long_col + [id_col] elif geohash_col: cols_to_select = geohash_col + [id_col] df = if lat_col: if len(lat_col) == 1: df_ = ( df.groupBy(lat_col[0], long_col[0]) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat=lat_col[0], lon=long_col[0], mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json( ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_ll_" + lat_col[0] + "_" + long_col[0] ) elif len(lat_col) > 1: # l = [] for i in range(0, len(lat_col)): df_ = ( df.groupBy(lat_col[i], long_col[i]) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat=lat_col[i], lon=long_col[i], mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json( ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_ll_" + lat_col[i] + "_" + long_col[i] ) if geohash_col: if len(geohash_col) == 1: col_ = geohash_col[0] df_ = ( df.groupBy(col_) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) df_["latitude"] = df_.apply(lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 0), axis=1) df_["longitude"] = df_.apply(lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 1), axis=1) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat="latitude", lon="longitude", mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_gh_" + col_) elif len(geohash_col) > 1: # l = [] for i in range(0, len(geohash_col)): col_ = geohash_col[i] df_ = ( df.groupBy(col_) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) df_["latitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 0), axis=1 ) df_["longitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 1), axis=1 ) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat="latitude", lon="longitude", mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_gh_" + col_) def generate_loc_charts_controller( df, id_col, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, max_val, global_map_box_val, master_path ): """ This function helps to trigger the output generation of location charts for the geospatial fields. If lat-long pairs are available, "generate_loc_charts_processor" will be called (with geohash_cols set to None) and Mapbox scatter plot will be generated for each pair. If geohash columns are available, "generate_loc_charts_processor" will be called (with lat_col, long_col both set to None) and Mapbox scatter plot will be generated for each geohash column. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame id_col ID column lat_col Latitude columns identified in the data long_col Longitude columns identified in the data geohash_col Geohash columns identified in the data max_val Maximum geospatial points analyzed global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data Returns ------- """ if lat_col: len_lat = len(lat_col) ll_plot = generate_loc_charts_processor( df, lat_col=lat_col, long_col=long_col, geohash_col=None, max_val=max_val, id_col=id_col, global_map_box_val=global_map_box_val, master_path=master_path, ) else: len_lat = 0 if geohash_col: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) geohash_plot = generate_loc_charts_processor( df, lat_col=None, long_col=None, geohash_col=geohash_col, max_val=max_val, id_col=id_col, global_map_box_val=global_map_box_val, master_path=master_path, ) else: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat + len_geohash_col) == 1: if len_lat == 0: return geohash_plot else: return ll_plot elif (len_lat + len_geohash_col) > 1: if (len_lat > 1) and (len_geohash_col == 0): return ll_plot elif (len_lat == 0) and (len_geohash_col > 1): return geohash_plot elif (len_lat >= 1) and (len_geohash_col >= 1): return ll_plot, geohash_plot def geospatial_autodetection( df, id_col, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, global_map_box_val, run_type, auth_key, ): """ This function helps to trigger the output of intermediate data which is further used for producing the geospatial-analysis tab in Anovos full report. Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis and visualization of geospatial fields will be triggered in sequence for each lat-long pair and geohash column respectively. Descriptive anallysis is conducted by calling "stats_gen_lat_long_geo" function, cluster analysis is conducted by calling "geo_cluster_generator" fucntion and visualization of geospatial fields is generated by calling "generate_loc_charts_controller" function. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed max_cluster Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster eps Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering min_samples Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index run_type Option to choose between run type "Local" or "EMR" or "Azure" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "Local" auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- """ if run_type == "local": local_path = master_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(master_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols = ll_gh_cols(df, max_records) try: len_lat_col = len(lat_cols) except: len_lat_col = 0 try: len_geohash_col = len(gh_cols) except: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat_col > 0) or (len_geohash_col > 0): df.persist() stats_gen_lat_long_geo( df, lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, id_col, local_path, top_geo_records ) geo_cluster_generator( df, lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, local_path, global_map_box_val, max_records, ) generate_loc_charts_controller( df, id_col, lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, max_records, global_map_box_val, local_path, ) return lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols elif len_lat_col + len_geohash_col == 0: return [], [], [] if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(master_path) ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true ' ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def descriptive_stats_gen(df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val)
This function is the base function to produce descriptive stats for geospatial fields, and save relevant outputs in csv format inside master_path. If lat_col and long_col are valid, two tables will be generated - An overall summary table: This table has two columns: "stats" and "count", and 5 rows. These 5 rows summarizes the count of distinct {lat, long} pair count, latitude and longitude and shows the most common {lat,long} pair with occurrence respectively. - A top lat-long pairs table: This table shows the top lat-long pairs based on occurrence, and max_val parameter determines the number of records. If geohash_col is valid, two tables will be generated - An overall summary table: This table has two columns: "stats" and "count", and 3 rows. These 3 rows displays the total number of distinct geohashes, precision level observed for geohashes and the most common geohash respectively. - A top geohash distribution table: This table shows the top geohash distributions based on occurrence, and max_val parameter determines the number of records.
