This module generates the final report output specific to the intermediate data generated across each of the modules. The final report, however, can be proccessed through the config.yaml file or by generating it through the respective functions.
Below are some of the functions used to process the final output.
- line_chart_gen_stability
- data_analyzer_output
- drift_stability_ind
- chart_gen_list
- executive_summary_gen
- wiki_generator
- descriptive_statistics
- quality_check
- attribute_associations
- data_drift_stability
- plotSeasonalDecompose
- gen_time_series_plots
- list_ts_remove_append
- ts_viz_1_1 — ts_viz_1_3
- ts_viz_2_1 — ts_viz_2_3
- ts_viz_3_1 — ts_viz_3_3
- ts_landscape
- ts_stats
- ts_viz_generate
- overall_stats_gen
- loc_field_stats
- read_stats_ll_geo
- read_cluster_stats_ll_geo
- read_loc_charts
- loc_report_gen
- anovos_report
However, each of the functions have been detailed in the respective sections across the parameters used.
Expand source code
# coding=utf-8 """This module generates the final report output specific to the intermediate data generated across each of the modules. The final report, however, can be proccessed through the config.yaml file or by generating it through the respective functions. Below are some of the functions used to process the final output. - line_chart_gen_stability - data_analyzer_output - drift_stability_ind - chart_gen_list - executive_summary_gen - wiki_generator - descriptive_statistics - quality_check - attribute_associations - data_drift_stability - plotSeasonalDecompose - gen_time_series_plots - list_ts_remove_append - ts_viz_1_1 — ts_viz_1_3 - ts_viz_2_1 — ts_viz_2_3 - ts_viz_3_1 — ts_viz_3_3 - ts_landscape - ts_stats - ts_viz_generate - overall_stats_gen - loc_field_stats - read_stats_ll_geo - read_cluster_stats_ll_geo - read_loc_charts - loc_report_gen - anovos_report However, each of the functions have been detailed in the respective sections across the parameters used. """ import json import os import subprocess import warnings import datapane as dp import dateutil.parser import mlflow import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import as tls from loguru import logger from plotly.subplots import make_subplots from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller, kpss from anovos.shared.utils import ends_with, output_to_local, path_ak8s_modify warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") global_theme = px.colors.sequential.Plasma global_theme_r = px.colors.sequential.Plasma_r global_plot_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" global_paper_bg_color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" default_template = ( dp.HTML( """ <html> <img src="" style="height:100px;display:flex;margin:auto;float:right" /> </html>""" ), dp.Text("# ML-Anovos Report"), ) def remove_u_score(col): """ This functions help to remove the "_" present in a specific text Parameters ---------- col Analysis column containing "_" present gets replaced along with upper case conversion Returns ------- String """ col_ = col.split("_") bl = [] for i in col_: if i == "nullColumns" or i == "nullRows": bl.append("Null") else: bl.append(i[0].upper() + i[1:]) return " ".join(bl) def line_chart_gen_stability(df1, df2, col): """ This function helps to produce charts which are specific to data stability index. It taken into account the stability input along with the analysis column to produce the desired output. Parameters ---------- df1 Analysis dataframe pertaining to summarized stability metrics df2 Analysis dataframe pertaining to historical data col Analysis column Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ def val_cat(val): """ Parameters ---------- val Returns ------- String """ if val >= 3.5: return "Very Stable" elif val >= 3 and val < 3.5: return "Stable" elif val >= 2 and val < 3: return "Marginally Stable" elif val >= 1 and val < 2: return "Unstable" elif val >= 0 and val < 1: return "Very Unstable" else: return "Out of Range" val_si = list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].stability_index.values)[0] f1 = go.Figure() f1.add_trace( go.Indicator( mode="gauge+number", value=val_si, gauge={ "axis": {"range": [None, 4], "tickwidth": 1, "tickcolor": "black"}, "bgcolor": "white", "steps": [ {"range": [0, 1], "color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[7]}, {"range": [1, 2], "color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[6]}, {"range": [2, 3], "color": px.colors.sequential.Oranges[4]}, {"range": [3, 3.5], "color": px.colors.sequential.BuGn[7]}, {"range": [3.5, 4], "color": px.colors.sequential.BuGn[8]}, ], "threshold": { "line": {"color": "black", "width": 3}, "thickness": 1, "value": val_si, }, "bar": {"color": global_plot_bg_color}, }, title={"text": "Order of Stability: " + val_cat(val_si)}, ) ) f1.update_layout(height=400, font={"color": "black", "family": "Arial"}) f5 = "Stability Index for " + str(col.upper()) if len(df1.columns) > 0: attr_type = df1["type"].tolist()[0] if attr_type == "Numerical": f2 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="mean", markers=True, title="CV of Mean is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].mean_cv.values)[0]), ) f2.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[2], marker=dict(size=14)) f2.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f2.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f3 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="stddev", markers=True, title="CV of Stddev is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].stddev_cv.values)[0]), ) f3.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[6], marker=dict(size=14)) f3.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f3.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f4 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="kurtosis", markers=True, title="CV of Kurtosis is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].kurtosis_cv.values)[0]), ) f4.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[4], marker=dict(size=14)) f4.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f4.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color return dp.Group( dp.Text("#"), dp.Text(f5), dp.Plot(f1), dp.Group(dp.Plot(f2), dp.Plot(f3), dp.Plot(f4), columns=3), label=col, ) else: f2 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="mean", markers=True, title="Standard deviation of Mean is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].mean_stddev.values)[0]), ) f2.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[2], marker=dict(size=14)) f2.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f2.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color return dp.Group( dp.Text("#"), dp.Text(f5), dp.Plot(f1), dp.Group(dp.Plot(f2), columns=1), label=col, ) else: return dp.Group(dp.Text("#"), dp.Text(f5), dp.Plot(f1), label=col) def data_analyzer_output(master_path, avl_recs_tab, tab_name): """ This section produces output in form of datapane objects which is specific to the different data analyzer modules. It is used by referring to the Master path along with the Available list of metrics & the Tab name. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data avl_recs_tab Available file names from the analysis tab tab_name Analysis tab from association_evaluator / quality_checker / stats_generator Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ df_list = [] df_plot_list = [] # @FIXME: unused variables plot_list = [] avl_recs_tab = [x for x in avl_recs_tab if "global_summary" not in x] for index, i in enumerate(avl_recs_tab): data = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv") if len(data.index) == 0: continue if tab_name == "quality_checker": if i == "duplicate_detection": duplicate_recs = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv" ).round(3) _unique_rows_count = int( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "unique_rows_count" ].value.values ) _rows_count = int( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "rows_count" ].value.values ) _duplicate_rows_count = int( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "duplicate_rows" ].value.values ) _duplicate_pct = float( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "duplicate_pct" ].value.values * 100.0 ) unique_rows_count = f" No. Of Unique Rows: **{_unique_rows_count}**" # @FIXME: variable names exists in outer scope rows_count = f" No. of Rows: **{_rows_count}**" duplicate_rows = f" No. of Duplicate Rows: **{_duplicate_rows_count}**" duplicate_pct = f" Percentage of Duplicate Rows: **{_duplicate_pct}%**" df_list.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i))), dp.Group( dp.Text(rows_count), dp.Text(unique_rows_count), dp.Text(duplicate_rows), dp.Text(duplicate_pct), ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) elif i == "outlier_detection": df_list.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv").round( 3 ) ), "outlier_charts_placeholder", ] ) else: df_list.