This submodule focuses on assessing the data quality at both row-level and column-level and also provides an appropriate treatment option to fix quality issues.
At the row level, the following checks are done:
- duplicate_detection
- nullRows_detection
At the column level, the following checks are done:
- nullColumns_detection
- outlier_detection
- IDness_detection
- biasedness_detection
- invalidEntries_detection
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# coding=utf-8 """ This submodule focuses on assessing the data quality at both row-level and column-level and also provides an appropriate treatment option to fix quality issues. At the row level, the following checks are done: - duplicate_detection - nullRows_detection At the column level, the following checks are done: - nullColumns_detection - outlier_detection - IDness_detection - biasedness_detection - invalidEntries_detection """ import copy import functools import pandas as pd import re import warnings from pyspark.sql import functions as F from pyspark.sql import types as T from anovos.data_analyzer.stats_generator import ( measures_of_cardinality, missingCount_computation, mode_computation, uniqueCount_computation, ) from anovos.data_ingest.data_ingest import read_dataset from anovos.data_transformer.transformers import ( auto_imputation, imputation_matrixFactorization, imputation_MMM, imputation_sklearn, ) from anovos.shared.utils import ( attributeType_segregation, get_dtype, transpose_dataframe, ) def duplicate_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=True, print_impact=False ): """ As the name implies, this function detects duplication in the input dataset. This means, for a pair of duplicate rows, the values in each column coincide. Duplication check is confined to the list of columns passed in the arguments. As part of treatment, duplicated rows are removed. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format; the 1st dataframe is the input dataset after deduplication (if treated else the original dataset). The 2nd dataframe is of schema β metric, value and contains the total number of rows, number of unique rows, number of duplicate rows and percentage of duplicate rows in total. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, duplicate rows are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = True) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False) Returns ------- if print_impact is True: odf : DataFrame de-duplicated dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [metric, value] and contains metrics - number of rows, number of unique rows, number of duplicate rows and percentage of duplicate rows in total. if print_impact is False: odf : DataFrame de-duplicated dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe. """ if not treatment and not print_impact: warnings.warn( "The original idf will be the only output. Set print_impact=True to perform detection without treatment" ) return idf if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols) | (len(list_of_cols) == 0): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") odf_tmp = idf.groupby(list_of_cols).count().drop("count") odf = odf_tmp if treatment else idf if print_impact: idf_count = idf.count() odf_tmp_count = odf_tmp.count() odf_print = spark.createDataFrame( [ ["rows_count", float(idf_count)], ["unique_rows_count", float(odf_tmp_count)], ["duplicate_rows", float(idf_count - odf_tmp_count)], ["duplicate_pct", round((idf_count - odf_tmp_count) / idf_count, 4)], ], schema=["metric", "value"], ) print("No. of Rows: " + str(idf_count)) print("No. of UNIQUE Rows: " + str(odf_tmp_count)) print("No. of Duplicate Rows: " + str(idf_count - odf_tmp_count)) print( "Percentage of Duplicate Rows: " + str(round((idf_count - odf_tmp_count) / idf_count, 4)) ) if print_impact: return odf, odf_print else: return odf def nullRows_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, print_impact=False, ): """ This function inspects the row quality and computes the number of columns that are missing for a row. This metric is further aggregated to check how many columns are missing for how many rows (or % rows). Intuition is if too many columns are missing for a row, removing it from the modeling may give better results than relying on its imputed values. Therefore as part of the treatment, rows with missing columns above the specified threshold are removed. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format; the 1st dataframe is the input dataset after filtering rows with a high number of missing columns (if treated else the original dataframe). The 2nd dataframe is of schema β null_cols_count, row_count, row_pct, flagged/treated. | null_cols_count | row_count | row_pct | flagged | |-----------------|-----------|---------|---------| | 5 | 11 | 3.0E-4 | 0 | | 7 | 1306 | 0.0401 | 1 | Interpretation: 1306 rows (4.01% of total rows) have 7 missing columns and flagged for are removal because null_cols_count is above the threshold. If treatment is True, then flagged column is renamed as treated to show rows which has been removed. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, rows with high no. of null columns (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False) treatment_threshold Defines % of columns allowed to be Null per row and takes value between 0 to 1. If % of null columns is above the threshold for a row, it is removed from the dataframe. There is no row removal if the threshold is 1.0. And if the threshold is 0, all rows with null value are removed. (Default value = 0.8) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after row removal if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [null_cols_count, row_count, row_pct, flagged/treated]. null_cols_count is defined as no. of missing columns in a row. row_count is no. of rows with null_cols_count missing columns. row_pct is row_count divided by number of rows. flagged/treated is 1 if null_cols_count is more than (threshold X Number of Columns), else 0. """ if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols) | (len(list_of_cols) == 0): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) if (treatment_threshold < 0) | (treatment_threshold > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Treatment Threshold Value") def null_count(*cols): return cols.count(None) f_null_count = F.udf(null_count, T.LongType()) odf_tmp = idf.withColumn("null_cols_count", f_null_count(*list_of_cols)).withColumn( "flagged", F.when( F.col("null_cols_count") > (len(list_of_cols) * treatment_threshold), 1 ).otherwise(0), ) if treatment_threshold == 1: odf_tmp = odf_tmp.withColumn( "flagged", F.when(F.col("null_cols_count") == len(list_of_cols), 1).otherwise(0), ) odf_print = ( odf_tmp.groupBy("null_cols_count", "flagged") .agg(F.count(F.lit(1)).alias("row_count")) .withColumn("row_pct", F.round(F.col("row_count") / float(idf.count()), 4)) .select("null_cols_count", "row_count", "row_pct", "flagged") .orderBy("null_cols_count") ) if treatment: odf = odf_tmp.where(F.col("flagged") == 0).drop(*["null_cols_count", "flagged"]) odf_print = odf_print.withColumnRenamed("flagged", "treated") else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(odf.count()) return odf, odf_print def nullColumns_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="missing", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_method="row_removal", treatment_configs={}, stats_missing={}, stats_unique={}, stats_mode={}, print_impact=False, ): """ This function inspects the column quality and computes the number of rows that are missing for a column. This function also leverages statistics computed as part of the State Generator module. Statistics are not computed twice if already available. As part of treatments, it currently supports the following methods β Mean Median Mode (MMM), row_removal, column_removal, KNN, regression, Matrix Factorization (MF), auto imputation (auto). - MMM replaces null value with the measure of central tendency (mode for categorical features and mean/median for numerical features). - row_removal removes all rows with any missing value (output of this treatment is same as nullRows_detection with treatment_threshold of 0). - column_removal remove a column if %rows with a missing value is above treatment_threshold. - KNN/regression create an imputation model for every to-be-imputed column based on the rest of columns in the list_of_cols columns. KNN leverages sklearn.impute.KNNImputer and regression sklearn.impute.IterativeImputer. Since sklearn algorithms are not scalable, we create imputation model on sample dataset and apply that model on the whole dataset in distributed manner using pyspark pandas udf. - Matrix Factorization leverages pyspark.ml.recommendation.ALS algorithm. - auto imputation compares all imputation methods and select the best imputation method based on the least RMSE. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after imputation (if treated else the original dataset) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, missing_count, missing_pct. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of columns to inspect e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all (non-array) columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. "missing" (default) can be passed to include only those columns with missing values. One of the usecases where "all" may be preferable over "missing" is when the user wants to save the imputation model for the future use e.g. a column may not have missing value in the training dataset but missing values may possibly appear in the prediction dataset. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, missing values are treated as per treatment_method argument. (Default value = False) treatment_method "MMM", "row_removal", "column_removal", "KNN", "regression", "MF", "auto". (Default value = "row_removal") treatment_configs Takes input in dictionary format. For column_removal treatment, key βtreatment_thresholdβ is provided with a value between 0 to 1 (remove column if % of rows with missing value is above this threshold) For row_removal, this argument can be skipped. For MMM, arguments corresponding to imputation_MMM function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_MMM function. For KNN, arguments corresponding to imputation_sklearn function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_sklearn function. method_type should be "KNN" For regression, arguments corresponding to imputation_sklearn function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_sklearn function. method_type should be "regression" For MF, arguments corresponding to imputation_matrixFactorization function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_matrixFactorization function. For auto, arguments corresponding to auto_imputation function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from auto_imputation function. (Default value = {}) stats_missing Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on missing count/pct i.e. if measures_of_counts or missingCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_mode Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics or the impact of imputation (if applicable).(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Imputed dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, missing_count, missing_pct]. missing_count is number of rows with null values for an attribute, and missing_pct is missing_count divided by number of rows. """ if stats_missing == {}: odf_print = missingCount_computation(spark, idf) else: odf_print = read_dataset(spark, **stats_missing).select( "attribute", "missing_count", "missing_pct" ) missing_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("missing_count") > 0) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if list_of_cols == "missing": list_of_cols = missing_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No Null Detection - No column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("missing_count", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("missing_pct", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if treatment_method not in ( "MMM", "row_removal", "column_removal", "KNN", "regression", "MF", "auto", ): raise TypeError("Invalid input for method_type") treatment_threshold = treatment_configs.pop("treatment_threshold", None) if treatment_threshold: treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) else: if treatment_method == "column_removal": raise TypeError("Invalid input for column removal threshold") odf_print = odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) if treatment: if treatment_threshold: threshold_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .where(F.col("missing_pct") > treatment_threshold) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if treatment_method == "column_removal": odf = idf.drop(*threshold_cols) if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) print("Removed Columns: ", threshold_cols) if treatment_method == "row_removal": remove_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .where(F.col("missing_pct") == 1.0) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e not in remove_cols] if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = [e for e in threshold_cols if e not in remove_cols] odf = idf.dropna(subset=list_of_cols) if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) print("Before Count: " + str(idf.count())) print("After Count: " + str(odf.count())) if treatment_method == "MMM": if stats_unique == {}: remove_cols = ( uniqueCount_computation(spark, idf, list_of_cols) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) else: remove_cols = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e not in remove_cols] if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = [e for e in threshold_cols if e not in remove_cols] odf = imputation_MMM( spark, idf, list_of_cols, **treatment_configs, stats_missing=stats_missing, stats_mode=stats_mode, print_impact=print_impact ) if treatment_method in ("KNN", "regression", "MF", "auto"): if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = threshold_cols list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e in num_cols] func_mapping = { "KNN": imputation_sklearn, "regression": imputation_sklearn, "MF": imputation_matrixFactorization, "auto": auto_imputation, } func = func_mapping[treatment_method] odf = func( spark, idf, list_of_cols, **treatment_configs, stats_missing=stats_missing, print_impact=print_impact ) else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) return odf, odf_print def outlier_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], detection_side="upper", detection_configs={ "pctile_lower": 0.05, "pctile_upper": 0.95, "stdev_lower": 3.0, "stdev_upper": 3.0, "IQR_lower": 1.5, "IQR_upper": 1.5, "min_validation": 2, }, treatment=True, treatment_method="value_replacement", pre_existing_model=False, model_path="NA", sample_size=1000000, output_mode="replace", print_impact=False, ): """ In Machine Learning, outlier detection identifies values that deviate drastically from the rest of the attribute values. An outlier may be caused simply by chance, measurement error, or inherent heavy-tailed distribution. This function identifies extreme values in both directions (or any direction provided by the user via detection_side argument). By default, outlier is identified by 3 different methodologies and tagged an outlier only if it is validated by at least 2 methods. Users can customize the methodologies they would like to apply and the minimum number of methodologies to be validated under detection_configs argument. - Percentile Method: In this methodology, a value higher than a certain (default 95th) percentile value is considered as an outlier. Similarly, a value lower than a certain (default 5th) percentile value is considered as an outlier. - Standard Deviation Method: In this methodology, if a value is a certain number of standard deviations (default 3) away from the mean, it is identified as an outlier. - Interquartile Range (IQR) Method: if a value is a certain number of IQRs (default 1.5) below Q1 or above Q3, it is identified as an outlier. Q1 is in first quantile/25th percentile, Q3 is in third quantile/75th percentile, and IQR is the difference between third quantile & first quantile. As part of treatments available, outlier values can be replaced by null so that it can be imputed by a reliable imputation methodology (null_replacement). It can also be replaced by maximum or minimum permissible by above methodologies (value_replacement). Lastly, rows can be removed if it is identified with any outlier (row_removal). This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after treating outlier (the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, lower_outliers, upper_outliers. If outliers are checked only for upper end, then lower_outliers column will be shown all zero. Similarly if checked only for lower end, then upper_outliers will be zero for all attributes. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of numerical columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all numerical columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) detection_side "upper", "lower", "both". "lower" detects outliers in the lower spectrum of the column range, whereas "upper" detects in the upper spectrum. "both" detects in both upper and lower end of the spectrum. (Default value = "upper") detection_configs Takes input in dictionary format with keys representing upper & lower parameter for three outlier detection methodologies. a) Percentile Method: lower and upper percentile threshold can be set via "pctile_lower" & "pctile_upper" (default 0.05 & 0.95) Any value above "pctile_upper" is considered as an outlier. Similarly, a value lower than "pctile_lower" is considered as an outlier. b) Standard Deviation Method: In this methodology, if a value which is below (mean - "stdev_lower" * standard deviation) or above (mean + "stdev_upper" * standard deviation), then it is identified as an outlier (default 3.0 & 3.0). c) Interquartile Range (IQR) Method: A value which is below (Q1 β "IQR_lower" * IQR) or above (Q3 + "IQR_lower" * IQR) is identified as outliers, where Q1 is first quartile/25th percentile, Q3 is third quartile/75th percentile and IQR is difference between third quartile & first quartile (default 1.5 & 1.5). If an attribute value is less (more) than its derived lower (upper) bound value, it is considered as outlier by a methodology. A attribute value is considered as outlier if it is declared as outlier by at least 'min_validation' methodologies (default 2). If 'min_validation' is not specified, the total number of methodologies will be used. In addition, it cannot be larger than the total number of methodologies applied. If detection_side is "upper", then "pctile_lower", "stdev_lower" and "IQR_lower" will be ignored and vice versa. Examples (detection_side = "lower") - If detection_configs={"pctile_lower": 0.05, "stdev_lower": 3.0, "min_validation": 1}, Percentile and Standard Deviation methods will be applied and a value is considered as outlier if at least 1 methodology categorizes it as an outlier. - If detection_configs={"pctile_lower": 0.05, "stdev_lower": 3.0}, since "min_validation" is not specified, 2 will be used because there are 2 methodologies specified. A value is considered as outlier if at both 2 methodologies categorize it as an outlier. treatment Boolean argument - True or False. If True, outliers are treated as per treatment_method argument. If treatment is False, print_impact should be True to perform detection without treatment. (Default value = True) treatment_method "null_replacement", "row_removal", "value_replacement". In "null_replacement", outlier values are replaced by null so that it can be imputed by a reliable imputation methodology. In "value_replacement", outlier values are replaced by maximum or minimum permissible value by above methodologies. Lastly in "row_removal", rows are removed if it is found with any outlier. (Default value = "value_replacement") pre_existing_model Boolean argument β True or False. True if the model with upper/lower permissible values for each attribute exists already to be used, False otherwise. (Default value = False) model_path If pre_existing_model is True, this argument is path for the pre-saved model. If pre_existing_model is False, this field can be used for saving the model. Default "NA" means there is neither pre-existing model nor there is a need to save one. sample_size The maximum number of rows used to calculate the thresholds of outlier detection. Relevant computation includes percentiles, means, standard deviations and quantiles calculation. The computed thresholds will be applied over all rows in the original idf to detect outliers. If the number of rows of idf is smaller than sample_size, the original idf will be used. (Default value = 1000000) output_mode "replace", "append". βreplaceβ option replaces original columns with treated column. βappendβ option append treated column to the input dataset with a postfix "_outliered" e.g. column X is appended as X_outliered. (Default value = "replace") print_impact True, False This argument is to calculate and print out the impact of treatment (if applicable). If treatment is False, print_impact should be True to perform detection without treatment. (Default value = False). Returns ------- if print_impact is True: odf : DataFrame Dataframe with outliers treated if treatment is True, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, lower_outliers, upper_outliers, excluded_due_to_skewness]. lower_outliers is no. of outliers found in the lower spectrum of the attribute range, upper_outliers is outlier count in the upper spectrum, and excluded_due_to_skewness is 0 or 1 indicating whether an attribute is excluded from detection due to skewness. if print_impact is False: odf : DataFrame Dataframe with outliers treated if treatment is True, else original input dataframe. """ column_order = idf.columns num_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf)[0] if not treatment and not print_impact: if (not pre_existing_model and model_path == "NA") | pre_existing_model: warnings.warn( "The original idf will be the only output. Set print_impact=True to perform detection without treatment" ) return idf if list_of_cols == "all": list_of_cols = num_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("lower_outliers", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("upper_outliers", T.StringType(), True), ] ) empty_odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) if not list_of_cols: warnings.warn("No Outlier Check - No numerical column to analyze") if print_impact: empty_odf_print.show() return idf, empty_odf_print else: return idf if any(x not in num_cols for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if detection_side not in ("upper", "lower", "both"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for detection_side") if treatment_method not in ("null_replacement", "row_removal", "value_replacement"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for treatment_method") if output_mode not in ("replace", "append"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for output_mode") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if str(pre_existing_model).lower() == "true": pre_existing_model = True elif str(pre_existing_model).lower() == "false": pre_existing_model = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for pre_existing_model") for arg in ["pctile_lower", "pctile_upper"]: if arg in detection_configs: if (detection_configs[arg] < 0) | (detection_configs[arg] > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for " + arg) if pre_existing_model: df_model = spark.read.parquet(model_path + "/outlier_numcols") model_dict_list = ( df_model.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .rdd.map(lambda row: {row[0]: row[1]}) .collect() ) model_dict = {} for d in model_dict_list: model_dict.update(d) params = [] present_cols, skewed_cols = [], [] for i in list_of_cols: param = model_dict.get(i) if param: if "skewed_attribute" in param: skewed_cols.append(i) else: param = [float(p) if p else p for p in param] params.append(param) present_cols.append(i) diff_cols = list(set(list_of_cols) - set(present_cols) - set(skewed_cols)) if diff_cols: warnings.warn("Columns not found in model_path: " + ",".join(diff_cols)) if skewed_cols: warnings.warn( "Columns excluded from outlier detection due to highly skewed distribution: " + ",".join(skewed_cols) ) list_of_cols = present_cols if not list_of_cols: warnings.warn("No Outlier Check - No numerical column to analyze") if print_impact: empty_odf_print.show() return idf, empty_odf_print else: return idf else: check_dict = { "pctile": {"lower": 0, "upper": 0}, "stdev": {"lower": 0, "upper": 0}, "IQR": {"lower": 0, "upper": 0}, } side_mapping = { "lower": ["lower"], "upper": ["upper"], "both": ["lower", "upper"], } for methodology in ["pctile", "stdev", "IQR"]: for side in side_mapping[detection_side]: if methodology + "_" + side in detection_configs: check_dict[methodology][side] = 1 methodologies = [] for key, val in list(check_dict.items()): val_list = list(val.values()) if detection_side == "both": if val_list in ([1, 0], [0, 1]): raise TypeError( "Invalid input for detection_configs. If detection_side is 'both', the methodologies used on both sides should be the same" ) if val_list[0]: methodologies.append(key) else: if val[detection_side]: methodologies.append(key) num_methodologies = len(methodologies) if "min_validation" in detection_configs: if detection_configs["min_validation"] > num_methodologies: raise TypeError( "Invalid input for min_validation of detection_configs. It cannot be larger than the total number of methodologies on any side that detection will be applied over." ) else: # if min_validation is not present, num of specified methodologies will be used detection_configs["min_validation"] = num_methodologies empty_params = [[None, None]] * len(list_of_cols) idf_count = idf.count() if idf_count > sample_size: idf_sample = idf.sample(sample_size / idf_count, False, 11).select( list_of_cols ) else: idf_sample = idf.select(list_of_cols) for i in list_of_cols: if get_dtype(idf_sample, i).startswith("decimal"): idf_sample = idf_sample.withColumn(i, F.col(i).cast(T.DoubleType())) pctiles = [ detection_configs.get("pctile_lower", 0.05), detection_configs.get("pctile_upper", 0.95), ] pctile_params = idf_sample.approxQuantile(list_of_cols, pctiles, 0.01) skewed_cols = [] for i, p in zip(list_of_cols, pctile_params): if p[0] == p[1]: skewed_cols.append(i) if skewed_cols: warnings.warn( "Columns excluded from outlier detection due to highly skewed distribution: " + ",".join(skewed_cols) ) for i in skewed_cols: idx = list_of_cols.index(i) list_of_cols.pop(idx) pctile_params.pop(idx) if "pctile" not in methodologies: pctile_params = copy.deepcopy(empty_params) if "stdev" in methodologies: exprs = [f(F.col(c)) for f in [F.mean, F.stddev] for c in list_of_cols] stats = idf_sample.select(exprs).rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect() mean, stdev = stats[: len(list_of_cols)], stats[len(list_of_cols) :] stdev_lower = pd.Series(mean) - detection_configs.get( "stdev_lower", 0.0 ) * pd.Series(stdev) stdev_upper = pd.Series(mean) + detection_configs.get( "stdev_upper", 0.0 ) * pd.Series(stdev) stdev_params = list(zip(stdev_lower, stdev_upper)) else: stdev_params = copy.deepcopy(empty_params) if "IQR" in methodologies: quantiles = idf_sample.approxQuantile(list_of_cols, [0.25, 0.75], 0.01) IQR_params = [ [ e[0] - detection_configs.get("IQR_lower", 0.0) * (e[1] - e[0]), e[1] + detection_configs.get("IQR_upper", 0.0) * (e[1] - e[0]), ] for e in quantiles ] else: IQR_params = copy.deepcopy(empty_params) n = detection_configs["min_validation"] params = [] for x, y, z in list(zip(pctile_params, stdev_params, IQR_params)): lower = sorted( [i for i in [x[0], y[0], z[0]] if i is not None], reverse=True )[n - 1] upper = sorted([i for i in [x[1], y[1], z[1]] if i is not None])[n - 1] if detection_side == "lower": param = [lower, None] elif detection_side == "upper": param = [None, upper] else: param = [lower, upper] params.append(param) # Saving model File if required if model_path != "NA": if detection_side == "lower": skewed_param = ["skewed_attribute", None] elif detection_side == "upper": skewed_param = [None, "skewed_attribute"] else: skewed_param = ["skewed_attribute", "skewed_attribute"] schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("parameters", T.ArrayType(T.StringType()), True), ] ) df_model = spark.createDataFrame( zip( list_of_cols + skewed_cols, params + [skewed_param] * len(skewed_cols), ), schema=schema, ) df_model.coalesce(1).write.parquet( model_path + "/outlier_numcols", mode="overwrite" ) if not treatment and not print_impact: return idf def composite_outlier_pandas(col_param): def inner(v): v = v.astype(float, errors="raise") if detection_side in ("lower", "both"): lower_v = ((v - col_param[0]) < 0).replace(True, -1).replace(False, 0) if detection_side in ("upper", "both"): upper_v = ((v - col_param[1]) > 0).replace(True, 1).replace(False, 0) if detection_side == "upper": return upper_v elif detection_side == "lower": return lower_v else: return lower_v + upper_v return inner odf = idf list_odf = [] for index, i in enumerate(list_of_cols): f_composite_outlier = F.pandas_udf( composite_outlier_pandas(params[index]), returnType=T.IntegerType() ) odf = odf.withColumn(i + "_outliered", f_composite_outlier(i)) if print_impact: odf_agg_col = ( odf.select(i + "_outliered").groupby().pivot(i + "_outliered").count() ) odf_print_col = ( odf_agg_col.withColumn( "lower_outliers", F.col("-1") if "-1" in odf_agg_col.columns else F.lit(0), ) .withColumn( "upper_outliers", F.col("1") if "1" in odf_agg_col.columns else F.lit(0), ) .withColumn("excluded_due_to_skewness", F.lit(0)) .withColumn("attribute", F.lit(str(i))) .select( "attribute", "lower_outliers", "upper_outliers", "excluded_due_to_skewness", ) .fillna(0) ) list_odf.append(odf_print_col) if treatment & (treatment_method in ("value_replacement", "null_replacement")): replace_vals = { "value_replacement": [params[index][0], params[index][1]], "null_replacement": [None, None], } odf = odf.withColumn( i + "_outliered", F.when( F.col(i + "_outliered") == 1, replace_vals[treatment_method][1] ).otherwise( F.when( F.col(i + "_outliered") == -1, replace_vals[treatment_method][0], ).otherwise(F.col(i)) ), ) if output_mode == "replace": odf = odf.drop(i).withColumnRenamed(i + "_outliered", i) if print_impact: def unionAll(dfs): first, *_ = dfs return first.sql_ctx.createDataFrame( first.sql_ctx._sc.union([df.rdd for df in dfs]), first.schema ) odf_print = unionAll(list_odf) if skewed_cols: skewed_cols_print = [(i, 0, 0, 1) for i in skewed_cols] skewed_cols_odf_print = spark.createDataFrame( skewed_cols_print, schema=odf_print.columns ) odf_print = unionAll([odf_print, skewed_cols_odf_print]) odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols) + len(skewed_cols), False) if treatment & (treatment_method == "row_removal"): conditions = [ (F.col(i + "_outliered") == 0) | (F.col(i + "_outliered").isNull()) for i in list_of_cols ] conditions_combined = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, conditions) odf = odf.where(conditions_combined).drop( *[i + "_outliered" for i in list_of_cols] ) if treatment: if output_mode == "replace": odf = odf.select(column_order) else: odf = idf if print_impact: return odf, odf_print else: return odf def IDness_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, stats_unique={}, print_impact=False, ): """ IDness of an attribute is defined as the ratio of number of unique values seen in an attribute by number of non-null rows. It varies between 0 to 100% where IDness of 100% means there are as many unique values as number of rows (primary key in the input dataset). IDness is computed only for discrete features. This function leverages the statistics from Measures of Cardinality function and flag the columns if IDness is above a certain threshold. Such columns can be deleted from the modelling analysis if directed for a treatment. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after removing high IDness columns (if treated else the original dataset) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, unique_values, IDness. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, columns with high IDness (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False) treatment_threshold Defines acceptable level of IDness (calculated as no. of unique values divided by no. of non-null values) for a column and takes value between 0 to 1. Default threshold of 0.8 can be interpreted as remove column if its unique values count is more than 80% of total rows (after excluding null values). stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics and the impact of treatment (if applicable).(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after column removal if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, unique_values, IDness, flagged/treated]. unique_values is no. of distinct values in a column, IDness is unique_values divided by no. of non-null values. A column is flagged 1 if IDness is above the threshold, else 0. """ if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) for i in idf.select(list_of_cols).dtypes: if i[1] not in ("string", "int", "bigint", "long"): list_of_cols.remove(i[0]) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No IDness Check - No discrete column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("unique_values", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("IDness", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("flagged", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) if (treatment_threshold < 0) | (treatment_threshold > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Treatment Threshold Value") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if stats_unique == {}: odf_print = measures_of_cardinality(spark, idf, list_of_cols) else: odf_print = read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique).where( F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols) ) odf_print = odf_print.withColumn( "flagged", F.when(F.col("IDness") >= treatment_threshold, 1).otherwise(0) ) if treatment: remove_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("flagged") == 1) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) odf = idf.drop(*remove_cols) odf_print = odf_print.withColumnRenamed("flagged", "treated") else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) if treatment: print("Removed Columns: ", remove_cols) return odf, odf_print def biasedness_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, stats_mode={}, print_impact=False, ): """ This function flags column if they are biased or skewed towards one specific value and leverages mode_pct computation from Measures of Central Tendency i.e. number of rows with mode value (most frequently seen value) divided by number of non-null values. It varies between 0 to 100% where biasedness of 100% means there is only a single value (other than null). The function flags a column if its biasedness is above a certain threshold. Such columns can be deleted from the modelling analysis, if required. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after removing high biased columns (the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, mode, mode_pct. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, columns with high biasedness (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False) treatment_threshold Defines acceptable level of biasedness (frequency of most-frequently seen value)for a column and takes value between 0 to 1. Default threshold of 0.8 can be interpreted as remove column if the number of rows with most-frequently seen value is more than 80% of total rows (after excluding null values). stats_mode Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics and the impact of treatment (if applicable).(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after column removal if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, mode, mode_rows, mode_pct, flagged/treated]. mode is the most frequently seen value, mode_rows is number of rows with mode value, and mode_pct is number of rows with mode value divided by non-null values. A column is flagged 1 if mode_pct is above the threshold else 0. """ if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) for i in idf.select(list_of_cols).dtypes: if i[1] not in ("string", "int", "bigint", "long"): list_of_cols.remove(i[0]) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No biasedness Check - No discrete column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("mode", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("mode_rows", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("mode_pct", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("flagged", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print if (treatment_threshold < 0) | (treatment_threshold > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Treatment Threshold Value") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if stats_mode == {}: odf_print = ( transpose_dataframe(idf.select(list_of_cols).summary("count"), "summary") .withColumnRenamed("key", "attribute") .join(mode_computation(spark, idf, list_of_cols), "attribute", "full_outer") .withColumn( "mode_pct", F.round(F.col("mode_rows") / F.col("count").cast(T.DoubleType()), 4), ) .select("attribute", "mode", "mode_rows", "mode_pct") ) else: odf_print = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_mode) .select("attribute", "mode", "mode_rows", "mode_pct") .where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) ) odf_print = odf_print.withColumn( "flagged", F.when( (F.col("mode_pct") >= treatment_threshold) | (F.col("mode_pct").isNull()), 1 ).otherwise(0), ) if treatment: remove_cols = ( odf_print.where( (F.col("mode_pct") >= treatment_threshold) | (F.col("mode_pct").isNull()) ) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) odf = idf.drop(*remove_cols) odf_print = odf_print.withColumnRenamed("flagged", "treated") else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) if treatment: print("Removed Columns: ", remove_cols) return odf, odf_print def invalidEntries_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], detection_type="auto", invalid_entries=[], valid_entries=[], partial_match=False, treatment=False, treatment_method="null_replacement", treatment_configs={}, stats_missing={}, stats_unique={}, stats_mode={}, output_mode="replace", print_impact=False, ): """ This function checks for certain suspicious patterns in attributesβ values. Patterns that are considered for this quality check: - Missing Values: The function checks for all column values which directly or indirectly indicate the missing value in an attribute such as 'nan', 'null', 'na', 'inf', 'n/a', 'not defined' etc. The function also check for special characters. - Repetitive Characters: Certain attributesβ values with repetitive characters may be default value or system error, rather than being a legit value etc xx, zzzzz, 99999 etc. Such values are flagged for the user to take an appropriate action. There may be certain false positive which are legit values. - Consecutive Characters: Similar to repetitive characters, consecutive characters (at least 3 characters long) such as abc, 1234 etc may not be legit values, and hence flagged. There may be certain false positive which are legit values. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after treating the invalid values (or the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, invalid_entries, invalid_count, invalid_pct. All potential invalid values (separated by delimiter pipe β|β) are shown under invalid_entries column. Total number of rows impacted by these entries for each attribute is shown under invalid_count. invalid_pct is invalid_count divided by number of rows. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) detection_type "auto","manual","both" (Default value = "auto") invalid_entries List of values or regex patterns to be classified as invalid. Valid only for "auto" or "both" detection type. (Default value = []) valid_entries List of values or regex patterns such that a value will be classified as invalid if it does not match any value or regex pattern in it. Valid only for "auto" or "both" detection type. (Default value = []) partial_match Boolean argument β True or False. If True, values with substring same as invalid_entries is declared invalid. (Default value = False) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, outliers are treated as per treatment_method argument. (Default value = False) treatment_method "MMM", "null_replacement", "column_removal" (more methods to be added soon). MMM (Mean Median Mode) replaces invalid value by the measure of central tendency (mode for categorical features and mean or median for numerical features). null_replacement removes all values with any invalid values as null. column_removal remove a column if % of rows with invalid value is above a threshold (defined by key "treatment_threshold" under treatment_configs argument). (Default value = "null_replacement") treatment_configs Takes input in dictionary format. For column_removal treatment, key βtreatment_thresholdβ is provided with a value between 0 to 1. For value replacement, by MMM, arguments corresponding to imputation_MMM function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_MMM function. For null_replacement, this argument can be skipped. (Default value = {}) stats_missing Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on missing count/pct i.e. if measures_of_counts or missingCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_mode Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) output_mode "replace", "append". βreplaceβ option replaces original columns with treated column. βappendβ option append treated column to the input dataset with a postfix "_invalid" e.g. column X is appended as X_invalid. (Default value = "replace") print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after treatment if applicable, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, invalid_entries, invalid_count, invalid_pct]. invalid_entries are all potential invalid values (separated by delimiter pipe β|β), invalid_count is no. of rows which are impacted by invalid entries, and invalid_pct is invalid_count divided by no of rows. """ if list_of_cols == "all": list_of_cols = [] for i in idf.dtypes: if i[1] in ("string", "int", "bigint", "long"): list_of_cols.append(i[0]) if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No Invalid Entries Check - No discrete column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("invalid_entries", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("invalid_count", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("invalid_pct", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print if output_mode not in ("replace", "append"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for output_mode") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if treatment_method not in ("MMM", "null_replacement", "column_removal"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for method_type") treatment_threshold = treatment_configs.pop("treatment_threshold", None) if treatment_threshold: treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) else: if treatment_method == "column_removal": raise TypeError("Invalid input for column removal threshold") null_vocab = [ "", " ", "nan", "null", "na", "inf", "n/a", "not defined", "none", "undefined", "blank", "unknown", ] special_chars_vocab = [ "&", "$", ";", ":", ".", ",", "*", "#", "@", "_", "?", "%", "!", "^", "(", ")", "-", "/", "'", ] def detect(*v): output = [] for idx, e in enumerate(v): if e is None: output.append(None) continue if detection_type in ("auto", "both"): e = str(e).lower().strip() # Null & Special Chars Search if e in (null_vocab + special_chars_vocab): output.append(1) continue # Consecutive Identical Chars Search regex = "\\b([a-zA-Z0-9])\\1\\1+\\b" p = re.compile(regex) if re.search(p, e): output.append(1) continue # Ordered Chars Search l = len(e) check = 0 if l >= 3: for i in range(1, l): if ord(e[i]) - ord(e[i - 1]) != 1: check = 1 break if check == 0: output.append(1) continue check = 0 if detection_type in ("manual", "both"): e = str(e).lower().strip() for regex in invalid_entries: p = re.compile(regex) if partial_match: if re.search(p, e): check = 1 output.append(1) break else: if p.fullmatch(e): check = 1 output.append(1) break match_valid_entries = [] for regex in valid_entries: p = re.compile(regex) if partial_match: if re.search(p, e): match_valid_entries.append(1) else: match_valid_entries.append(0) else: if p.fullmatch(e): match_valid_entries.append(1) else: match_valid_entries.append(0) if (len(match_valid_entries) > 0) & (sum(match_valid_entries) == 0): check = 1 output.append(1) if check == 0: output.append(0) return output f_detect = F.udf(detect, T.ArrayType(T.LongType())) odf = idf.withColumn("invalid", f_detect(*list_of_cols)) odf.persist() output_print = [] for index, i in enumerate(list_of_cols): tmp = odf.withColumn(i + "_invalid", F.col("invalid")[index]) invalid = ( tmp.where(F.col(i + "_invalid") == 1) .select(i) .distinct() .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) invalid = [str(x) for x in invalid] invalid_count = tmp.where(F.col(i + "_invalid") == 1).count() output_print.append( [i, "|".join(invalid), invalid_count, round(invalid_count / idf.count(), 4)] ) odf_print = spark.createDataFrame( output_print, schema=["attribute", "invalid_entries", "invalid_count", "invalid_pct"], ) if treatment: if treatment_threshold: threshold_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .where(F.col("invalid_pct") > treatment_threshold) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if treatment_method in ("null_replacement", "MMM"): for index, i in enumerate(list_of_cols): if treatment_threshold: if i not in threshold_cols: odf = odf.drop(i + "_invalid") continue odf = odf.withColumn( i + "_invalid", F.when(F.col("invalid")[index] == 1, None).otherwise(F.col(i)), ) if output_mode == "replace": odf = odf.drop(i).withColumnRenamed(i + "_invalid", i) else: if ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute") == i) .select("invalid_pct") .collect()[0][0] == 0.0 ): odf = odf.drop(i + "_invalid") odf = odf.drop("invalid") if treatment_method == "column_removal": odf = idf.drop(*threshold_cols) if print_impact: print("Removed Columns: ", threshold_cols) if treatment_method == "MMM": if stats_unique == {} or output_mode == "append": remove_cols = ( uniqueCount_computation(spark, odf, list_of_cols) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) else: remove_cols = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e not in remove_cols] if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = [e for e in threshold_cols if e not in remove_cols] if output_mode == "append": if len(list_of_cols) > 0: list_of_cols = [e + "_invalid" for e in list_of_cols] odf = imputation_MMM( spark, odf, list_of_cols, **treatment_configs, stats_missing=stats_missing, stats_mode=stats_mode, print_impact=print_impact ) else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) return odf, odf_print
def IDness_detection(spark, idf, list_of_cols='all', drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, stats_unique={}, print_impact=False)
IDness of an attribute is defined as the ratio of number of unique values seen in an attribute by number of non-null rows. It varies between 0 to 100% where IDness of 100% means there are as many unique values as number of rows (primary key in the input dataset). IDness is computed only for discrete features. This function leverages the statistics from Measures of Cardinality function and flag the columns if IDness is above a certain threshold. Such columns can be deleted from the modelling analysis if directed for a treatment.