- DataFrame to be analyzed
- Latitude column
- Longitude column
- Geohash column
- ID column
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Top geospatial records displayed
Expand source code
def descriptive_stats_gen( df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ): """ This function is the base function to produce descriptive stats for geospatial fields, and save relevant outputs in csv format inside master_path. If lat_col and long_col are valid, two tables will be generated - An overall summary table: This table has two columns: "stats" and "count", and 5 rows. These 5 rows summarizes the count of distinct {lat, long} pair count, latitude and longitude and shows the most common {lat,long} pair with occurrence respectively. - A top lat-long pairs table: This table shows the top lat-long pairs based on occurrence, and max_val parameter determines the number of records. If geohash_col is valid, two tables will be generated - An overall summary table: This table has two columns: "stats" and "count", and 3 rows. These 3 rows displays the total number of distinct geohashes, precision level observed for geohashes and the most common geohash respectively. - A top geohash distribution table: This table shows the top geohash distributions based on occurrence, and max_val parameter determines the number of records. Parameters ---------- df DataFrame to be analyzed lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column geohash_col Geohash column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- DataFrame[CSV] """ if (lat_col is not None) & (long_col is not None): dist_lat_long, dist_lat, dist_long = (, long_col).distinct().count(),,, ) top_lat_long = ( df.withColumn( "lat_long_pair", F.concat( F.lit("["), F.col(lat_col), F.lit(","), F.col(long_col), F.lit("]") ), ) .groupBy("lat_long_pair") .agg( F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count_id"), F.count(id_col).alias("count_records"), ) .orderBy("count_id", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) ) most_lat_long = top_lat_long.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[0] most_lat_long_cnt = top_lat_long.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[1] top_lat_long = top_lat_long.toPandas() d1 = dist_lat_long, dist_lat, dist_long, most_lat_long, most_lat_long_cnt d1_desc = ( "Distinct {Lat, Long} Pair", "Distinct Latitude", "Distinct Longitude", "Most Common {Lat, Long} Pair", "Most Common {Lat, Long} Pair Occurence", ) gen_stats = ( pd.DataFrame(d1, d1_desc) .reset_index() .rename(columns={"index": "Stats", 0: "Count"}) ) l = ["Overall_Summary", "Top_" + str(max_val) + "_Lat_Long"] for idx, i in enumerate([gen_stats, top_lat_long]): i.to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + l[idx] + "_1_" + lat_col + "_" + long_col + ".csv", index=False, ) if geohash_col is not None: dist_geohash = precision_geohash = ( .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect()[0] ) max_occuring_geohash = ( df.groupBy(geohash_col) .agg(F.count(id_col).alias("count_records")) .orderBy("count_records", ascending=False) .limit(1) ) geohash_val = max_occuring_geohash.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[0] geohash_cnt = max_occuring_geohash.rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect()[1] l = ["Overall_Summary", "Top_" + str(max_val) + "_Geohash_Distribution"] geohash_area_width_height_1_12 = [ "5,009.4km x 4,992.6km", "1,252.3km x 624.1km", "156.5km x 156km", "39.1km x 19.5km", "4.9km x 4.9km", "1.2km x 609.4m", "152.9m x 152.4m", "38.2m x 19m", "4.8m x 4.8m", "1.2m x 59.5cm", "14.9cm x 14.9cm", "3.7cm x 1.9cm", ] pd.DataFrame( [ ["Total number of Distinct Geohashes", str(dist_geohash)], [ "The Precision level observed for the Geohashes", str(precision_geohash) + " [Reference Area Width x Height : " + str(geohash_area_width_height_1_12[precision_geohash - 1]) + "] ", ], [ "The Most Common Geohash", str(geohash_val) + " , " + str(geohash_cnt), ], ], columns=["Stats", "Count"], ).to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + l[0] + "_2_" + geohash_col + ".csv", index=False ) df.withColumn( "geohash_" + str(precision_geohash), F.substring(F.col(geohash_col), 1, precision_geohash), ).groupBy("geohash_" + str(precision_geohash)).agg( F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count_id"), F.count(id_col).alias("count_records"), ).orderBy( "count_id", ascending=False ).limit( max_val ).toPandas().to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + l[1] + "_2_" + geohash_col + ".csv", index=False )
def generate_loc_charts_controller(df, id_col, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, max_val, global_map_box_val, master_path)
This function helps to trigger the output generation of location charts for the geospatial fields. If lat-long pairs are available, "generate_loc_charts_processor" will be called (with geohash_cols set to None) and Mapbox scatter plot will be generated for each pair. If geohash columns are available, "generate_loc_charts_processor" will be called (with lat_col, long_col both set to None) and Mapbox scatter plot will be generated for each geohash column.