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv").round( 3 ) ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) elif tab_name == "association_evaluator": for j in avl_recs_tab: if j == "correlation_matrix": df_list_ = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + str(j) + ".csv" ).round(3) feats_order = list(df_list_["attribute"].values) df_list_ = df_list_.round(3) fig = px.imshow( df_list_[feats_order], y=feats_order, color_continuous_scale=global_theme, aspect="auto", ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Correlation Plot ")) df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(df_list_[["attribute"] + feats_order]), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(j), ) ) elif j == "variable_clustering": df_list_ = ( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(j) + ".csv") .round(3) .sort_values(by=["Cluster"], ascending=True) ) fig = px.sunburst( df_list_, path=["Cluster", "Attribute"], values="RS_Ratio", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Distribution of homogenous variable across Clusters")) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Variable Clustering Plot ")) fig.layout.autosize = True df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(df_list_), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(j), ) ) else: try: df_list_ = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + str(j) + ".csv" ).round(3) col_nm = [ x for x in list(df_list_.columns) if "attribute" not in x ] df_list_ = df_list_.sort_values(col_nm[0], ascending=True) fig = df_list_, x=col_nm[0], y="attribute", orientation="h", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Representation of " + str(remove_u_score(j)))) fig.layout.autosize = True df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(df_list_), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(j), ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") pass if len(avl_recs_tab) == 1: df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" " ), dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" "), label=" ", ) ) else: pass return df_plot_list else: df_list.append( dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv").round(3), label=remove_u_score(avl_recs_tab[index]), ) ) if tab_name == "quality_checker" and len(avl_recs_tab) == 1: return df_list[0], [dp.Text("#"), dp.Plot(blank_chart)] elif tab_name == "stats_generator" and len(avl_recs_tab) == 1: return [ df_list[0], dp.DataTable(pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" "), ] else: return df_list def drift_stability_ind( missing_recs_drift, drift_tab, missing_recs_stability, stability_tab ): """ This function helps to produce the drift & stability indicator for further processing. Ideally a data with both drift & stability should produce a list of [1,1] Parameters ---------- missing_recs_drift Missing files from the drift tab drift_tab "drift_statistics" missing_recs_stability Missing files from the stability tab stability_tab "stability_index, stabilityIndex_metrics" Returns ------- List """ if len(missing_recs_drift) == len(drift_tab): drift_ind = 0 else: drift_ind = 1 if len(missing_recs_stability) == len(stability_tab): stability_ind = 0 elif ("stabilityIndex_metrics" in missing_recs_stability) and ( "stability_index" not in missing_recs_stability ): stability_ind = 0.5 else: stability_ind = 1 return drift_ind, stability_ind def chart_gen_list(master_path, chart_type, type_col=None): """ This function helps to produce the charts in a list object form nested by a datapane object. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing all the charts same as the other files from data analyzed output chart_type Files containing only the specific chart names for the specific chart category type_col None. Default value is kept as None Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ plot_list = [] for i in chart_type: col_name = i[i.find("_") + 1 :] if type_col == "numerical": if col_name in numcols_name.replace(" ", "").split(","): plot_list.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i))), label=col_name, ) ) else: pass elif type_col == "categorical": if col_name in catcols_name.replace(" ", "").split(","): plot_list.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i))), label=col_name, ) ) else: pass else: plot_list.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i))), label=col_name, ) ) return plot_list def executive_summary_gen( master_path, label_col, ds_ind, id_col, iv_threshold, corr_threshold, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Executive Summary Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. label_col Label column. ds_ind Drift stability indicator in list form. id_col ID column. iv_threshold IV threshold beyond which attributes can be called as significant. corr_threshold Correlation threshold beyond which attributes can be categorized under correlated. print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ try: obj_dtls = json.load( open(ends_with(master_path) + "freqDist_" + str(label_col)) ) # @FIXME: never used local variable text_val = list(list(obj_dtls.values())[0][0].items())[8][1] x_val = list(list(obj_dtls.values())[0][0].items())[10][1] y_val = list(list(obj_dtls.values())[0][0].items())[12][1] label_fig_ = go.Figure( data=[ go.Pie( labels=x_val, values=y_val, textinfo="label+percent", insidetextorientation="radial", pull=[0, 0.1], marker_colors=global_theme, ) ] ) label_fig_.update_traces(textposition="inside", textinfo="percent+label") label_fig_.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) label_fig_.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color label_fig_.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") label_fig_ = None a1 = ( "The dataset contains **" + str(f"{rows_count:,d}") + "** records and **" + str(numcols_count + catcols_count) + "** attributes (**" + str(numcols_count) + "** numerical + **" + str(catcols_count) + "** categorical)." ) if label_col is None: a2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("- There is **no** target variable in the dataset"), dp.Text("- Data Diagnosis:"), ) else: if label_fig_ is None: a2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("- Target variable is **" + str(label_col) + "** "), dp.Text("- Data Diagnosis:"), ) else: a2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("- Target variable is **" + str(label_col) + "** "), dp.Plot(label_fig_), dp.Text("- Data Diagnosis:"), ) try: x1 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_dispersion.csv") .query("`cov`>1") .attribute.values ) if len(x1) > 0: x1_1 = ["High Variance", x1] else: x1_1 = ["High Variance", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x1_1 = ["High Variance", None] try: x2 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`skewness`>0") .attribute.values ) if len(x2) > 0: x2_1 = ["Positive Skewness", x2] else: x2_1 = ["Positive Skewness", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x2_1 = ["Positive Skewness", None] try: x3 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`skewness`<0") .attribute.values ) if len(x3) > 0: x3_1 = ["Negative Skewness", x3] else: x3_1 = ["Negative Skewness", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x3_1 = ["Negative Skewness", None] try: x4 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`kurtosis`>0") .attribute.values ) if len(x4) > 0: x4_1 = ["High Kurtosis", x4] else: x4_1 = ["High Kurtosis", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x4_1 = ["High Kurtosis", None] try: x5 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`kurtosis`<0") .attribute.values ) if len(x5) > 0: x5_1 = ["Low Kurtosis", x5] else: x5_1 = ["Low Kurtosis", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x5_1 = ["Low Kurtosis", None] try: x6 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_counts.csv") .query("`fill_pct`<0.7") .attribute.values ) if len(x6) > 0: x6_1 = ["Low Fill Rates", x6] else: x6_1 = ["Low Fill Rates", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x6_1 = ["Low Fill Rates", None] try: biasedness_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "biasedness_detection.csv") if "treated" in biasedness_df: x7 = list(biasedness_df.query("`treated`>0").attribute.values) else: x7 = list(biasedness_df.query("`flagged`>0").attribute.values) if len(x7) > 0: x7_1 = ["High Biasedness", x7] else: x7_1 = ["High Biasedness", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x7_1 = ["High Biasedness", None] try: x8 = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "outlier_detection.csv" ).attribute.values ) if len(x8) > 0: x8_1 = ["Outliers", x8] else: x8_1 = ["Outliers", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x8_1 = ["Outliers", None] try: corr_matrx = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "correlation_matrix.csv") corr_matrx = corr_matrx[list(corr_matrx.attribute.values)] corr_matrx = corr_matrx.where( np.triu(np.ones(corr_matrx.shape), k=1).astype(np.bool) ) to_drop = [ column for column in corr_matrx.columns if any(corr_matrx[column] > corr_threshold) ] if len(to_drop) > 0: x9_1 = ["High Correlation", to_drop] else: x9_1 = ["High Correlation", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x9_1 = ["High Correlation", None] try: x10 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "IV_calculation.csv") .query("`iv`>" + str(iv_threshold)) .attribute.values ) if len(x10) > 0: x10_1 = ["Significant Attributes", x10] else: x10_1 = ["Significant Attributes", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x10_1 = ["Significant Attributes", None] blank_list_df = [] for i in [x1_1, x2_1, x3_1, x4_1, x5_1, x6_1, x7_1, x8_1, x9_1, x10_1]: try: for j in i[1]: blank_list_df.append([i[0], j]) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") blank_list_df.append([i[0], "NA"]) list_n = [] x1 = pd.DataFrame(blank_list_df, columns=["Metric", "Attribute"]) x1["Value"] = "✔" all_cols = ( catcols_name.replace(" ", "") + "," + numcols_name.replace(" ", "") ).split(",") remainder_cols = list(set(all_cols) - set(x1.Attribute.values)) total_metrics = set(list(x1.Metric.values)) for i in remainder_cols: for j in total_metrics: list_n.append([j, i]) x2 = pd.DataFrame(list_n, columns=["Metric", "Attribute"]) x2["Value"] = "✘" x = x1.append(x2, ignore_index=True) x = ( x.drop_duplicates() .pivot(index="Attribute", columns="Metric", values="Value") .fillna("✘") .reset_index()[ [ "Attribute", "Outliers", "Significant Attributes", "Positive Skewness", "Negative Skewness", "High Variance", "High Correlation", "High Kurtosis", "Low Kurtosis", ] ] ) x = x[ ~( (x["Attribute"].isnull()) | (x.Attribute.values == "NA") | (x["Attribute"] == " ") ) ] if ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: a5 = "Data Health based on Drift Metrics & Stability Index : " report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("- " + a5), dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="# Drifted Attributes", value=str(str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats)), ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Drifted Attributes", value=str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%", ), dp.BigNumber( heading="# Unstable Attributes", value=str(len(unstable_attr)) + " out of " + str(len(total_unstable_attr)), change="numerical", is_upward_change=True, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Unstable Attributes", value=str( np.round(100 * len(unstable_attr) / len(total_unstable_attr), 2) ) + "%", ), columns=4, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: a5 = "Data Health based on Stability Index : " report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("- " + a5), dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="# Unstable Attributes", value=str(len(unstable_attr)) + " out of " + str(len(total_unstable_attr)), change="numerical", is_upward_change=True, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Unstable Attributes", value=str( np.round(100 * len(unstable_attr) / len(total_unstable_attr), 2) ) + "%", ), columns=2, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] == 0: a5 = "Data Health based on Drift Metrics : " report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("- " + a5), dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="# Drifted Attributes", value=str(str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats)), ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Drifted Attributes", value=str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%", ), columns=2, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] == 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "executive_summary.html", open=True ) return report # @FIXME: rename variables with their corresponding within the config files def wiki_generator( master_path, dataDict_path=None, metricDict_path=None, print_report=False ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Wiki Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. dataDict_path Data dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. metricDict_path Metric dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ try: datatype_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "data_type.csv") except FileNotFoundError: logger.error( f"file {master_path}/data_type.csv doesn't exist, cannot read datatypes" ) except Exception:"generate an empty dataframe with columns attribute and data_type ") datatype_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["attribute", "data_type"], index=range(1)) try: data_dict = pd.read_csv(dataDict_path).merge( datatype_df, how="outer", on="attribute" ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"file {dataDict_path} doesn't exist, cannot read data dict") except Exception: data_dict = datatype_df try: metric_dict = pd.read_csv(metricDict_path) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"file {metricDict_path} doesn't exist, cannot read metrics dict") except Exception: metric_dict = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "Section Category", "Section Name", "Metric Name", "Metric Definitions", ], index=range(1), ) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *A quick reference to the attributes from the dataset (Data Dictionary) and the metrics computed in the report (Metric Dictionary).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( dp.Group(dp.Text("## "), dp.DataTable(data_dict)), label="Data Dictionary", ), dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(metric_dict), label="Metric Dictionary" ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Wiki", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "wiki_generator.html", open=True ) return report def descriptive_statistics( master_path, SG_tabs, avl_recs_SG, missing_recs_SG, all_charts_num_1_, all_charts_cat_1_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Descriptive Stats Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. SG_tabs measures_of_counts','measures_of_centralTendency','measures_of_cardinality','measures_of_percentiles','measures_of_dispersion','measures_of_shape','global_summary' avl_recs_SG Available files from the SG_tabs (Stats Generator tabs) missing_recs_SG Missing files from the SG_tabs (Stats Generator tabs) all_charts_num_1_ Numerical charts (histogram) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects all_charts_cat_1_ Categorical charts (barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ if "global_summary" in avl_recs_SG: cnt = 0 else: cnt = 1 if len(missing_recs_SG) + cnt == len(SG_tabs): return "null_report" else: if "global_summary" in avl_recs_SG: l1 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the dataset with key statistical metrics and distribution plots.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Global Summary"), dp.Group( dp.Text(" Total Number of Records: **" + f"{rows_count:,}" + "**"), dp.Text( " Total Number of Attributes: **" + str(columns_count) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Number of Numerical Attributes : **" + str(numcols_count) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Numerical Attributes Name : **" + str(numcols_name) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Number of Categorical Attributes : **" + str(catcols_count) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Categorical Attributes Name : **" + str(catcols_name) + "**" ), ), ) else: l1 = dp.Text("# ") if len(data_analyzer_output(master_path, avl_recs_SG, "stats_generator")) > 0: l2 = dp.Text("### Statistics by Metric Type") l3 = dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=data_analyzer_output( master_path, avl_recs_SG, "stats_generator" ), type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), ) else: l2 = dp.Text("# ") l3 = dp.Text("# ") if len(all_charts_num_1_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_1_) == 0: l4 = 1 elif len(all_charts_num_1_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_1_) > 0: l4 = ( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Attribute Visualization"), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_cat_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), ) elif len(all_charts_num_1_) > 0 and len(all_charts_cat_1_) == 0: l4 = ( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Attribute Visualization"), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_num_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), ) else: l4 = ( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Attribute Visualization"), dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_cat_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ) ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), ) if l4 == 1: report = dp.Group( l1, dp.Text("# "), l2, l3, dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Descriptive Statistics", ) else: report = dp.Group( l1, dp.Text("# "), l2, l3, *l4, dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Descriptive Statistics", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "descriptive_statistics.html", open=True ) return report def quality_check( master_path, QC_tabs, avl_recs_QC, missing_recs_QC, all_charts_num_3_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Quality Checker Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. QC_tabs nullColumns_detection','IDness_detection','biasedness_detection','invalidEntries_detection','duplicate_detection','nullRows_detection','outlier_detection' avl_recs_QC Available files from the QC_tabs (Quality Checker tabs) missing_recs_QC Missing files from the QC_tabs (Quality Checker tabs) all_charts_num_3_ Numerical charts (outlier charts) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ c_ = [] r_ = [] if len(missing_recs_QC) == len(QC_tabs): return "null_report" else: row_wise = ["duplicate_detection", "nullRows_detection"] col_wise = [ "nullColumns_detection", "IDness_detection", "biasedness_detection", "invalidEntries_detection", "outlier_detection", ] row_wise_ = [p for p in row_wise if p in avl_recs_QC] col_wise_ = [p for p in col_wise if p in avl_recs_QC] len_row_wise = len([p for p in row_wise if p in avl_recs_QC]) len_col_wise = len([p for p in col_wise if p in avl_recs_QC]) if len_row_wise == 0: c = data_analyzer_output(master_path, col_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in c: for j in i: if j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) > 1: c_.append( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_3_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN ) ) elif ( j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) == 0 ): c_.