This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after removing high IDness columns (if treated else the original dataset) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, unique_values, IDness.
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all")
- List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = [])
- Boolean argument β True or False. If True, columns with high IDness (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False)
- Defines acceptable level of IDness (calculated as no. of unique values divided by no. of non-null values) for a column and takes value between 0 to 1. Default threshold of 0.8 can be interpreted as remove column if its unique values count is more than 80% of total rows (after excluding null values).
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- True, False This argument is to print out the statistics and the impact of treatment (if applicable).(Default value = False)
- Dataframe after column removal if treated, else original input dataframe.
- schema [attribute, unique_values, IDness, flagged/treated]. unique_values is no. of distinct values in a column, IDness is unique_values divided by no. of non-null values. A column is flagged 1 if IDness is above the threshold, else 0.
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def IDness_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, stats_unique={}, print_impact=False, ): """ IDness of an attribute is defined as the ratio of number of unique values seen in an attribute by number of non-null rows. It varies between 0 to 100% where IDness of 100% means there are as many unique values as number of rows (primary key in the input dataset). IDness is computed only for discrete features. This function leverages the statistics from Measures of Cardinality function and flag the columns if IDness is above a certain threshold. Such columns can be deleted from the modelling analysis if directed for a treatment. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after removing high IDness columns (if treated else the original dataset) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, unique_values, IDness. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, columns with high IDness (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False) treatment_threshold Defines acceptable level of IDness (calculated as no. of unique values divided by no. of non-null values) for a column and takes value between 0 to 1. Default threshold of 0.8 can be interpreted as remove column if its unique values count is more than 80% of total rows (after excluding null values). stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics and the impact of treatment (if applicable).(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after column removal if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, unique_values, IDness, flagged/treated]. unique_values is no. of distinct values in a column, IDness is unique_values divided by no. of non-null values. A column is flagged 1 if IDness is above the threshold, else 0. """ if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) for i in idf.select(list_of_cols).dtypes: if i[1] not in ("string", "int", "bigint", "long"): list_of_cols.remove(i[0]) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No IDness Check - No discrete column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("unique_values", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("IDness", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("flagged", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) if (treatment_threshold < 0) | (treatment_threshold > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Treatment Threshold Value") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if stats_unique == {}: odf_print = measures_of_cardinality(spark, idf, list_of_cols) else: odf_print = read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique).where( F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols) ) odf_print = odf_print.withColumn( "flagged", F.when(F.col("IDness") >= treatment_threshold, 1).otherwise(0) ) if treatment: remove_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("flagged") == 1) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) odf = idf.drop(*remove_cols) odf_print = odf_print.withColumnRenamed("flagged", "treated") else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) if treatment: print("Removed Columns: ", remove_cols) return odf, odf_print
def biasedness_detection(spark, idf, list_of_cols='all', drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, stats_mode={}, print_impact=False)
This function flags column if they are biased or skewed towards one specific value and leverages mode_pct computation from Measures of Central Tendency i.e. number of rows with mode value (most frequently seen value) divided by number of non-null values. It varies between 0 to 100% where biasedness of 100% means there is only a single value (other than null). The function flags a column if its biasedness is above a certain threshold. Such columns can be deleted from the modelling analysis, if required.
This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after removing high biased columns (the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, mode, mode_pct.
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all")
- List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = [])
- Boolean argument β True or False. If True, columns with high biasedness (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False)
- Defines acceptable level of biasedness (frequency of most-frequently seen value)for a column and takes value between 0 to 1. Default threshold of 0.8 can be interpreted as remove column if the number of rows with most-frequently seen value is more than 80% of total rows (after excluding null values).
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- True, False This argument is to print out the statistics and the impact of treatment (if applicable).(Default value = False)
- Dataframe after column removal if treated, else original input dataframe.
- schema [attribute, mode, mode_rows, mode_pct, flagged/treated]. mode is the most frequently seen value, mode_rows is number of rows with mode value, and mode_pct is number of rows with mode value divided by non-null values. A column is flagged 1 if mode_pct is above the threshold else 0.
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def biasedness_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, stats_mode={}, print_impact=False, ): """ This function flags column if they are biased or skewed towards one specific value and leverages mode_pct computation from Measures of Central Tendency i.e. number of rows with mode value (most frequently seen value) divided by number of non-null values. It varies between 0 to 100% where biasedness of 100% means there is only a single value (other than null). The function flags a column if its biasedness is above a certain threshold. Such columns can be deleted from the modelling analysis, if required. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after removing high biased columns (the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, mode, mode_pct. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, columns with high biasedness (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False) treatment_threshold Defines acceptable level of biasedness (frequency of most-frequently seen value)for a column and takes value between 0 to 1. Default threshold of 0.8 can be interpreted as remove column if the number of rows with most-frequently seen value is more than 80% of total rows (after excluding null values). stats_mode Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics and the impact of treatment (if applicable).(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after column removal if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, mode, mode_rows, mode_pct, flagged/treated]. mode is the most frequently seen value, mode_rows is number of rows with mode value, and mode_pct is number of rows with mode value divided by non-null values. A column is flagged 1 if mode_pct is above the threshold else 0. """ if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) for i in idf.select(list_of_cols).dtypes: if i[1] not in ("string", "int", "bigint", "long"): list_of_cols.remove(i[0]) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No biasedness Check - No discrete column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("mode", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("mode_rows", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("mode_pct", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("flagged", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print if (treatment_threshold < 0) | (treatment_threshold > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Treatment Threshold Value") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if stats_mode == {}: odf_print = ( transpose_dataframe(idf.select(list_of_cols).summary("count"), "summary") .withColumnRenamed("key", "attribute") .join(mode_computation(spark, idf, list_of_cols), "attribute", "full_outer") .withColumn( "mode_pct", F.round(F.col("mode_rows") / F.col("count").cast(T.DoubleType()), 4), ) .select("attribute", "mode", "mode_rows", "mode_pct") ) else: odf_print = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_mode) .select("attribute", "mode", "mode_rows", "mode_pct") .where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) ) odf_print = odf_print.withColumn( "flagged", F.when( (F.col("mode_pct") >= treatment_threshold) | (F.col("mode_pct").isNull()), 1 ).otherwise(0), ) if treatment: remove_cols = ( odf_print.where( (F.col("mode_pct") >= treatment_threshold) | (F.col("mode_pct").isNull()) ) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) odf = idf.drop(*remove_cols) odf_print = odf_print.withColumnRenamed("flagged", "treated") else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) if treatment: print("Removed Columns: ", remove_cols) return odf, odf_print
def duplicate_detection(spark, idf, list_of_cols='all', drop_cols=[], treatment=True, print_impact=False)
As the name implies, this function detects duplication in the input dataset. This means, for a pair of duplicate rows, the values in each column coincide. Duplication check is confined to the list of columns passed in the arguments. As part of treatment, duplicated rows are removed. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format; the 1st dataframe is the input dataset after deduplication (if treated else the original dataset). The 2nd dataframe is of schema β metric, value and contains the total number of rows, number of unique rows, number of duplicate rows and percentage of duplicate rows in total.
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- List of columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all")
- List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = [])
- Boolean argument β True or False. If True, duplicate rows are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = True)
- True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False)
if print_impact is True:
- odf : DataFrame de-duplicated dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [metric, value] and contains metrics - number of rows, number of unique rows, number of duplicate rows and percentage of duplicate rows in total.
if print_impact is False:
- odf : DataFrame de-duplicated dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe.
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def duplicate_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=True, print_impact=False ): """ As the name implies, this function detects duplication in the input dataset. This means, for a pair of duplicate rows, the values in each column coincide. Duplication check is confined to the list of columns passed in the arguments. As part of treatment, duplicated rows are removed. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format; the 1st dataframe is the input dataset after deduplication (if treated else the original dataset). The 2nd dataframe is of schema β metric, value and contains the total number of rows, number of unique rows, number of duplicate rows and percentage of duplicate rows in total. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, duplicate rows are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = True) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False) Returns ------- if print_impact is True: odf : DataFrame de-duplicated dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [metric, value] and contains metrics - number of rows, number of unique rows, number of duplicate rows and percentage of duplicate rows in total. if print_impact is False: odf : DataFrame de-duplicated dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe. """ if not treatment and not print_impact: warnings.warn( "The original idf will be the only output. Set print_impact=True to perform detection without treatment" ) return idf if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols) | (len(list_of_cols) == 0): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") odf_tmp = idf.groupby(list_of_cols).count().drop("count") odf = odf_tmp if treatment else idf if print_impact: idf_count = idf.count() odf_tmp_count = odf_tmp.count() odf_print = spark.createDataFrame( [ ["rows_count", float(idf_count)], ["unique_rows_count", float(odf_tmp_count)], ["duplicate_rows", float(idf_count - odf_tmp_count)], ["duplicate_pct", round((idf_count - odf_tmp_count) / idf_count, 4)], ], schema=["metric", "value"], ) print("No. of Rows: " + str(idf_count)) print("No. of UNIQUE Rows: " + str(odf_tmp_count)) print("No. of Duplicate Rows: " + str(idf_count - odf_tmp_count)) print( "Percentage of Duplicate Rows: " + str(round((idf_count - odf_tmp_count) / idf_count, 4)) ) if print_impact: return odf, odf_print else: return odf
def invalidEntries_detection(spark, idf, list_of_cols='all', drop_cols=[], detection_type='auto', invalid_entries=[], valid_entries=[], partial_match=False, treatment=False, treatment_method='null_replacement', treatment_configs={}, stats_missing={}, stats_unique={}, stats_mode={}, output_mode='replace', print_impact=False)
This function checks for certain suspicious patterns in attributesβ values. Patterns that are considered for this quality check:
Missing Values: The function checks for all column values which directly or indirectly indicate the missing value in an attribute such as 'nan', 'null', 'na', 'inf', 'n/a', 'not defined' etc. The function also check for special characters.