- Analysis DataFrame
- ID column
- Latitude columns identified in the data
- Longitude columns identified in the data
- Geohash columns identified in the data
- Maximum geospatial points analyzed
- Geospatial Chart Theme Index
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
Expand source code
def generate_loc_charts_controller( df, id_col, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, max_val, global_map_box_val, master_path ): """ This function helps to trigger the output generation of location charts for the geospatial fields. If lat-long pairs are available, "generate_loc_charts_processor" will be called (with geohash_cols set to None) and Mapbox scatter plot will be generated for each pair. If geohash columns are available, "generate_loc_charts_processor" will be called (with lat_col, long_col both set to None) and Mapbox scatter plot will be generated for each geohash column. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame id_col ID column lat_col Latitude columns identified in the data long_col Longitude columns identified in the data geohash_col Geohash columns identified in the data max_val Maximum geospatial points analyzed global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data Returns ------- """ if lat_col: len_lat = len(lat_col) ll_plot = generate_loc_charts_processor( df, lat_col=lat_col, long_col=long_col, geohash_col=None, max_val=max_val, id_col=id_col, global_map_box_val=global_map_box_val, master_path=master_path, ) else: len_lat = 0 if geohash_col: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) geohash_plot = generate_loc_charts_processor( df, lat_col=None, long_col=None, geohash_col=geohash_col, max_val=max_val, id_col=id_col, global_map_box_val=global_map_box_val, master_path=master_path, ) else: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat + len_geohash_col) == 1: if len_lat == 0: return geohash_plot else: return ll_plot elif (len_lat + len_geohash_col) > 1: if (len_lat > 1) and (len_geohash_col == 0): return ll_plot elif (len_lat == 0) and (len_geohash_col > 1): return geohash_plot elif (len_lat >= 1) and (len_geohash_col >= 1): return ll_plot, geohash_plot
def generate_loc_charts_processor(df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, max_val, id_col, global_map_box_val, master_path)
This function helps to generate the output of location charts for the geospatial fields, and save Mapbox scatter plots in JSON format inside master_path. If lat-long pairs are available, Mapbox scatter plot of each pair will be generated to visualize the locations of each datapoint. If geohash columns are available, every geohash column will go through geohash-to-lat-long transformation, and Mapbox scatter plot of the transformed lat-long pairs will be generated.
- Analysis DataFrame
- Latitude columns identified in the data
- Longitude columns identified in the data
- Geohash columns identified in the data
- Maximum geospatial points analyzed
- ID column
- Geospatial Chart Theme Index
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
Expand source code
def generate_loc_charts_processor( df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, max_val, id_col, global_map_box_val, master_path ): """ This function helps to generate the output of location charts for the geospatial fields, and save Mapbox scatter plots in JSON format inside master_path. If lat-long pairs are available, Mapbox scatter plot of each pair will be generated to visualize the locations of each datapoint. If geohash columns are available, every geohash column will go through geohash-to-lat-long transformation, and Mapbox scatter plot of the transformed lat-long pairs will be generated. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col Latitude columns identified in the data long_col Longitude columns identified in the data geohash_col Geohash columns identified in the data max_val Maximum geospatial points analyzed id_col ID column global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data Returns ------- """ if lat_col: cols_to_select = lat_col + long_col + [id_col] elif geohash_col: cols_to_select = geohash_col + [id_col] df = if lat_col: if len(lat_col) == 1: df_ = ( df.groupBy(lat_col[0], long_col[0]) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat=lat_col[0], lon=long_col[0], mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json( ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_ll_" + lat_col[0] + "_" + long_col[0] ) elif len(lat_col) > 1: # l = [] for i in range(0, len(lat_col)): df_ = ( df.groupBy(lat_col[i], long_col[i]) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat=lat_col[i], lon=long_col[i], mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json( ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_ll_" + lat_col[i] + "_" + long_col[i] ) if geohash_col: if len(geohash_col) == 1: col_ = geohash_col[0] df_ = ( df.groupBy(col_) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) df_["latitude"] = df_.apply(lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 