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart)) else: c_.append(j) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*c_), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) elif len_col_wise == 0: r = data_analyzer_output(master_path, row_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in r: for j in i: r_.append(j) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*r_), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) else: c = data_analyzer_output(master_path, col_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in c: for j in i: if j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) > 1: c_.append( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_3_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN ) ) elif ( j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) == 0 ): c_.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart)) else: c_.append(j) r = data_analyzer_output(master_path, row_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in r: for j in i: r_.append(j) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*c_), label="Column Level"), dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*r_), label="Row Level"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "quality_check.html", open=True ) return report def attribute_associations( master_path, AE_tabs, avl_recs_AE, missing_recs_AE, label_col, all_charts_num_2_, all_charts_cat_2_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Attribute Association Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. AE_tabs correlation_matrix','IV_calculation','IG_calculation','variable_clustering' avl_recs_AE Available files from the AE_tabs (Association Evaluator tabs) missing_recs_AE Missing files from the AE_tabs (Association Evaluator tabs) label_col label column all_charts_num_2_ Numerical charts (histogram) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects all_charts_cat_2_ Categorical charts (barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ if (len(missing_recs_AE) == len(AE_tabs)) and ( (len(all_charts_num_2_) + len(all_charts_cat_2_)) == 0 ): return "null_report" else: if len(all_charts_num_2_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_2_) == 0: target_association_rep = dp.Text("##") else: if len(all_charts_num_2_) > 0 and len(all_charts_cat_2_) == 0: target_association_rep = dp.Group( dp.Text("### Attribute to Target Association"), dp.Text( """ *Bivariate Distribution considering the event captured across different attribute splits (or categories)* """ ), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_num_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), label="Numerical", ) elif len(all_charts_num_2_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_2_) > 0: target_association_rep = dp.Group( dp.Text("### Attribute to Target Association"), dp.Text( """ *Bivariate Distribution considering the event captured across different attribute splits (or categories)* """ ), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_cat_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), label="Categorical", ) else: target_association_rep = dp.Group( dp.Text("### Attribute to Target Association"), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_cat_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text( """ *Event Rate is defined as % of event label (i.e. label 1) in a bin or a categorical value of an attribute.* """ ), dp.Text("# "), ) if len(missing_recs_AE) == len(AE_tabs): report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section analyzes the interaction between different attributes and/or the relationship between an attribute & the binary target variable.* """ ), dp.Text("## "), target_association_rep, dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), label="Attribute Associations", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section analyzes the interaction between different attributes and/or the relationship between an attribute & the binary target variable.* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Association Matrix & Plot"), dp.Select( blocks=data_analyzer_output( master_path, avl_recs_AE, tab_name="association_evaluator" ), type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("## "), target_association_rep, dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), label="Attribute Associations", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "attribute_associations.html", open=True ) return report def data_drift_stability( master_path, ds_ind, id_col, drift_threshold_model, all_drift_charts_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Data Drift & Stability Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. ds_ind Drift stability indicator in list form. id_col ID column drift_threshold_model threshold which the user is specifying for tagging an attribute to be drifted or not all_drift_charts_ Charts (histogram/barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ line_chart_list = [] if ds_ind[0] > 0: fig_metric_drift = go.Figure() fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[0]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[1], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[0], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[1]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[3], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[1], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[2]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[5], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[2], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[3]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[7], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[3], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_vrect( x0=0, x1=drift_threshold_model, fillcolor=global_theme[7], opacity=0.1, layer="below", line_width=1, ), fig_metric_drift.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) fig_metric_drift.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig_metric_drift.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig_metric_drift.update_xaxes( showline=True, linewidth=2, gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1] ) fig_metric_drift.update_yaxes( showline=True, linewidth=2, gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[2] ) # Drift Chart - 2 fig_gauge_drift = go.Figure( go.Indicator( domain={"x": [0, 1], "y": [0, 1]}, value=drifted_feats, mode="gauge+number", title={"text": ""}, gauge={ "axis": {"range": [None, len_feats]}, "bar": {"color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[7]}, "steps": [ { "range": [0, drifted_feats], "color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[8], }, { "range": [drifted_feats, len_feats], "color": px.colors.sequential.Greens[8], }, ], "threshold": { "line": {"color": "black", "width": 3}, "thickness": 1, "value": len_feats, }, }, ) ) fig_gauge_drift.update_layout(font={"color": "black", "family": "Arial"}) def drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats): """ Parameters ---------- drifted_feats count of attributes drifted len_feats count of attributes passed for analysis Returns ------- String """ if drifted_feats == 0: text = """ *Drift barometer does not indicate any drift in the underlying data. Please refer to the metric values as displayed in the above table & comparison plot for better understanding* """ elif drifted_feats == 1: text = ( "*Drift barometer indicates that " + str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats) + " (" + str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%) attributes has been drifted from its source behaviour.*" ) elif drifted_feats > 1: text = ( "*Drift barometer indicates that " + str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats) + " (" + str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%) attributes have been drifted from its source behaviour.*" ) else: text = "" return text else: pass if ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] == 0: return "null_report" elif ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] > 0.5: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) elif ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] == 0: if len(all_drift_charts_) > 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Select(blocks=all_drift_charts_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text( """ *Source & Target datasets were compared to see the % deviation at decile level for numerical attributes and at individual category level for categorical attributes* """ ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), label="Drift & Stability", ) elif ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) if len(all_drift_charts_) > 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Select(blocks=all_drift_charts_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text( """ *Source & Target datasets were compared to see the % deviation at decile level for numerical attributes and at individual category level for categorical attributes* """ ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) elif ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) if len(all_drift_charts_) > 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Select(blocks=all_drift_charts_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text( """ *Source & Target datasets were compared to see the % deviation at decile level for numerical attributes and at individual category level for categorical attributes* """ ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "data_drift_stability.html", open=True ) return report def plotSeasonalDecompose( base_path, x_col, y_col, metric_col="median", title="Seasonal Decomposition" ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series. Ideally it's expected to source a data containing atleast 2 cycles or 24 months as the most. Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names metric_col Metric of aggregation. Options can be between "Median", "Mean", "Min", "Max" title "Title Description" Returns ------- Plot """ df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(base_path) + x_col + "_" + y_col + "_daily.csv").dropna() df[x_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[x_col], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") df = df.set_index(x_col) if len([x for x in df.columns if "min" in x]) == 0: # result = seasonal_decompose(df[metric_col],model="additive") pass else: result = seasonal_decompose(df[metric_col], model="additive", period=12) fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=2, subplot_titles=["Observed", "Trend", "Seasonal", "Residuals"], ) # fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.observed, name="Observed", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[0]), ), row=1, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.trend, name="Trend", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[2]), ), row=1, col=2, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.seasonal, name="Seasonal", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[4]), ), row=2, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.resid, name="Residuals", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[6]), ), row=2, col=2, ) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.observed, name ="Observed", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[0]))) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.trend, name ="Trend", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[2]))) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.seasonal, name ="Seasonal", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[4]))) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.resid, name ="Residuals", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[6]))) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, width=2000, height=800) fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) return fig def gen_time_series_plots(base_path, x_col, y_col, time_cat): """ This function helps to produce Time Series Plots by sourcing the aggregated data as Daily/Hourly/Weekly level. Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names time_cat Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- Plot """ df = pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + x_col + "_" + y_col + "_" + time_cat + ".csv" ).dropna() if len([x for x in df.columns if "min" in x]) == 0: if time_cat == "daily": # x_col = x_col + "_ts" fig = px.line( df, x=x_col, y="count", color=y_col, color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list( [ dict( count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=3, label="3m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=6, label="6m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=1, label="YTD", step="year", stepmode="todate" ), dict( count=1, label="1y", step="year", stepmode="backward", ), dict(step="all"), ] ) ), rangeslider=dict(visible=True), type="date", ) ) elif time_cat == "weekly": fig = df, x="dow", y="count", color=y_col, color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) # fig.update_layout(barmode='stack') elif time_cat == "hourly": fig = df, x="daypart_cat", y="count", color=y_col, color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) # fig.update_layout(barmode='stack') else: pass else: if time_cat == "daily": # x_col = x_col + "_ts" f1 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["min"]), name="Min", line=dict(color=global_theme[6]), ) f2 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["max"]), name="Max", line=dict(color=global_theme[4]), ) f3 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["mean"]), name="Mean", line=dict(color=global_theme[2]), ) f4 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["median"]), name="Median", line=dict(color=global_theme[0]), ) fig = go.Figure(data=[f1, f2, f3, f4]) fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list( [ dict( count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=3, label="3m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=6, label="6m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=1, label="YTD", step="year", stepmode="todate" ), dict( count=1, label="1y", step="year", stepmode="backward", ), dict(step="all"), ] ) ), rangeslider=dict(visible=True), type="date", ) ) elif time_cat == "weekly": f1 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["min"]), marker_color=global_theme[6], name="Min", ) f2 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["max"]), marker_color=global_theme[4], name="Max", ) f3 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["mean"]), marker_color=global_theme[2], name="Mean", ) f4 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["median"]), marker_color=global_theme[0], name="Median", ) fig = go.Figure(data=[f1, f2, f3, f4]) fig.update_layout(barmode="group") elif time_cat == "hourly": f1 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["min"]), marker_color=global_theme[6], name="Min", ) f2 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["max"]), marker_color=global_theme[4], name="Max", ) f3 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["mean"]), marker_color=global_theme[2], name="Mean", ) f4 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["median"]), marker_color=global_theme[0], name="Median", ) fig = go.Figure(data=[f1, f2, f3, f4]) fig.update_layout(barmode="group") else: pass fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) return fig def list_ts_remove_append(l, opt): """ This function helps to remove or append "_ts" from any list. Parameters ---------- l List containing column name opt Option to choose between 1 & Others to enable the functionality of removing or appending "_ts" within the elements of a list Returns ------- List """ ll = [] if opt == 1: for i in l: if i[-3:] == "_ts": ll.append(i[0:-3:]) else: ll.append(i) return ll else: for i in l: if i[-3:] == "_ts": ll.append(i) else: ll.append(i + "_ts") return ll def ts_viz_1_1(base_path, x_col, y_col, output_type): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- Plot """ ts_fig = gen_time_series_plots(base_path, x_col, y_col, output_type) return ts_fig def ts_viz_1_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list, output_type): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name col_list Numerical / Categorical column names output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ bl = [] for i in col_list: if len(col_list) > 1: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_1_1(base_path, ts_col, i, output_type), label=i)) else: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_1_1(base_path, ts_col, i, output_type), label=i)) bl.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=bl, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) def ts_viz_1_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols, cat_cols, output_type): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name num_cols Numerical column names cat_cols Categorical column names output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_v = [] # print(num_cols) # print(cat_cols) if len(num_cols) == 0: for i in ts_col: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label=i) ) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label=i) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) elif len(cat_cols) == 0: for i in ts_col: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label=i) ) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label=i) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) elif (len(num_cols) >= 1) & (len(cat_cols) >= 1): for i in ts_col: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=i, ) ) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=i, ) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_v, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) def ts_viz_2_1(base_path, x_col, y_col): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_fig = [] for i in ["mean", "median", "min", "max"]: ts_fig.append( dp.Plot( plotSeasonalDecompose(base_path, x_col, y_col, metric_col=i), label=i.title(), ) ) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_fig, type=dp.SelectType.TABS) def ts_viz_2_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name col_list Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ bl = [] for i in col_list: if len(col_list) > 1: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) else: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) bl.append(dp.Group(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" "), label=" ")) return dp.Select(blocks=bl, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) def ts_viz_2_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name num_cols Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_v = [] if len(ts_col) > 1: for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 24: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The plots couldn't be displayed as x must have 2 complete cycles requires 24 observations. x only has " + str(f) + " observation(s)" ), label=i, ) ) else: for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 24: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The plots couldn't be displayed as x must have 2 complete cycles requires 24 observations. x only has " + str(f) + " observation(s)" ), label=i, ) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_v, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) def ts_landscape(base_path, ts_cols, id_col): """ This function helps to produce a basic landscaping view of the data by picking up the base path for reading the aggregated data and specified by the timestamp / date column & the ID column. Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name id_col ID Column Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ if ts_cols is None: return dp.Text("#") else: df_stats_ts = [] for i in ts_cols: if len(ts_cols) > 1: df_stats_ts.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("*ID considered here is : " + str(id_col) + "*"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("#### Consistency Analysis Of Dates"), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_1.csv" ) .set_index("attribute") .T, label=i, ), ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*The Percentile distribution across different bins of ID-Date / Date-ID combination should be in a considerable range to determine the regularity of Time series. In an ideal scenario the proportion of dates within each ID should be same. Also, the count of IDs across unique dates should be consistent for a balanced distribution*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("#### Vital Statistics"), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).T.rename(columns={0: ""}), label=i, ), ), label=i, ) ) else: df_stats_ts.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("*ID considered here is : " + str(id_col) + "*"), dp.Text("#### Consistency Analysis Of Dates"), dp.Text("# "), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_1.csv" ) .set_index("attribute") .T, label=i, ), ), dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("#### Vital Statistics"), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).T.rename(columns={0: ""}), label=i, ), ), label=i, ) ) df_stats_ts.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Group( dp.Text("### Time Stamp Data Diagnosis"), dp.Select(blocks=df_stats_ts, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), ) def lambda_cat(val): """ Parameters ---------- val Value of Box Cox Test which translates into the transformation to be applied. Returns ------- String """ if val < -1: return "Reciprocal Square Transform" elif val >= -1 and val < -0.5: return "Reciprocal Transform" elif val >= -0.5 and val < 0: return "Receiprocal Square Root Transform" elif val >= 0 and val < 0.5: return "Log Transform" elif val >= 0.5 and val < 1: return "Square Root Transform" elif val >= 1 and val < 2: return "No Transform" elif val >= 2: return "Square Transform" else: return "ValueOutOfRange" def ts_viz_3_1(base_path, x_col, y_col): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_fig = [] df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(base_path) + x_col + "_" + y_col + "_daily.csv").dropna() df[x_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[x_col], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") df = df.set_index(x_col) for metric_col in ["mean", "median", "min", "max"]: try: adf_test = ( round(adfuller(df[metric_col])[0], 3), round(adfuller(df[metric_col])[1], 3), ) if adf_test[1] < 0.05: adf_flag = True else: adf_flag = False except: adf_test = ("nan", "nan") adf_flag = False try: kpss_test = ( round(kpss(df[metric_col], regression="ct")[0], 3), round(kpss(df[metric_col], regression="ct")[1], 3), ) if kpss_test[1] < 0.05: kpss_flag = True else: kpss_flag = False except: kpss_test = ("nan", "nan") kpss_flag = False # df[metric_col] = df[metric_col].apply(lambda x: boxcox1p(x,0.25)) # lambda_box_cox = round(boxcox(df[metric_col])[1],5) fit = PowerTransformer(method="yeo-johnson") try: lambda_box_cox = round([metric_col]).reshape(-1, 1)).lambdas_[0], 3 ) cnt = 0 except: cnt = 1 if cnt == 0: # df[metric_col+"_transformed"] = boxcox(df[metric_col],lmbda=lambda_box_cox) df[metric_col + "_transformed"] = fit.transform( np.array(df[metric_col]).reshape(-1, 1) ) fig = make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=["Pre-Transformation", "Post-Transformation"], ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=df[metric_col], mode="lines+markers", name=metric_col, line=dict(color=global_theme[1]), ), row=1, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=df[metric_col + "_transformed"], mode="lines+markers", name=metric_col + "_transformed", line=dict(color=global_theme[7]), ), row=1, col=2, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, width=2000, height=400) fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) ts_fig.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="ADF Test Statistic", value=adf_test[0], change=adf_test[1], is_upward_change=adf_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="KPSS Test Statistic", value=kpss_test[0], change=kpss_test[1], is_upward_change=kpss_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="Box-Cox Transformation", value=lambda_box_cox, change=str(lambda_cat(lambda_box_cox)), is_upward_change=True, ), columns=3, ), dp.Text("#### Transformation View"), dp.Text( "Below Transformation is basis the inferencing from the Box Cox Transformation. The Lambda value of " + str(lambda_box_cox) + " indicates a " + str(lambda_cat(lambda_box_cox)) + ". A Pre-Post Transformation Visualization is done for better clarity. " ), dp.Plot(fig), dp.Text("**Guidelines :** "), dp.Text( "**ADF** : *The more negative the statistic, the more likely we are to reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value is less than the significance level of 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis and take that the series is stationary*" ), dp.Text( "**KPSS** : *If the p-value is high, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. So the series is stationary.*" ), label=metric_col.title(), ) ) else: ts_fig.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="ADF Test Statistic", value=adf_test[0], change=adf_test[1], is_upward_change=adf_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="KPSS Test Statistic", value=kpss_test[0], change=kpss_test[1], is_upward_change=kpss_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="Box-Cox Transformation", value="ValueOutOfRange", change="ValueOutOfRange", is_upward_change=True, ), columns=3, ), dp.Text("**Guidelines :** "), dp.Text( "**ADF** : *The more negative the statistic, the more likely we are to reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value is less than the significance level of 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis and take that the series is stationary*" ), dp.Text( "**KPSS** : *If the p-value is high, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. So the series is stationary.*" ), label=metric_col.title(), ) ) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_fig, type=dp.SelectType.TABS) def ts_viz_3_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name col_list Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ bl = [] for i in col_list: if len(num_cols) > 1: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) else: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) bl.append(dp.Group(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" "), label=" ")) return dp.Select(blocks=bl, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) def ts_viz_3_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name num_cols Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ # f = list(pd.read_csv(ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv").count_unique_dates.values)[0] # if f >= 6: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v = [] for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 6: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The data contains insufficient data points for the desired transformation analysis. Please ensure the number of unique dates is sufficient." ), label=i, ) ) else: ts_v = [] for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 6: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The data contains insufficient data points for the desired transformation analysis. Please ensure the number of unique dates is sufficient." ), label=i, ) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_v, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) def ts_stats(base_path): """ This function helps to read the base data containing desired input and produces output specific to the `ts_cols_stats.csv` file Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. Returns ------- List """ df = pd.read_csv(base_path + "ts_cols_stats.csv") all_stats = [] for i in range(0, 7): try: all_stats.append(df[df.index.values == i].values[0][0].split(",")) except: all_stats.append([]) c0 = pd.DataFrame(all_stats[0], columns=["attributes"]) c1 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[1], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c1["Analyzed Attributes"] = "✔" c2 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[2], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c2["Attributes Identified"] = "✔" c3 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[3], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c3["Attributes Pre-Existed"] = "✔" c4 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[4], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c4["Overall TimeStamp Attributes"] = "✔" c5 = list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[5], 1) c6 = list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[6], 1) return c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 def ts_viz_generate(master_path, id_col, print_report=False, output_type=None): """ This function helps to produce the output in the nested / recursive function supported by datapane. Eventually this is populated at the final report. Parameters ---------- master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides. id_col ID Column print_report Option to specify whether the Report needs to be saved or not. True / False can be used to specify the needful. output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ master_path = ends_with(master_path) try: c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = ts_stats(master_path) except: return "null_report" stats_df = ( c0.merge(c1, on="attributes", how="left") .merge(c2, on="attributes", how="left") .merge(c3, on="attributes", how="left") .merge(c4, on="attributes", how="left") .fillna("✘") ) global num_cols global cat_cols num_cols, cat_cols = c5, c6 final_ts_cols = list(ts_stats(master_path)[4].attributes.values) if output_type == "daily": report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the information about timestamp features and how they are interactive with other attributes. An exhaustive diagnosis is done by looking at different time series components, how they could be useful in deriving insights for further downstream applications*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Basic Landscaping"), dp.Text( "Out of **" + str(len(list(ts_stats(master_path)[1].attributes.values))) + "** potential attributes in the data, the module could locate **" + str(len(final_ts_cols)) + "** attributes as Timestamp" ), dp.DataTable(stats_df), ts_landscape(master_path, final_ts_cols, id_col), dp.Text( "*Lower the **CoV** (Coefficient Of Variation), Higher the Consistency between the consecutive dates. Similarly the Mean & Variance should be consistent over time*" ), dp.Text("### Visualization across the Shortlisted Timestamp Attributes"), ts_viz_1_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols, cat_cols, output_type), dp.Text("### Decomposed View"), ts_viz_2_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols), dp.Text("### Stationarity & Transformations"), ts_viz_3_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), label="Time Series Analyzer", ) elif output_type is None: report = "null_report" else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the information about timestamp features and how they are interactive with other attributes. An exhaustive diagnosis is done by looking at different time series components, how they could be useful in deriving insights for further downstream applications*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Basic Landscaping"), dp.Text( "Out of **" + str(len(list(ts_stats(master_path)[1].attributes.values))) + "** potential attributes in the data, the module could locate **" + str(len(final_ts_cols)) + "** attributes as Timestamp" ), dp.DataTable(stats_df), ts_landscape(master_path, final_ts_cols, id_col), dp.Text( "*Lower the **CoV** (Coefficient Of Variation), Higher the Consistency between the consecutive dates. Similarly the Mean & Variance should be consistent over time*" ), dp.Text("### Visualization across the Shortlisted Timestamp Attributes"), ts_viz_1_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols, cat_cols, output_type), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), label="Time Series Analyzer", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "time_series_analyzer.html", open=True ) return report def overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list): """ This function helps to produce a basic summary of all the geospatial fields auto-detected in a dictionary along with the length of lat-lon & geohash cols identified. Parameters ---------- lat_col_list List of latitude columns identified long_col_list List of longitude columns identified geohash_col_list List of geohash columns identified Returns ------- Dictionary,Integer,Integer """ d = {} ll = [] col_list = ["Latitude Col", "Longitude Col", "Geohash Col"] # for idx,i in enumerate([lat_col_list,long_col_list,geohash_col_list,polygon_col_list]): for idx, i in enumerate([lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list]): if i is None: ll = [] elif i is not None: ll = [] for j in i: ll.append(j) d[col_list[idx]] = ",".join(ll) l1 = len(lat_col_list) l2 = len(geohash_col_list) return d, l1, l2 def loc_field_stats(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list, max_records): """ This function helps to produce a basic summary of all the geospatial fields auto-detected Parameters ---------- lat_col_list List of latitude columns identified long_col_list List of longitude columns identified geohash_col_list List of geohash columns identified max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ loc_cnt = ( overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[1] * 2 ) + (overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[2]) loc_var_stats = overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[0] x = "#" t0 = dp.Text(x) t1 = dp.Text( "There are **" + str(loc_cnt) + "** location fields captured in the data containing " + str(overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[1]) + " pair(s) of **Lat,Long** & " + str(overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[2]) + " **Geohash** field(s)" ) t2 = dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(loc_var_stats, index=loc_var_stats.keys())).rename( columns={0: ""} ) ) return dp.Group(t0, t1, t2) def read_stats_ll_geo(lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, master_path, top_geo_records): """ This function helps to read all the basis stats output for the lat-lon & geohash field produced from the analyzer module Parameters ---------- lat_col Latitude column identified long_col Longitude column identified geohash_col Geohash column identified master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ try: len_lat_col = len(lat_col) except: len_lat_col = 0 try: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) except: len_geohash_col = 0 ll_stats, geohash_stats = [], [] if len_lat_col > 0: if len_lat_col == 1: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): ll_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Lat_Long_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Lat Long", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx], ) ) ll_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" " ), label=" ", ) ) elif len_lat_col > 1: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): ll_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Lat_Long_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Lat Long", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx], ) ) ll_stats = dp.Select(blocks=ll_stats, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if len_geohash_col > 0: if len_geohash_col == 1: for idx, i in enumerate(geohash_col): geohash_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Geohash_Distribution_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Geohash Distribution", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=geohash_col[idx], ) ) geohash_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" " ), label=" ", ) ) elif len_geohash_col > 1: for idx, i in enumerate(geohash_col): geohash_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Geohash_Distribution_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Geohash Distribution", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=geohash_col[idx], ) ) geohash_stats = dp.Select(blocks=geohash_stats, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if (len_lat_col + len_geohash_col) == 1: if len_lat_col == 0: return geohash_stats else: return ll_stats elif (len_lat_col + len_geohash_col) > 1: if (len_lat_col > 1) and (len_geohash_col == 0): return ll_stats elif (len_lat_col == 0) and (len_geohash_col > 1): return geohash_stats elif (len_lat_col >= 1) and (len_geohash_col >= 1): return dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(ll_stats, label="Lat-Long-Stats"), dp.Group(geohash_stats, label="Geohash-Stats"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ) def read_cluster_stats_ll_geo(lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, master_path): """ This function helps to read all the cluster analysis output for the lat-lon & geohash field produced from the analyzer module Parameters ---------- lat_col Latitude column identified long_col Longitude column identified geohash_col Geohash column identified master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ll_col, plot_ll, all_geo_cols = [], [], [] try: len_lat_col = len(lat_col) except: len_lat_col = 0 try: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) except: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat_col > 0) or (len_geohash_col > 0): try: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): ll_col.append(lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx]) except: pass all_geo_cols = ll_col + geohash_col if len(all_geo_cols) > 0: for i in all_geo_cols: if len(all_geo_cols) == 1: p1 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_elbow_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_silhoutte_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Identification", ) p2 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Distribution", ) p3 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Visualization", ) p4 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Outlier Points", ) plot_ll.append( dp.Group( dp.Select(blocks=[p1, p2, p3, p4], type=dp.SelectType.TABS), label=i, ) ) plot_ll.