Repetitive Characters: Certain attributesβ values with repetitive characters may be default value or system error, rather than being a legit value etc xx, zzzzz, 99999 etc. Such values are flagged for the user to take an appropriate action. There may be certain false positive which are legit values.
Consecutive Characters: Similar to repetitive characters, consecutive characters (at least 3 characters long) such as abc, 1234 etc may not be legit values, and hence flagged. There may be certain false positive which are legit values.
This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after treating the invalid values (or the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, invalid_entries, invalid_count, invalid_pct. All potential invalid values (separated by delimiter pipe β|β) are shown under invalid_entries column. Total number of rows impacted by these entries for each attribute is shown under invalid_count. invalid_pct is invalid_count divided by number of rows.
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all")
- List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = [])
- "auto","manual","both" (Default value = "auto")
- List of values or regex patterns to be classified as invalid. Valid only for "auto" or "both" detection type. (Default value = [])
- List of values or regex patterns such that a value will be classified as invalid if it does not match any value or regex pattern in it. Valid only for "auto" or "both" detection type. (Default value = [])
- Boolean argument β True or False. If True, values with substring same as invalid_entries is declared invalid. (Default value = False)
- Boolean argument β True or False. If True, outliers are treated as per treatment_method argument. (Default value = False)
- "MMM", "null_replacement", "column_removal" (more methods to be added soon). MMM (Mean Median Mode) replaces invalid value by the measure of central tendency (mode for categorical features and mean or median for numerical features). null_replacement removes all values with any invalid values as null. column_removal remove a column if % of rows with invalid value is above a threshold (defined by key "treatment_threshold" under treatment_configs argument). (Default value = "null_replacement")
- Takes input in dictionary format. For column_removal treatment, key βtreatment_thresholdβ is provided with a value between 0 to 1. For value replacement, by MMM, arguments corresponding to imputation_MMM function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_MMM function. For null_replacement, this argument can be skipped. (Default value = {})
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on missing count/pct i.e. if measures_of_counts or missingCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- "replace", "append". βreplaceβ option replaces original columns with treated column. βappendβ option append treated column to the input dataset with a postfix "_invalid" e.g. column X is appended as X_invalid. (Default value = "replace")
- True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False)
- Dataframe after treatment if applicable, else original input dataframe.
- schema [attribute, invalid_entries, invalid_count, invalid_pct]. invalid_entries are all potential invalid values (separated by delimiter pipe β|β), invalid_count is no. of rows which are impacted by invalid entries, and invalid_pct is invalid_count divided by no of rows.
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def invalidEntries_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], detection_type="auto", invalid_entries=[], valid_entries=[], partial_match=False, treatment=False, treatment_method="null_replacement", treatment_configs={}, stats_missing={}, stats_unique={}, stats_mode={}, output_mode="replace", print_impact=False, ): """ This function checks for certain suspicious patterns in attributesβ values. Patterns that are considered for this quality check: - Missing Values: The function checks for all column values which directly or indirectly indicate the missing value in an attribute such as 'nan', 'null', 'na', 'inf', 'n/a', 'not defined' etc. The function also check for special characters. - Repetitive Characters: Certain attributesβ values with repetitive characters may be default value or system error, rather than being a legit value etc xx, zzzzz, 99999 etc. Such values are flagged for the user to take an appropriate action. There may be certain false positive which are legit values. - Consecutive Characters: Similar to repetitive characters, consecutive characters (at least 3 characters long) such as abc, 1234 etc may not be legit values, and hence flagged. There may be certain false positive which are legit values. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after treating the invalid values (or the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, invalid_entries, invalid_count, invalid_pct. All potential invalid values (separated by delimiter pipe β|β) are shown under invalid_entries column. Total number of rows impacted by these entries for each attribute is shown under invalid_count. invalid_pct is invalid_count divided by number of rows. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of Discrete (Categorical + Integer) columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all discrete columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) detection_type "auto","manual","both" (Default value = "auto") invalid_entries List of values or regex patterns to be classified as invalid. Valid only for "auto" or "both" detection type. (Default value = []) valid_entries List of values or regex patterns such that a value will be classified as invalid if it does not match any value or regex pattern in it. Valid only for "auto" or "both" detection type. (Default value = []) partial_match Boolean argument β True or False. If True, values with substring same as invalid_entries is declared invalid. (Default value = False) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, outliers are treated as per treatment_method argument. (Default value = False) treatment_method "MMM", "null_replacement", "column_removal" (more methods to be added soon). MMM (Mean Median Mode) replaces invalid value by the measure of central tendency (mode for categorical features and mean or median for numerical features). null_replacement removes all values with any invalid values as null. column_removal remove a column if % of rows with invalid value is above a threshold (defined by key "treatment_threshold" under treatment_configs argument). (Default value = "null_replacement") treatment_configs Takes input in dictionary format. For column_removal treatment, key βtreatment_thresholdβ is provided with a value between 0 to 1. For value replacement, by MMM, arguments corresponding to imputation_MMM function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_MMM function. For null_replacement, this argument can be skipped. (Default value = {}) stats_missing Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on missing count/pct i.e. if measures_of_counts or missingCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_mode Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) output_mode "replace", "append". βreplaceβ option replaces original columns with treated column. βappendβ option append treated column to the input dataset with a postfix "_invalid" e.g. column X is appended as X_invalid. (Default value = "replace") print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after treatment if applicable, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, invalid_entries, invalid_count, invalid_pct]. invalid_entries are all potential invalid values (separated by delimiter pipe β|β), invalid_count is no. of rows which are impacted by invalid entries, and invalid_pct is invalid_count divided by no of rows. """ if list_of_cols == "all": list_of_cols = [] for i in idf.dtypes: if i[1] in ("string", "int", "bigint", "long"): list_of_cols.append(i[0]) if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No Invalid Entries Check - No discrete column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("invalid_entries", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("invalid_count", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("invalid_pct", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print if output_mode not in ("replace", "append"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for output_mode") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if treatment_method not in ("MMM", "null_replacement", "column_removal"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for method_type") treatment_threshold = treatment_configs.pop("treatment_threshold", None) if treatment_threshold: treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) else: if treatment_method == "column_removal": raise TypeError("Invalid input for column removal threshold") null_vocab = [ "", " ", "nan", "null", "na", "inf", "n/a", "not defined", "none", "undefined", "blank", "unknown", ] special_chars_vocab = [ "&", "$", ";", ":", ".", ",", "*", "#", "@", "_", "?", "%", "!", "^", "(", ")", "-", "/", "'", ] def detect(*v): output = [] for idx, e in enumerate(v): if e is None: output.append(None) continue if detection_type in ("auto", "both"): e = str(e).lower().strip() # Null & Special Chars Search if e in (null_vocab + special_chars_vocab): output.append(1) continue # Consecutive Identical Chars Search regex = "\\b([a-zA-Z0-9])\\1\\1+\\b" p = re.compile(regex) if re.search(p, e): output.append(1) continue # Ordered Chars Search l = len(e) check = 0 if l >= 3: for i in range(1, l): if ord(e[i]) - ord(e[i - 1]) != 1: check = 1 break if check == 0: output.append(1) continue check = 0 if detection_type in ("manual", "both"): e = str(e).lower().strip() for regex in invalid_entries: p = re.compile(regex) if partial_match: if re.search(p, e): check = 1 output.append(1) break else: if p.fullmatch(e): check = 1 output.append(1) break match_valid_entries = [] for regex in valid_entries: p = re.compile(regex) if partial_match: if re.search(p, e): match_valid_entries.append(1) else: match_valid_entries.append(0) else: if p.fullmatch(e): match_valid_entries.append(1) else: match_valid_entries.append(0) if (len(match_valid_entries) > 0) & (sum(match_valid_entries) == 0): check = 1 output.append(1) if check == 0: output.append(0) return output f_detect = F.udf(detect, T.ArrayType(T.LongType())) odf = idf.withColumn("invalid", f_detect(*list_of_cols)) odf.persist() output_print = [] for index, i in enumerate(list_of_cols): tmp = odf.withColumn(i + "_invalid", F.col("invalid")[index]) invalid = ( tmp.where(F.col(i + "_invalid") == 1) .select(i) .distinct() .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) invalid = [str(x) for x in invalid] invalid_count = tmp.where(F.col(i + "_invalid") == 1).count() output_print.append( [i, "|".join(invalid), invalid_count, round(invalid_count / idf.count(), 4)] ) odf_print = spark.createDataFrame( output_print, schema=["attribute", "invalid_entries", "invalid_count", "invalid_pct"], ) if treatment: if treatment_threshold: threshold_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .where(F.col("invalid_pct") > treatment_threshold) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if treatment_method in ("null_replacement", "MMM"): for index, i in enumerate(list_of_cols): if treatment_threshold: if i not in threshold_cols: odf = odf.drop(i + "_invalid") continue odf = odf.withColumn( i + "_invalid", F.when(F.col("invalid")[index] == 1, None).otherwise(F.col(i)), ) if output_mode == "replace": odf = odf.drop(i).withColumnRenamed(i + "_invalid", i) else: if ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute") == i) .select("invalid_pct") .collect()[0][0] == 0.0 ): odf = odf.drop(i + "_invalid") odf = odf.drop("invalid") if treatment_method == "column_removal": odf = idf.drop(*threshold_cols) if print_impact: print("Removed Columns: ", threshold_cols) if treatment_method == "MMM": if stats_unique == {} or output_mode == "append": remove_cols = ( uniqueCount_computation(spark, odf, list_of_cols) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) else: remove_cols = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e not in remove_cols] if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = [e for e in threshold_cols if e not in remove_cols] if output_mode == "append": if len(list_of_cols) > 0: list_of_cols = [e + "_invalid" for e in list_of_cols] odf = imputation_MMM( spark, odf, list_of_cols, **treatment_configs, stats_missing=stats_missing, stats_mode=stats_mode, print_impact=print_impact ) else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) return odf, odf_print
def nullColumns_detection(spark, idf, list_of_cols='missing', drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_method='row_removal', treatment_configs={}, stats_missing={}, stats_unique={}, stats_mode={}, print_impact=False)
This function inspects the column quality and computes the number of rows that are missing for a column. This function also leverages statistics computed as part of the State Generator module. Statistics are not computed twice if already available.
As part of treatments, it currently supports the following methods β Mean Median Mode (MMM), row_removal, column_removal, KNN, regression, Matrix Factorization (MF), auto imputation (auto). - MMM replaces null value with the measure of central tendency (mode for categorical features and mean/median for numerical features). - row_removal removes all rows with any missing value (output of this treatment is same as nullRows_detection with treatment_threshold of 0). - column_removal remove a column if %rows with a missing value is above treatment_threshold. - KNN/regression create an imputation model for every to-be-imputed column based on the rest of columns in the list_of_cols columns. KNN leverages sklearn.impute.KNNImputer and regression sklearn.impute.IterativeImputer. Since sklearn algorithms are not scalable, we create imputation model on sample dataset and apply that model on the whole dataset in distributed manner using pyspark pandas udf. - Matrix Factorization leverages pyspark.ml.recommendation.ALS algorithm. - auto imputation compares all imputation methods and select the best imputation method based on the least RMSE.