0), axis=1) df_["longitude"] = df_.apply(lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 1), axis=1) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat="latitude", lon="longitude", mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_gh_" + col_) elif len(geohash_col) > 1: # l = [] for i in range(0, len(geohash_col)): col_ = geohash_col[i] df_ = ( df.groupBy(col_) .agg(F.countDistinct(id_col).alias("count")) .orderBy("count", ascending=False) .limit(max_val) .toPandas() ) df_["latitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 0), axis=1 ) df_["longitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_], 1), axis=1 ) base_map = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat="latitude", lon="longitude", mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], size="count", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) base_map.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") base_map.update_layout( mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], autosize=False, width=1200, height=900, ) base_map.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "loc_charts_gh_" + col_)
def geo_cluster_analysis(df, lat_col, long_col, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, col_name, global_map_box_val)
This function is the base function to generate cluster analysis statistics for the geospatial fields, and save 8 plots in JSON format inside master_path. K-Means and DBSCAN are the two clustering algorihtm used and the 8 plots are divided into 4 sections as below: - Cluster Identification: The first plot displays the cluster-identification process using K-Means algorithm. It is an elbow curve plot showing the distortion vs. number of clusters, and identifies the optimal number of clusters with a vertical line at K. The second plot displays the cluster-identification process using DBSCAN algorithm. It shows the distribution of silouhette scores across different parameters in a heatmap, and a darker color represents smaller scores.
Cluster Distribution The first plot shows distribution of clusters generated by K-Means algorithm in a pie-chart, and the distance is calculated using Euclidean distance. The second plot shows distribution of clusters generated by DBSCAN algorithm in a pie-chart, and the distance is calculated using Haversine distance.
Visualization The first plow is a Mapbox scatter plot of cluster-wise geospatial datapoints using K-Means algorithm. Color-coded datapoints are shown in a map which allows zoom-in, zoom-out, and latitude, longitude and cluster information are displayed for each label. The second plow is a Mapbox scatter plot of cluster-wise geospatial datapoints using DBSCAN algorithm. Color-coded datapoints are shown in a map which allows zoom-in, zoom-out, and latitude, longitude and cluster information are displayed for each label. Displaying these two plots together allows users to have an intuitive impact of results generated by different clustering techniques.
Outlier Points Unlike other sections, this section only contains results generated by DBSCAN algorithm. The first plot is a scatter plot of outlier points captured using DBSCAN algorithm with Euclidean distance calculation. The x-axis is longitude and y-axis is latitude, and outlier points will be marked as "X". The second plot is a scatter plot of outlier points captured using DBSCAN algorithm with Haversine distance calculation. The x-axis is longitude and y-axis is latitude, and outlier points will be marked as "X".
- Analysis DataFrame
- Latitude column
- Longitude column
- Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster
- Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering
- Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Analysis column
- Geospatial Chart Theme Index
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def geo_cluster_analysis( df, lat_col, long_col, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, col_name, global_map_box_val, ): """ This function is the base function to generate cluster analysis statistics for the geospatial fields, and save 8 plots in JSON format inside master_path. K-Means and DBSCAN are the two clustering algorihtm used and the 8 plots are divided into 4 sections as below: - Cluster Identification: The first plot displays the cluster-identification process using K-Means algorithm. It is an elbow curve plot showing the distortion vs. number of clusters, and identifies the optimal number of clusters with a vertical line at K. The second plot displays the cluster-identification process using DBSCAN algorithm. It shows the distribution of silouhette scores across different parameters in a heatmap, and a darker color represents smaller scores. - Cluster Distribution The first plot shows distribution of clusters generated by K-Means algorithm in a pie-chart, and the distance is calculated using Euclidean distance. The second plot shows distribution of clusters generated by DBSCAN algorithm in a pie-chart, and the distance is calculated using Haversine distance. - Visualization The first plow is a Mapbox scatter plot of cluster-wise geospatial datapoints using K-Means algorithm. Color-coded datapoints are shown in a map which allows zoom-in, zoom-out, and latitude, longitude and cluster information are displayed for each label. The second plow is a Mapbox scatter plot of cluster-wise geospatial datapoints using DBSCAN algorithm. Color-coded datapoints are shown in a map which allows zoom-in, zoom-out, and latitude, longitude and cluster information are displayed for each label. Displaying these two plots together allows users to have an intuitive impact of results generated by different clustering techniques. - Outlier Points Unlike other sections, this section only contains results generated by DBSCAN algorithm. The first plot is a scatter plot of outlier points captured using DBSCAN algorithm with Euclidean distance calculation. The x-axis is longitude and y-axis is latitude, and outlier points will be marked as "X". The second plot is a scatter plot of outlier points captured using DBSCAN algorithm with Haversine distance calculation. The x-axis is longitude and y-axis is latitude, and outlier points will be marked as "X". Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column max_cluster Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster eps Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering min_samples Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data col_name Analysis column global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index Returns ------- """ df_ = df[[lat_col, long_col]] max_k = int(max_cluster) ## iterations distortions = [] for i in range(2, max_k + 1): if len(df_) >= i: model = MiniBatchKMeans( n_clusters=i, init="k-means++", max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0 ) distortions.append(model.inertia_) ## best k: the lowest derivative k = [i * 100 for i in np.diff(distortions, 2)].index( min([i * 100 for i in np.diff(distortions, 2)]) ) ## plot f1 = go.Figure() f1.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(range(1, len(distortions) + 1)), y=distortions, mode="lines+markers", name="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[2], width=2, dash="dash"), marker=dict(size=10), ) ) f1.update_yaxes( title="Distortion", showgrid=True, gridwidth=1, gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.gray[10], ) f1.update_xaxes(title="Values of K") f1.add_vline(x=k, line_width=3, line_dash="dash", line_color=global_theme[4]) f1.update_layout( title_text="Elbow Curve Showing the Optimal Number of Clusters [K : " + str(k) + "] <br><sup>Algorithm Used : KMeans</sup>" ) f1.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f1.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f1.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_elbow_" + col_name) model = MiniBatchKMeans( n_clusters=k, init="k-means++", max_iter=300, n_init=10, random_state=0 ) df_["cluster"] = model.fit_predict(df_) df_.to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_output_kmeans_" + col_name + ".csv", index=False, ) # Use `hole` to create a donut-like pie chart cluster_dtls = df_.groupby(["cluster"]).size().reset_index(name="counts") f2 = go.Figure( go.Pie( labels=list(cluster_dtls.cluster.values), values=list(cluster_dtls.counts.values), hole=0.3, marker_colors=global_theme, text=list(cluster_dtls.cluster.values), ) ) f2.update_layout( title_text="Distribution of Clusters" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : K-Means (Distance : Euclidean) </sup>", legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center"), ) f2.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_kmeans_" + col_name) f3 = px.scatter_mapbox( df_, lat=lat_col, lon=long_col, color="cluster", color_continuous_scale=global_theme, mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], ) f3.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") f3.update_layout(mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val]) f3.update_layout( title_text="Cluster Wise Geospatial Datapoints " + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : K-Means</sup>" ) f3.update_layout(coloraxis_showscale=False, autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f3.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_kmeans_" + col_name) # Reading in 2D Feature Space df_ = df[[lat_col, long_col]] # DBSCAN model with parameters eps = eps.split(",") min_samples = min_samples.split(",") for i in range(3): eps[i] = float(eps[i]) min_samples[i] = float(min_samples[i]) DBSCAN_params = list( product( np.arange(eps[0], eps[1], eps[2]), np.arange(min_samples[0], min_samples[1], min_samples[2]), ) ) no_of_clusters = [] sil_score = [] for p in DBSCAN_params: try: DBS_clustering = DBSCAN(eps=p[0], min_samples=p[1], metric="haversine").fit( df_ ) sil_score.append(silhouette_score(df_, DBS_clustering.labels_)) except: sil_score.append(0) tmp = pd.DataFrame.from_records(DBSCAN_params, columns=["Eps", "Min_samples"]) tmp["Sil_score"] = sil_score eps_, min_samples_ = list(tmp.sort_values("Sil_score", ascending=False).values[0])[ 