This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after imputation (if treated else the original dataset) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, missing_count, missing_pct.
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- List of columns to inspect e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all (non-array) columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. "missing" (default) can be passed to include only those columns with missing values. One of the usecases where "all" may be preferable over "missing" is when the user wants to save the imputation model for the future use e.g. a column may not have missing value in the training dataset but missing values may possibly appear in the prediction dataset. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols.
- List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = [])
- Boolean argument β True or False. If True, missing values are treated as per treatment_method argument. (Default value = False)
- "MMM", "row_removal", "column_removal", "KNN", "regression", "MF", "auto". (Default value = "row_removal")
- Takes input in dictionary format. For column_removal treatment, key βtreatment_thresholdβ is provided with a value between 0 to 1 (remove column if % of rows with missing value is above this threshold) For row_removal, this argument can be skipped. For MMM, arguments corresponding to imputation_MMM function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_MMM function. For KNN, arguments corresponding to imputation_sklearn function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_sklearn function. method_type should be "KNN" For regression, arguments corresponding to imputation_sklearn function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_sklearn function. method_type should be "regression" For MF, arguments corresponding to imputation_matrixFactorization function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_matrixFactorization function. For auto, arguments corresponding to auto_imputation function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from auto_imputation function. (Default value = {})
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on missing count/pct i.e. if measures_of_counts or missingCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {})
- True, False This argument is to print out the statistics or the impact of imputation (if applicable).(Default value = False)
- Imputed dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe.
- schema [attribute, missing_count, missing_pct]. missing_count is number of rows with null values for an attribute, and missing_pct is missing_count divided by number of rows.
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def nullColumns_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="missing", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_method="row_removal", treatment_configs={}, stats_missing={}, stats_unique={}, stats_mode={}, print_impact=False, ): """ This function inspects the column quality and computes the number of rows that are missing for a column. This function also leverages statistics computed as part of the State Generator module. Statistics are not computed twice if already available. As part of treatments, it currently supports the following methods β Mean Median Mode (MMM), row_removal, column_removal, KNN, regression, Matrix Factorization (MF), auto imputation (auto). - MMM replaces null value with the measure of central tendency (mode for categorical features and mean/median for numerical features). - row_removal removes all rows with any missing value (output of this treatment is same as nullRows_detection with treatment_threshold of 0). - column_removal remove a column if %rows with a missing value is above treatment_threshold. - KNN/regression create an imputation model for every to-be-imputed column based on the rest of columns in the list_of_cols columns. KNN leverages sklearn.impute.KNNImputer and regression sklearn.impute.IterativeImputer. Since sklearn algorithms are not scalable, we create imputation model on sample dataset and apply that model on the whole dataset in distributed manner using pyspark pandas udf. - Matrix Factorization leverages pyspark.ml.recommendation.ALS algorithm. - auto imputation compares all imputation methods and select the best imputation method based on the least RMSE. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after imputation (if treated else the original dataset) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, missing_count, missing_pct. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of columns to inspect e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all (non-array) columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. "missing" (default) can be passed to include only those columns with missing values. One of the usecases where "all" may be preferable over "missing" is when the user wants to save the imputation model for the future use e.g. a column may not have missing value in the training dataset but missing values may possibly appear in the prediction dataset. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, missing values are treated as per treatment_method argument. (Default value = False) treatment_method "MMM", "row_removal", "column_removal", "KNN", "regression", "MF", "auto". (Default value = "row_removal") treatment_configs Takes input in dictionary format. For column_removal treatment, key βtreatment_thresholdβ is provided with a value between 0 to 1 (remove column if % of rows with missing value is above this threshold) For row_removal, this argument can be skipped. For MMM, arguments corresponding to imputation_MMM function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_MMM function. For KNN, arguments corresponding to imputation_sklearn function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_sklearn function. method_type should be "KNN" For regression, arguments corresponding to imputation_sklearn function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_sklearn function. method_type should be "regression" For MF, arguments corresponding to imputation_matrixFactorization function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from imputation_matrixFactorization function. For auto, arguments corresponding to auto_imputation function (transformer module) are provided, where each key is an argument from auto_imputation function. (Default value = {}) stats_missing Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on missing count/pct i.e. if measures_of_counts or missingCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_unique Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on unique value count i.e. if measures_of_cardinality or uniqueCount_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) stats_mode Takes arguments for read_dataset (data_ingest module) function in a dictionary format to read pre-saved statistics on most frequently seen values i.e. if measures_of_centralTendency or mode_computation (data_analyzer.stats_generator module) has been computed & saved before. (Default value = {}) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics or the impact of imputation (if applicable).(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Imputed dataframe if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, missing_count, missing_pct]. missing_count is number of rows with null values for an attribute, and missing_pct is missing_count divided by number of rows. """ if stats_missing == {}: odf_print = missingCount_computation(spark, idf) else: odf_print = read_dataset(spark, **stats_missing).select( "attribute", "missing_count", "missing_pct" ) missing_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("missing_count") > 0) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if list_of_cols == "missing": list_of_cols = missing_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if len(list_of_cols) == 0: warnings.warn("No Null Detection - No column(s) to analyze") odf = idf schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("missing_count", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("missing_pct", T.StringType(), True), ] ) odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) return odf, odf_print if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if treatment_method not in ( "MMM", "row_removal", "column_removal", "KNN", "regression", "MF", "auto", ): raise TypeError("Invalid input for method_type") treatment_threshold = treatment_configs.pop("treatment_threshold", None) if treatment_threshold: treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) else: if treatment_method == "column_removal": raise TypeError("Invalid input for column removal threshold") odf_print = odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) if treatment: if treatment_threshold: threshold_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .where(F.col("missing_pct") > treatment_threshold) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) if treatment_method == "column_removal": odf = idf.drop(*threshold_cols) if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) print("Removed Columns: ", threshold_cols) if treatment_method == "row_removal": remove_cols = ( odf_print.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .where(F.col("missing_pct") == 1.0) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e not in remove_cols] if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = [e for e in threshold_cols if e not in remove_cols] odf = idf.dropna(subset=list_of_cols) if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) print("Before Count: " + str(idf.count())) print("After Count: " + str(odf.count())) if treatment_method == "MMM": if stats_unique == {}: remove_cols = ( uniqueCount_computation(spark, idf, list_of_cols) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) else: remove_cols = ( read_dataset(spark, **stats_unique) .where(F.col("unique_values") < 2) .select("attribute") .rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x) .collect() ) list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e not in remove_cols] if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = [e for e in threshold_cols if e not in remove_cols] odf = imputation_MMM( spark, idf, list_of_cols, **treatment_configs, stats_missing=stats_missing, stats_mode=stats_mode, print_impact=print_impact ) if treatment_method in ("KNN", "regression", "MF", "auto"): if treatment_threshold: list_of_cols = threshold_cols list_of_cols = [e for e in list_of_cols if e in num_cols] func_mapping = { "KNN": imputation_sklearn, "regression": imputation_sklearn, "MF": imputation_matrixFactorization, "auto": auto_imputation, } func = func_mapping[treatment_method] odf = func( spark, idf, list_of_cols, **treatment_configs, stats_missing=stats_missing, print_impact=print_impact ) else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols)) return odf, odf_print
def nullRows_detection(spark, idf, list_of_cols='all', drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, print_impact=False)
This function inspects the row quality and computes the number of columns that are missing for a row. This metric is further aggregated to check how many columns are missing for how many rows (or % rows). Intuition is if too many columns are missing for a row, removing it from the modeling may give better results than relying on its imputed values. Therefore as part of the treatment, rows with missing columns above the specified threshold are removed. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format; the 1st dataframe is the input dataset after filtering rows with a high number of missing columns (if treated else the original dataframe). The 2nd dataframe is of schema β null_cols_count, row_count, row_pct, flagged/treated.
null_cols_count row_count row_pct flagged 5 11 3.0E-4 0 7 1306 0.0401 1 Interpretation: 1306 rows (4.01% of total rows) have 7 missing columns and flagged for are removal because null_cols_count is above the threshold. If treatment is True, then flagged column is renamed as treated to show rows which has been removed.
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- List of columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all")
- List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = [])
- Boolean argument β True or False. If True, rows with high no. of null columns (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False)
- Defines % of columns allowed to be Null per row and takes value between 0 to 1. If % of null columns is above the threshold for a row, it is removed from the dataframe. There is no row removal if the threshold is 1.0. And if the threshold is 0, all rows with null value are removed. (Default value = 0.8)
- True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False)
- Dataframe after row removal if treated, else original input dataframe.
- schema [null_cols_count, row_count, row_pct, flagged/treated]. null_cols_count is defined as no. of missing columns in a row. row_count is no. of rows with null_cols_count missing columns. row_pct is row_count divided by number of rows. flagged/treated is 1 if null_cols_count is more than (threshold X Number of Columns), else 0.
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def nullRows_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], treatment=False, treatment_threshold=0.8, print_impact=False, ): """ This function inspects the row quality and computes the number of columns that are missing for a row. This metric is further aggregated to check how many columns are missing for how many rows (or % rows). Intuition is if too many columns are missing for a row, removing it from the modeling may give better results than relying on its imputed values. Therefore as part of the treatment, rows with missing columns above the specified threshold are removed. This function returns two dataframes in tuple format; the 1st dataframe is the input dataset after filtering rows with a high number of missing columns (if treated else the original dataframe). The 2nd dataframe is of schema β null_cols_count, row_count, row_pct, flagged/treated. | null_cols_count | row_count | row_pct | flagged | |-----------------|-----------|---------|---------| | 5 | 11 | 3.0E-4 | 0 | | 7 | 1306 | 0.0401 | 1 | Interpretation: 1306 rows (4.01% of total rows) have 7 missing columns and flagged for are removal because null_cols_count is above the threshold. If treatment is True, then flagged column is renamed as treated to show rows which has been removed. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) treatment Boolean argument β True or False. If True, rows with high no. of null columns (defined by treatment_threshold argument) are removed from the input dataframe. (Default value = False) treatment_threshold Defines % of columns allowed to be Null per row and takes value between 0 to 1. If % of null columns is above the threshold for a row, it is removed from the dataframe. There is no row removal if the threshold is 1.0. And if the threshold is 0, all rows with null value are removed. (Default value = 0.8) print_impact True, False This argument is to print out the statistics.(Default value = False) Returns ------- odf : DataFrame Dataframe after row removal if treated, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [null_cols_count, row_count, row_pct, flagged/treated]. null_cols_count is defined as no. of missing columns in a row. row_count is no. of rows with null_cols_count missing columns. row_pct is row_count divided by number of rows. flagged/treated is 1 if null_cols_count is more than (threshold X Number of Columns), else 0. """ if list_of_cols == "all": num_cols, cat_cols, other_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf) list_of_cols = num_cols + cat_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) if any(x not in idf.columns for x in list_of_cols) | (len(list_of_cols) == 0): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") treatment_threshold = float(treatment_threshold) if (treatment_threshold < 0) | (treatment_threshold > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Treatment Threshold Value") def null_count(*cols): return cols.count(None) f_null_count = F.udf(null_count, T.LongType()) odf_tmp = idf.withColumn("null_cols_count", f_null_count(*list_of_cols)).withColumn( "flagged", F.when( F.col("null_cols_count") > (len(list_of_cols) * treatment_threshold), 1 ).otherwise(0), ) if treatment_threshold == 1: odf_tmp = odf_tmp.withColumn( "flagged", F.when(F.col("null_cols_count") == len(list_of_cols), 1).otherwise(0), ) odf_print = ( odf_tmp.groupBy("null_cols_count", "flagged") .agg(F.count(F.lit(1)).alias("row_count")) .withColumn("row_pct", F.round(F.col("row_count") / float(idf.count()), 4)) .select("null_cols_count", "row_count", "row_pct", "flagged") .orderBy("null_cols_count") ) if treatment: odf = odf_tmp.where(F.col("flagged") == 0).drop(*["null_cols_count", "flagged"]) odf_print = odf_print.withColumnRenamed("flagged", "treated") else: odf = idf if print_impact: odf_print.show(odf.count()) return odf, odf_print
def outlier_detection(spark, idf, list_of_cols='all', drop_cols=[], detection_side='upper', detection_configs={'pctile_lower': 0.05, 'pctile_upper': 0.95, 'stdev_lower': 3.0, 'stdev_upper': 3.0, 'IQR_lower': 1.5, 'IQR_upper': 1.5, 'min_validation': 2}, treatment=True, treatment_method='value_replacement', pre_existing_model=False, model_path='NA', sample_size=1000000, output_mode='replace', print_impact=False)
In Machine Learning, outlier detection identifies values that deviate drastically from the rest of the attribute values. An outlier may be caused simply by chance, measurement error, or inherent heavy-tailed distribution. This function identifies extreme values in both directions (or any direction provided by the user via detection_side argument). By default, outlier is identified by 3 different methodologies and tagged an outlier only if it is validated by at least 2 methods. Users can customize the methodologies they would like to apply and the minimum number of methodologies to be validated under detection_configs argument.