0:2 ] DBS_clustering = DBSCAN(eps=eps_, min_samples=min_samples_, metric="haversine").fit( df_ ) DBSCAN_clustered = df_.copy() DBSCAN_clustered.loc[:, "Cluster"] = DBS_clustering.labels_ DBSCAN_clustered.to_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_output_dbscan_" + col_name + ".csv", index=False, ) pivot_1 = pd.pivot_table( tmp, values="Sil_score", index="Min_samples", columns="Eps" ) f1_ = px.imshow( pivot_1.values, text_auto=".3f", color_continuous_scale=global_theme, aspect="auto", y=list(pivot_1.index), x=list(pivot_1.columns), ) f1_.update_xaxes(title="Eps") f1_.update_yaxes(title="Min_samples") f1_.update_traces( text=np.around(pivot_1.values, decimals=3), texttemplate="%{text}" ) f1_.update_layout( title_text="Distribution of Silhouette Scores Across Different Parameters " + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN</sup>" ) f1_.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f1_.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f1_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_silhoutte_" + col_name) DBSCAN_clustered.loc[DBSCAN_clustered["Cluster"] == -1, "Cluster"] = 999 cluster_dtls_ = ( DBSCAN_clustered.groupby(["Cluster"]).size().reset_index(name="counts") ) f2_ = go.Figure( go.Pie( labels=list(cluster_dtls_.Cluster.values), values=list(cluster_dtls_.counts.values), hole=0.3, marker_colors=global_theme, text=list(cluster_dtls_.Cluster.values), ) ) f2_.update_layout( title_text="Distribution of Clusters" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN (Distance : Haversine) </sup>", legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center"), ) f2_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_dbscan_" + col_name) f3_ = px.scatter_mapbox( DBSCAN_clustered, lat=lat_col, lon=long_col, color="Cluster", color_continuous_scale=global_theme, mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val], ) f3_.update_geos(fitbounds="locations") f3_.update_layout(mapbox_style=mapbox_list[global_map_box_val]) f3_.update_layout( title_text="Cluster Wise Geospatial Datapoints " + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN</sup>" ) f3_.update_layout(autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f3_.update_coloraxes(showscale=False) f3_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_dbscan_" + col_name) try: DBSCAN_clustered_ = df_.copy() df_outlier = DBSCAN(eps=eps_, min_samples=min_samples_).fit(DBSCAN_clustered_) DBSCAN_clustered_.loc[:, "Cluster"] = df_outlier.labels_ DBSCAN_clustered_ = DBSCAN_clustered_[DBSCAN_clustered_.Cluster.values == -1] DBSCAN_clustered_["outlier"] = 1 f4 = go.Figure( go.Scatter( mode="markers", x=DBSCAN_clustered_[long_col], y=DBSCAN_clustered_[lat_col], marker_symbol="x-thin", marker_line_color="black", marker_color="black", marker_line_width=2, marker_size=20, ) ) f4.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f4.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f4.update_xaxes(title_text="longitude") f4.update_yaxes(title_text="latitude") f4.update_layout(autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f4.update_layout( title_text="Outlier Points Captured By Cluster Analysis" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN (Distance : Euclidean)</sup>" ) f4.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + col_name) except: f4 = blank_chart f4.update_layout( title_text="No Outliers Were Found Using DBSCAN (Distance : Euclidean)" ) f4.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + col_name) try: df_outlier_ = DBSCAN_clustered[DBSCAN_clustered.Cluster.values == 999] f4_ = go.Figure( go.Scatter( mode="markers", x=df_outlier_[long_col], y=df_outlier_[lat_col], marker_symbol="x-thin", marker_line_color="black", marker_color="black", marker_line_width=2, marker_size=20, ) ) f4_.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f4_.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f4_.update_xaxes(title_text="longitude") f4_.update_yaxes(title_text="latitude") f4_.update_layout(autosize=False, width=1200, height=900) f4_.update_layout( title_text="Outlier Points Captured By Cluster Analysis" + "<br><sup>Algorithm Used : DBSCAN (Distance : Haversine)</sup>" ) f4_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + col_name) except: f4_ = blank_chart f4_.update_layout( title_text="No Outliers Were Found Using DBSCAN (Distance : Haversine)" ) f4_.write_json(ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + col_name)
def geo_cluster_generator(df, lat_col_list, long_col_list, geo_col_list, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, global_map_box_val, max_records)
This function helps to trigger cluster analysis stats for the identified geospatial fields by calling "geo_cluster_analysis" function. If lat-long pairs are available, cluster analysis of each pair will be conducted and intermediate files will be saved inside master_path. If geohash columns are available, cluster analysis of each geohash column will be conducted and intermediate files will be saved into master_path.
- Analysis DataFrame
- Latitude columns identified in the data
- Longitude columns identified in the data
- Geohash columns identified in the data
- Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster
- Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering
- Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Geospatial Chart Theme Index
- Maximum geospatial points analyzed
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def geo_cluster_generator( df, lat_col_list, long_col_list, geo_col_list, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, global_map_box_val, max_records, ): """ This function helps to trigger cluster analysis stats for the identified geospatial fields by calling "geo_cluster_analysis" function. If lat-long pairs are available, cluster analysis of each pair will be conducted and intermediate files will be saved inside master_path. If geohash columns are available, cluster analysis of each geohash column will be conducted and intermediate files will be saved into master_path. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col_list Latitude columns identified in the data long_col_list Longitude columns identified in the data geo_col_list Geohash columns identified in the data max_cluster Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster eps Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering min_samples Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed Returns ------- """ if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): pass else: cnt_records = df.count() frac_sample = float(max_records) / float(cnt_records) if frac_sample > 1: frac_sample_ = 1.0 else: frac_sample_ = float(frac_sample) df =*[lat_col_list + long_col_list + geo_col_list]).dropna() if frac_sample_ == 1.0: df = df.toPandas() else: df = data_sampling.data_sample( df, strata_cols="all", fraction=frac_sample_ ).toPandas() try: lat_col = lat_col_list long_col = long_col_list except: lat_col = [] try: geohash_col = geo_col_list except: geohash_col = [] if len(lat_col) >= 1: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): col_name = lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] geo_cluster_analysis( df, lat_col[idx], long_col[idx], max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, col_name, global_map_box_val, ) if len(geohash_col) >= 1: for idx, i in enumerate(geohash_col): col_name = geohash_col[idx] df_ = df df_["latitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_name], 0), axis=1 ) df_["longitude"] = df_.apply( lambda x: geo_to_latlong(x[col_name], 1), axis=1 ) geo_cluster_analysis( df_, "latitude", "longitude", max_cluster, eps, min_samples, master_path, col_name, global_map_box_val, )
def geohash_col_stats_gen(df, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val)
This function helps to produce descriptive stats for the geohash columns. If there's more than 1 geohash column, an iteratio through all geohash columns will be conducted. Each geohash column will have its own descriptive statistics tables generated by "descriptive_stats_gen" function.
- Analysis DataFrame
- Geohash column
- ID column
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Top geospatial records displayed
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def geohash_col_stats_gen(df, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val): """ This function helps to produce descriptive stats for the geohash columns. If there's more than 1 geohash column, an iteratio through all geohash columns will be conducted. Each geohash column will have its own descriptive statistics tables generated by "descriptive_stats_gen" function. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame geohash_col Geohash column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- """ if len(geohash_col) == 1: descriptive_stats_gen( df, None, None, geohash_col[0], id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: for i in range(0, len(geohash_col)): descriptive_stats_gen( df, None, None, geohash_col[i], id_col, master_path, max_val )
def geospatial_autodetection(df, id_col, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, global_map_box_val, run_type, auth_key)
This function helps to trigger the output of intermediate data which is further used for producing the geospatial-analysis tab in Anovos full report. Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis and visualization of geospatial fields will be triggered in sequence for each lat-long pair and geohash column respectively. Descriptive anallysis is conducted by calling "stats_gen_lat_long_geo" function, cluster analysis is conducted by calling "geo_cluster_generator" fucntion and visualization of geospatial fields is generated by calling "generate_loc_charts_controller" function.