Percentile Method: In this methodology, a value higher than a certain (default 95th) percentile value is considered as an outlier. Similarly, a value lower than a certain (default 5th) percentile value is considered as an outlier.
Standard Deviation Method: In this methodology, if a value is a certain number of standard deviations (default 3) away from the mean, it is identified as an outlier.
Interquartile Range (IQR) Method: if a value is a certain number of IQRs (default 1.5) below Q1 or above Q3, it is identified as an outlier. Q1 is in first quantile/25th percentile, Q3 is in third quantile/75th percentile, and IQR is the difference between third quantile & first quantile.
As part of treatments available, outlier values can be replaced by null so that it can be imputed by a reliable imputation methodology (null_replacement). It can also be replaced by maximum or minimum permissible by above methodologies (value_replacement). Lastly, rows can be removed if it is identified with any outlier (row_removal).
This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after treating outlier (the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, lower_outliers, upper_outliers. If outliers are checked only for upper end, then lower_outliers column will be shown all zero. Similarly if checked only for lower end, then upper_outliers will be zero for all attributes.
- Spark Session
- Input Dataframe
- List of numerical columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all numerical columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all")
- List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = [])
- "upper", "lower", "both". "lower" detects outliers in the lower spectrum of the column range, whereas "upper" detects in the upper spectrum. "both" detects in both upper and lower end of the spectrum. (Default value = "upper")
- Takes input in dictionary format with keys representing upper & lower parameter for three outlier detection methodologies. a) Percentile Method: lower and upper percentile threshold can be set via "pctile_lower" & "pctile_upper" (default 0.05 & 0.95) Any value above "pctile_upper" is considered as an outlier. Similarly, a value lower than "pctile_lower" is considered as an outlier. b) Standard Deviation Method: In this methodology, if a value which is below (mean - "stdev_lower" * standard deviation) or above (mean + "stdev_upper" * standard deviation), then it is identified as an outlier (default 3.0 & 3.0). c) Interquartile Range (IQR) Method: A value which is below (Q1 β "IQR_lower" * IQR) or above (Q3 + "IQR_lower" * IQR) is identified as outliers, where Q1 is first quartile/25th percentile, Q3 is third quartile/75th percentile and IQR is difference between third quartile & first quartile (default 1.5 & 1.5). If an attribute value is less (more) than its derived lower (upper) bound value, it is considered as outlier by a methodology. A attribute value is considered as outlier if it is declared as outlier by at least 'min_validation' methodologies (default 2). If 'min_validation' is not specified, the total number of methodologies will be used. In addition, it cannot be larger than the total number of methodologies applied. If detection_side is "upper", then "pctile_lower", "stdev_lower" and "IQR_lower" will be ignored and vice versa. Examples (detection_side = "lower") - If detection_configs={"pctile_lower": 0.05, "stdev_lower": 3.0, "min_validation": 1}, Percentile and Standard Deviation methods will be applied and a value is considered as outlier if at least 1 methodology categorizes it as an outlier. - If detection_configs={"pctile_lower": 0.05, "stdev_lower": 3.0}, since "min_validation" is not specified, 2 will be used because there are 2 methodologies specified. A value is considered as outlier if at both 2 methodologies categorize it as an outlier.
- Boolean argument - True or False. If True, outliers are treated as per treatment_method argument. If treatment is False, print_impact should be True to perform detection without treatment. (Default value = True)
- "null_replacement", "row_removal", "value_replacement". In "null_replacement", outlier values are replaced by null so that it can be imputed by a reliable imputation methodology. In "value_replacement", outlier values are replaced by maximum or minimum permissible value by above methodologies. Lastly in "row_removal", rows are removed if it is found with any outlier. (Default value = "value_replacement")
- Boolean argument β True or False. True if the model with upper/lower permissible values for each attribute exists already to be used, False otherwise. (Default value = False)
- If pre_existing_model is True, this argument is path for the pre-saved model. If pre_existing_model is False, this field can be used for saving the model. Default "NA" means there is neither pre-existing model nor there is a need to save one.
- The maximum number of rows used to calculate the thresholds of outlier detection. Relevant computation includes percentiles, means, standard deviations and quantiles calculation. The computed thresholds will be applied over all rows in the original idf to detect outliers. If the number of rows of idf is smaller than sample_size, the original idf will be used. (Default value = 1000000)
- "replace", "append". βreplaceβ option replaces original columns with treated column. βappendβ option append treated column to the input dataset with a postfix "_outliered" e.g. column X is appended as X_outliered. (Default value = "replace")
- True, False This argument is to calculate and print out the impact of treatment (if applicable). If treatment is False, print_impact should be True to perform detection without treatment. (Default value = False).
if print_impact is True:
- odf : DataFrame Dataframe with outliers treated if treatment is True, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, lower_outliers, upper_outliers, excluded_due_to_skewness]. lower_outliers is no. of outliers found in the lower spectrum of the attribute range, upper_outliers is outlier count in the upper spectrum, and excluded_due_to_skewness is 0 or 1 indicating whether an attribute is excluded from detection due to skewness.
if print_impact is False:
- odf : DataFrame Dataframe with outliers treated if treatment is True, else original input dataframe.
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def outlier_detection( spark, idf, list_of_cols="all", drop_cols=[], detection_side="upper", detection_configs={ "pctile_lower": 0.05, "pctile_upper": 0.95, "stdev_lower": 3.0, "stdev_upper": 3.0, "IQR_lower": 1.5, "IQR_upper": 1.5, "min_validation": 2, }, treatment=True, treatment_method="value_replacement", pre_existing_model=False, model_path="NA", sample_size=1000000, output_mode="replace", print_impact=False, ): """ In Machine Learning, outlier detection identifies values that deviate drastically from the rest of the attribute values. An outlier may be caused simply by chance, measurement error, or inherent heavy-tailed distribution. This function identifies extreme values in both directions (or any direction provided by the user via detection_side argument). By default, outlier is identified by 3 different methodologies and tagged an outlier only if it is validated by at least 2 methods. Users can customize the methodologies they would like to apply and the minimum number of methodologies to be validated under detection_configs argument. - Percentile Method: In this methodology, a value higher than a certain (default 95th) percentile value is considered as an outlier. Similarly, a value lower than a certain (default 5th) percentile value is considered as an outlier. - Standard Deviation Method: In this methodology, if a value is a certain number of standard deviations (default 3) away from the mean, it is identified as an outlier. - Interquartile Range (IQR) Method: if a value is a certain number of IQRs (default 1.5) below Q1 or above Q3, it is identified as an outlier. Q1 is in first quantile/25th percentile, Q3 is in third quantile/75th percentile, and IQR is the difference between third quantile & first quantile. As part of treatments available, outlier values can be replaced by null so that it can be imputed by a reliable imputation methodology (null_replacement). It can also be replaced by maximum or minimum permissible by above methodologies (value_replacement). Lastly, rows can be removed if it is identified with any outlier (row_removal). This function returns two dataframes in tuple format β 1st dataframe is input dataset after treating outlier (the original dataset if no treatment) and 2nd dataframe is of schema β attribute, lower_outliers, upper_outliers. If outliers are checked only for upper end, then lower_outliers column will be shown all zero. Similarly if checked only for lower end, then upper_outliers will be zero for all attributes. Parameters ---------- spark Spark Session idf Input Dataframe list_of_cols List of numerical columns to analyse e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". "all" can be passed to include all numerical columns for analysis. This is super useful instead of specifying all column names manually. Please note that this argument is used in conjunction with drop_cols i.e. a column mentioned in drop_cols argument is not considered for analysis even if it is mentioned in list_of_cols. (Default value = "all") drop_cols List of columns to be dropped e.g., ["col1","col2"]. Alternatively, columns can be specified in a string format, where different column names are separated by pipe delimiter β|β e.g., "col1|col2". It is most useful when coupled with the βallβ value of list_of_cols, when we need to consider all columns except a few handful of them. (Default value = []) detection_side "upper", "lower", "both". "lower" detects outliers in the lower spectrum of the column range, whereas "upper" detects in the upper spectrum. "both" detects in both upper and lower end of the spectrum. (Default value = "upper") detection_configs Takes input in dictionary format with keys representing upper & lower parameter for three outlier detection methodologies. a) Percentile Method: lower and upper percentile threshold can be set via "pctile_lower" & "pctile_upper" (default 0.05 & 0.95) Any value above "pctile_upper" is considered as an outlier. Similarly, a value lower than "pctile_lower" is considered as an outlier. b) Standard Deviation Method: In this methodology, if a value which is below (mean - "stdev_lower" * standard deviation) or above (mean + "stdev_upper" * standard deviation), then it is identified as an outlier (default 3.0 & 3.0). c) Interquartile Range (IQR) Method: A value which is below (Q1 β "IQR_lower" * IQR) or above (Q3 + "IQR_lower" * IQR) is identified as outliers, where Q1 is first quartile/25th percentile, Q3 is third quartile/75th percentile and IQR is difference between third quartile & first quartile (default 1.5 & 1.5). If an attribute value is less (more) than its derived lower (upper) bound value, it is considered as outlier by a methodology. A attribute value is considered as outlier if it is declared as outlier by at least 'min_validation' methodologies (default 2). If 'min_validation' is not specified, the total number of methodologies will be used. In addition, it cannot be larger than the total number of methodologies applied. If detection_side is "upper", then "pctile_lower", "stdev_lower" and "IQR_lower" will be ignored and vice versa. Examples (detection_side = "lower") - If detection_configs={"pctile_lower": 0.05, "stdev_lower": 3.0, "min_validation": 1}, Percentile and Standard Deviation methods will be applied and a value is considered as outlier if at least 1 methodology categorizes it as an outlier. - If detection_configs={"pctile_lower": 0.05, "stdev_lower": 3.0}, since "min_validation" is not specified, 2 will be used because there are 2 methodologies specified. A value is considered as outlier if at both 2 methodologies categorize it as an outlier. treatment Boolean argument - True or False. If True, outliers are treated as per treatment_method argument. If treatment is False, print_impact should be True to perform detection without treatment. (Default value = True) treatment_method "null_replacement", "row_removal", "value_replacement". In "null_replacement", outlier values are replaced by null so that it can be imputed by a reliable imputation methodology. In "value_replacement", outlier values are replaced by maximum or minimum permissible value by above methodologies. Lastly in "row_removal", rows are removed if it is found with any outlier. (Default value = "value_replacement") pre_existing_model Boolean argument β True or False. True if the model with upper/lower permissible values for each attribute exists already to be used, False otherwise. (Default value = False) model_path If pre_existing_model is True, this argument is path for the pre-saved model. If pre_existing_model is False, this field can be used for saving the model. Default "NA" means there is neither pre-existing model nor there is a need to save one. sample_size The maximum number of rows used to calculate the thresholds of outlier detection. Relevant computation includes percentiles, means, standard deviations and quantiles calculation. The computed thresholds will be applied over all rows in the original idf to detect outliers. If the number of rows of idf is smaller than sample_size, the original idf will be used. (Default value = 1000000) output_mode "replace", "append". βreplaceβ option replaces original columns with treated column. βappendβ option append treated column to the input dataset with a postfix "_outliered" e.g. column X is appended as X_outliered. (Default value = "replace") print_impact True, False This argument is to calculate and print out the impact of treatment (if applicable). If treatment is False, print_impact should be True to perform detection without treatment. (Default value = False). Returns ------- if print_impact is True: odf : DataFrame Dataframe with outliers treated if treatment is True, else original input dataframe. odf_print : DataFrame schema [attribute, lower_outliers, upper_outliers, excluded_due_to_skewness]. lower_outliers is no. of outliers found in the lower spectrum of the attribute range, upper_outliers is outlier count in the upper spectrum, and excluded_due_to_skewness is 0 or 1 indicating whether an attribute is excluded from detection due to skewness. if print_impact is False: odf : DataFrame Dataframe with outliers treated if treatment is True, else original input dataframe. """ column_order = idf.columns num_cols = attributeType_segregation(idf)[0] if not treatment and not print_impact: if (not pre_existing_model and model_path == "NA") | pre_existing_model: warnings.warn( "The original idf will be the only output. Set print_impact=True to perform detection without treatment" ) return idf if list_of_cols == "all": list_of_cols = num_cols if isinstance(list_of_cols, str): list_of_cols = [x.strip() for x in list_of_cols.split("|")] if isinstance(drop_cols, str): drop_cols = [x.strip() for x in drop_cols.split("|")] list_of_cols = list(set([e for e in list_of_cols if e not in drop_cols])) schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("lower_outliers", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("upper_outliers", T.StringType(), True), ] ) empty_odf_print = spark.sparkContext.emptyRDD().toDF(schema) if not list_of_cols: warnings.warn("No Outlier Check - No numerical column to analyze") if print_impact: empty_odf_print.show() return idf, empty_odf_print else: return idf if any(x not in num_cols for x in list_of_cols): raise TypeError("Invalid input for Column(s)") if detection_side not in ("upper", "lower", "both"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for detection_side") if treatment_method not in ("null_replacement", "row_removal", "value_replacement"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for treatment_method") if output_mode not in ("replace", "append"): raise TypeError("Invalid input for output_mode") if str(treatment).lower() == "true": treatment = True elif str(treatment).lower() == "false": treatment = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for treatment") if str(pre_existing_model).lower() == "true": pre_existing_model = True elif str(pre_existing_model).lower() == "false": pre_existing_model = False else: raise TypeError("Non-Boolean input for pre_existing_model") for arg in ["pctile_lower", "pctile_upper"]: if arg in detection_configs: if (detection_configs[arg] < 0) | (detection_configs[arg] > 1): raise TypeError("Invalid input for " + arg) if pre_existing_model: df_model = spark.read.parquet(model_path + "/outlier_numcols") model_dict_list = ( df_model.where(F.col("attribute").isin(list_of_cols)) .rdd.map(lambda row: {row[0]: row[1]}) .collect() ) model_dict = {} for d in model_dict_list: model_dict.update(d) params = [] present_cols, skewed_cols = [], [] for i in list_of_cols: param = model_dict.get(i) if param: if "skewed_attribute" in param: skewed_cols.append(i) else: param = [float(p) if p else p for p in param] params.append(param) present_cols.append(i) diff_cols = list(set(list_of_cols) - set(present_cols) - set(skewed_cols)) if diff_cols: warnings.warn("Columns not found in model_path: " + ",".join(diff_cols)) if skewed_cols: warnings.warn( "Columns excluded from outlier detection due to highly skewed distribution: " + ",".join(skewed_cols) ) list_of_cols = present_cols if not list_of_cols: warnings.warn("No Outlier Check - No numerical column to analyze") if print_impact: empty_odf_print.show() return idf, empty_odf_print else: return idf else: check_dict = { "pctile": {"lower": 0, "upper": 0}, "stdev": {"lower": 0, "upper": 0}, "IQR": {"lower": 0, "upper": 0}, } side_mapping = { "lower": ["lower"], "upper": ["upper"], "both": ["lower", "upper"], } for methodology in ["pctile", "stdev", "IQR"]: for side in side_mapping[detection_side]: if methodology + "_" + side in detection_configs: check_dict[methodology][side] = 1 methodologies = [] for key, val in list(check_dict.items()): val_list = list(val.values()) if detection_side == "both": if val_list in ([1, 0], [0, 1]): raise TypeError( "Invalid input for detection_configs. If detection_side is 'both', the methodologies used on both sides should be the same" ) if val_list[0]: methodologies.append(key) else: if val[detection_side]: methodologies.append(key) num_methodologies = len(methodologies) if "min_validation" in detection_configs: if detection_configs["min_validation"] > num_methodologies: raise TypeError( "Invalid input for min_validation of detection_configs. It cannot be larger than the total number of methodologies on any side that detection will be applied over." ) else: # if min_validation is not present, num of specified methodologies will be used detection_configs["min_validation"] = num_methodologies empty_params = [[None, None]] * len(list_of_cols) idf_count = idf.count() if idf_count > sample_size: idf_sample = idf.sample(sample_size / idf_count, False, 11).select( list_of_cols ) else: idf_sample = idf.select(list_of_cols) for i in list_of_cols: if get_dtype(idf_sample, i).startswith("decimal"): idf_sample = idf_sample.withColumn(i, F.col(i).cast(T.DoubleType())) pctiles = [ detection_configs.get("pctile_lower", 0.05), detection_configs.get("pctile_upper", 0.95), ] pctile_params = idf_sample.approxQuantile(list_of_cols, pctiles, 0.01) skewed_cols = [] for i, p in zip(list_of_cols, pctile_params): if p[0] == p[1]: skewed_cols.append(i) if skewed_cols: warnings.warn( "Columns excluded from outlier detection due to highly skewed distribution: " + ",".join(skewed_cols) ) for i in skewed_cols: idx = list_of_cols.index(i) list_of_cols.pop(idx) pctile_params.pop(idx) if "pctile" not in methodologies: pctile_params = copy.deepcopy(empty_params) if "stdev" in methodologies: exprs = [f(F.col(c)) for f in [F.mean, F.stddev] for c in list_of_cols] stats = idf_sample.select(exprs).rdd.flatMap(lambda x: x).collect() mean, stdev = stats[: len(list_of_cols)], stats[len(list_of_cols) :] stdev_lower = pd.Series(mean) - detection_configs.get( "stdev_lower", 0.0 ) * pd.Series(stdev) stdev_upper = pd.Series(mean) + detection_configs.get( "stdev_upper", 0.0 ) * pd.Series(stdev) stdev_params = list(zip(stdev_lower, stdev_upper)) else: stdev_params = copy.deepcopy(empty_params) if "IQR" in methodologies: quantiles = idf_sample.approxQuantile(list_of_cols, [0.25, 0.75], 0.01) IQR_params = [ [ e[0] - detection_configs.get("IQR_lower", 0.0) * (e[1] - e[0]), e[1] + detection_configs.get("IQR_upper", 0.0) * (e[1] - e[0]), ] for e in quantiles ] else: IQR_params = copy.deepcopy(empty_params) n = detection_configs["min_validation"] params = [] for x, y, z in list(zip(pctile_params, stdev_params, IQR_params)): lower = sorted( [i for i in [x[0], y[0], z[0]] if i is not None], reverse=True )[n - 1] upper = sorted([i for i in [x[1], y[1], z[1]] if i is not None])[n - 1] if detection_side == "lower": param = [lower, None] elif detection_side == "upper": param = [None, upper] else: param = [lower, upper] params.append(param) # Saving model File if required if model_path != "NA": if detection_side == "lower": skewed_param = ["skewed_attribute", None] elif detection_side == "upper": skewed_param = [None, "skewed_attribute"] else: skewed_param = ["skewed_attribute", "skewed_attribute"] schema = T.StructType( [ T.StructField("attribute", T.StringType(), True), T.StructField("parameters", T.ArrayType(T.StringType()), True), ] ) df_model = spark.createDataFrame( zip( list_of_cols + skewed_cols, params + [skewed_param] * len(skewed_cols), ), schema=schema, ) df_model.coalesce(1).write.parquet( model_path + "/outlier_numcols", mode="overwrite" ) if not treatment and not print_impact: return idf def composite_outlier_pandas(col_param): def inner(v): v = v.astype(float, errors="raise") if detection_side in ("lower", "both"): lower_v = ((v - col_param[0]) < 0).replace(True, -1).replace(False, 0) if detection_side in ("upper", "both"): upper_v = ((v - col_param[1]) > 0).replace(True, 1).replace(False, 0) if detection_side == "upper": return upper_v elif detection_side == "lower": return lower_v else: return lower_v + upper_v return inner odf = idf list_odf = [] for index, i in enumerate(list_of_cols): f_composite_outlier = F.pandas_udf( composite_outlier_pandas(params[index]), returnType=T.IntegerType() ) odf = odf.withColumn(i + "_outliered", f_composite_outlier(i)) if print_impact: odf_agg_col = ( odf.select(i + "_outliered").groupby().pivot(i + "_outliered").count() ) odf_print_col = ( odf_agg_col.withColumn( "lower_outliers", F.col("-1") if "-1" in odf_agg_col.columns else F.lit(0), ) .withColumn( "upper_outliers", F.col("1") if "1" in odf_agg_col.columns else F.lit(0), ) .withColumn("excluded_due_to_skewness", F.lit(0)) .withColumn("attribute", F.lit(str(i))) .select( "attribute", "lower_outliers", "upper_outliers", "excluded_due_to_skewness", ) .fillna(0) ) list_odf.append(odf_print_col) if treatment & (treatment_method in ("value_replacement", "null_replacement")): replace_vals = { "value_replacement": [params[index][0], params[index][1]], "null_replacement": [None, None], } odf = odf.withColumn( i + "_outliered", F.when( F.col(i + "_outliered") == 1, replace_vals[treatment_method][1] ).otherwise( F.when( F.col(i + "_outliered") == -1, replace_vals[treatment_method][0], ).otherwise(F.col(i)) ), ) if output_mode == "replace": odf = odf.drop(i).withColumnRenamed(i + "_outliered", i) if print_impact: def unionAll(dfs): first, *_ = dfs return first.sql_ctx.createDataFrame( first.sql_ctx._sc.union([df.rdd for df in dfs]), first.schema ) odf_print = unionAll(list_odf) if skewed_cols: skewed_cols_print = [(i, 0, 0, 1) for i in skewed_cols] skewed_cols_odf_print = spark.createDataFrame( skewed_cols_print, schema=odf_print.columns ) odf_print = unionAll([odf_print, skewed_cols_odf_print]) odf_print.show(len(list_of_cols) + len(skewed_cols), False) if treatment & (treatment_method == "row_removal"): conditions = [ (F.col(i + "_outliered") == 0) | (F.col(i + "_outliered").isNull()) for i in list_of_cols ] conditions_combined = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, conditions) odf = odf.where(conditions_combined).drop( *[i + "_outliered" for i in list_of_cols] ) if treatment: if output_mode == "replace": odf = odf.select(column_order) else: odf = idf if print_impact: return odf, odf_print else: return odf