- Analysis DataFrame
- ID column
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Maximum geospatial points analyzed
- Top geospatial records displayed
- Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster
- Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering
- Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering
- Geospatial Chart Theme Index
- Option to choose between run type "Local" or "EMR" or "Azure" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "Local"
- Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA"
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def geospatial_autodetection( df, id_col, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, global_map_box_val, run_type, auth_key, ): """ This function helps to trigger the output of intermediate data which is further used for producing the geospatial-analysis tab in Anovos full report. Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis and visualization of geospatial fields will be triggered in sequence for each lat-long pair and geohash column respectively. Descriptive anallysis is conducted by calling "stats_gen_lat_long_geo" function, cluster analysis is conducted by calling "geo_cluster_generator" fucntion and visualization of geospatial fields is generated by calling "generate_loc_charts_controller" function. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed max_cluster Maximum number of iterations to decide on the optimum cluster eps Epsilon value range (Min EPS, Max EPS, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering min_samples Minimum Sample Size range (Min Sample Size, Max Sample Size, Interval) used for DBSCAN clustering global_map_box_val Geospatial Chart Theme Index run_type Option to choose between run type "Local" or "EMR" or "Azure" or "ak8s" basis the user flexibility. Default option is set as "Local" auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. Default value is kept as "NA" Returns ------- """ if run_type == "local": local_path = master_path elif run_type == "databricks": local_path = output_to_local(master_path) elif run_type in ("emr", "ak8s"): local_path = "report_stats" else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") Path(local_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols = ll_gh_cols(df, max_records) try: len_lat_col = len(lat_cols) except: len_lat_col = 0 try: len_geohash_col = len(gh_cols) except: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat_col > 0) or (len_geohash_col > 0): df.persist() stats_gen_lat_long_geo( df, lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, id_col, local_path, top_geo_records ) geo_cluster_generator( df, lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, max_cluster, eps, min_samples, local_path, global_map_box_val, max_records, ) generate_loc_charts_controller( df, id_col, lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, max_records, global_map_box_val, local_path, ) return lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols elif len_lat_col + len_geohash_col == 0: return [], [], [] if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(local_path) + " " + ends_with(master_path) ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(local_path) + '" "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" --recursive=true ' ) output = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd])
def lat_long_col_stats_gen(df, lat_col, long_col, id_col, master_path, max_val)
This function helps to produce descriptive stats for the latitude and longitude columns. If there's more than 1 latitude-longitude pair, an iteration through all pairs will be conducted. Each pair will have its own descriptive statistics tables generated by "descriptive_stats_gen" function.
- DataFrame to be analyzed
- Latitude column
- Longitude column
- ID column
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Top geospatial records displayed
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def lat_long_col_stats_gen(df, lat_col, long_col, id_col, master_path, max_val): """ This function helps to produce descriptive stats for the latitude and longitude columns. If there's more than 1 latitude-longitude pair, an iteration through all pairs will be conducted. Each pair will have its own descriptive statistics tables generated by "descriptive_stats_gen" function. Parameters ---------- df DataFrame to be analyzed lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- """ if len(lat_col) == 1 & len(long_col) == 1: descriptive_stats_gen( df, lat_col[0], long_col[0], None, id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: for i in range(0, len(lat_col)): descriptive_stats_gen( df, lat_col[i], long_col[i], None, id_col, master_path, max_val )
def stats_gen_lat_long_geo(df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val)
This function is the main function used when generating geospatial-analysis tab for Anovos full report. It helps to produce descriptive statistics files for the geospatial fields by calling "lat_long_col_stats_gen" and "geohash_col_stats_gen" respectively, and the files will be used for generating Anovos full report's Geospatial Analyzer tab. If lat_col and long_col are valid, "lat_long_col_stats_gen" function will be called and intermediate files (overall summary and tables showing top lat-long pairs) will be stored inside master_path. If geohash_col is valid, "geohash_col_stats_gen" function will be called and intermediate files (overall summary and tables showing top geohash distribution) will be stored inside master_path.
- Analysis DataFrame
- Latitude column
- Longitude column
- Geohash column
- ID column
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Top geospatial records displayed
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def stats_gen_lat_long_geo( df, lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ): """ This function is the main function used when generating geospatial-analysis tab for Anovos full report. It helps to produce descriptive statistics files for the geospatial fields by calling "lat_long_col_stats_gen" and "geohash_col_stats_gen" respectively, and the files will be used for generating Anovos full report's Geospatial Analyzer tab. If lat_col and long_col are valid, "lat_long_col_stats_gen" function will be called and intermediate files (overall summary and tables showing top lat-long pairs) will be stored inside master_path. If geohash_col is valid, "geohash_col_stats_gen" function will be called and intermediate files (overall summary and tables showing top geohash distribution) will be stored inside master_path. Parameters ---------- df Analysis DataFrame lat_col Latitude column long_col Longitude column geohash_col Geohash column id_col ID column master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data max_val Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- """ if lat_col: len_lat = len(lat_col) ll_stats = lat_long_col_stats_gen( df, lat_col, long_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: len_lat = 0 if geohash_col: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) geohash_stats = geohash_col_stats_gen( df, geohash_col, id_col, master_path, max_val ) else: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat + len_geohash_col) == 1: if len_lat == 0: return geohash_stats else: return ll_stats elif (len_lat + len_geohash_col) > 1: if (len_lat > 1) and (len_geohash_col == 0): return ll_stats elif (len_lat == 0) and (len_geohash_col > 1): return geohash_stats elif (len_lat >= 1) and (len_geohash_col >= 1): return ll_stats, geohash_stats