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) elif len(all_geo_cols) > 1: p1 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_elbow_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_silhoutte_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Identification", ) p2 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Distribution", ) p3 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Visualization", ) p4 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Outlier Points", ) plot_ll.append( dp.Group( dp.Select(blocks=[p1, p2, p3, p4], type=dp.SelectType.TABS), label=i, ) ) return dp.Select(blocks=plot_ll, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) def read_loc_charts(master_path): """ This function helps to read all the geospatial charts from the master path and populate in the report Parameters ---------- master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ll_charts_nm = [x for x in os.listdir(master_path) if "loc_charts_ll" in x] geo_charts_nm = [x for x in os.listdir(master_path) if "loc_charts_gh" in x] ll_col_charts, geo_col_charts = [], [] if len(ll_charts_nm) > 0: if len(ll_charts_nm) == 1: for i1 in ll_charts_nm: col_name = i1.replace("loc_charts_ll_", "") ll_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i1))), label=col_name, ) ) ll_col_charts.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) elif len(ll_charts_nm) > 1: for i1 in ll_charts_nm: col_name = i1.replace("loc_charts_ll_", "") ll_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i1))), label=col_name, ) ) ll_col_charts = dp.Select(blocks=ll_col_charts, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if len(geo_charts_nm) > 0: if len(geo_charts_nm) == 1: for i2 in geo_charts_nm: col_name = i2.replace("loc_charts_gh_", "") geo_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i2))), label=col_name, ) ) geo_col_charts.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) elif len(geo_charts_nm) > 1: for i2 in geo_charts_nm: col_name = i2.replace("loc_charts_gh_", "") geo_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i2))), label=col_name, ) ) geo_col_charts = dp.Select(blocks=geo_col_charts, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if (len(ll_charts_nm) > 0) and (len(geo_charts_nm) == 0): return ll_col_charts elif (len(ll_charts_nm) == 0) and (len(geo_charts_nm) > 0): return geo_col_charts elif (len(ll_charts_nm) > 0) and (len(geo_charts_nm) > 0): return dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(ll_col_charts, label="Lat-Long-Plot"), dp.Group(geo_col_charts, label="Geohash-Plot"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ) def loc_report_gen( lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to read all the lat,long & geohash columns as input alongside few input parameters to produce the geospatial analysis report tab Parameters ---------- lat_cols Latitude columns identified in the data long_cols Longitude columns identified in the data geohash_cols Geohash columns identified in the data master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed print_report Option to specify whether the Report needs to be saved or not. True / False can be used to specify the needful Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ _ = dp.Text("#") dp1 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the information about the geospatial features identified in the data and their landscaping view*" ), loc_field_stats(lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, max_records), ) if (len(lat_cols) + len(geohash_cols)) > 0: dp2 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text("## Descriptive Analysis by Location Attributes"), read_stats_ll_geo( lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, master_path, top_geo_records ), _, ) dp3 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text("## Clustering Geospatial Field"), read_cluster_stats_ll_geo(lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, master_path), _, ) dp4 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text("## Visualization by Geospatial Fields"), read_loc_charts(master_path), _, ) report = dp.Group(dp1, dp2, dp3, dp4, label="Geospatial Analyzer") elif (len(lat_cols) + len(geohash_cols)) == 0: report = "null_report" if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "geospatial_analyzer.html", open=True ) return report def anovos_report( master_path, id_col=None, label_col=None, corr_threshold=0.4, iv_threshold=0.02, drift_threshold_model=0.1, dataDict_path=".", metricDict_path=".", run_type="local", final_report_path=".", output_type=None, mlflow_config=None, lat_cols=[], long_cols=[], gh_cols=[], max_records=100000, top_geo_records=100, auth_key="NA", ): """ This function actually helps to produce the final report by scanning through the output processed from the data analyzer module. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. id_col ID column (Default value = "") label_col label column (Default value = "") corr_threshold Correlation threshold beyond which attributes can be categorized under correlated. (Default value = 0.4) iv_threshold IV threshold beyond which attributes can be called as significant. (Default value = 0.02) drift_threshold_model threshold which the user is specifying for tagging an attribute to be drifted or not (Default value = 0.1) dataDict_path Data dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. metricDict_path Metric dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. run_type local or emr or databricks or ak8s option. Default is kept as local auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. final_report_path Path where the report will be saved. (Default value = ".") output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. lat_cols Latitude columns identified in the data long_cols Longitude columns identified in the data gh_cols Geohash columns identified in the data max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- Output[HTML] """ if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(master_path) + " " + ends_with("report_stats") ) master_path = "report_stats" subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "databricks": master_path = output_to_local(master_path) dataDict_path = output_to_local(dataDict_path) metricDict_path = output_to_local(metricDict_path) final_report_path = output_to_local(final_report_path) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" "' + ends_with("report_stats") + '" --recursive=true' ) master_path = "report_stats" subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if "global_summary.csv" not in os.listdir(master_path): print( "Minimum supporting data is unavailable, hence the Report could not be generated." ) return None global global_summary_df global numcols_name global catcols_name global rows_count global columns_count global numcols_count global catcols_count global blank_chart global df_si_ global df_si global unstable_attr global total_unstable_attr global drift_df global metric_drift global drift_df global len_feats global drift_df_stats global drifted_feats global df_stability global n_df_stability global stability_interpretation_table global plot_index_stability SG_tabs = [ "measures_of_counts", "measures_of_centralTendency", "measures_of_cardinality", "measures_of_percentiles", "measures_of_dispersion", "measures_of_shape", "global_summary", ] QC_tabs = [ "nullColumns_detection", "IDness_detection", "biasedness_detection", "invalidEntries_detection", "duplicate_detection", "nullRows_detection", "outlier_detection", ] AE_tabs = [ "correlation_matrix", "IV_calculation", "IG_calculation", "variable_clustering", ] drift_tab = ["drift_statistics"] stability_tab = ["stability_index", "stabilityIndex_metrics"] avl_SG, avl_QC, avl_AE = [], [], [] stability_interpretation_table = pd.DataFrame( [ ["0-1", "Very Unstable"], ["1-2", "Unstable"], ["2-3", "Marginally Stable"], ["3-3.5", "Stable"], ["3.5-4", "Very Stable"], ], columns=["StabilityIndex", "StabilityOrder"], ) plot_index_stability = go.Figure( data=[ go.Table( header=dict( values=list(stability_interpretation_table.columns), fill_color=px.colors.sequential.Greys[2], align="center", font=dict(size=12), ), cells=dict( values=[ stability_interpretation_table.StabilityIndex, stability_interpretation_table.StabilityOrder, ], line_color=px.colors.sequential.Greys[2], fill_color="white", align="center", height=25, ), columnwidth=[2, 10], ) ] ) plot_index_stability.update_layout(margin=dict(l=20, r=700, t=20, b=20)) blank_chart = go.Figure() blank_chart.update_layout(autosize=False, width=10, height=10) blank_chart.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color blank_chart.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color blank_chart.update_xaxes(visible=False) blank_chart.update_yaxes(visible=False) global_summary_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "global_summary.csv") rows_count = int( global_summary_df[global_summary_df.metric.values == "rows_count"].value.values[ 0 ] ) catcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) numcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) columns_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "columns_count" ].value.values[0] ) if catcols_count > 0: catcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_name" ].value.values ) ) else: catcols_name = "" if numcols_count > 0: numcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_name" ].value.values ) ) else: numcols_name = "" all_files = os.listdir(master_path) eventDist_charts = [x for x in all_files if "eventDist" in x] stats_files = [x for x in all_files if ".csv" in x] freq_charts = [x for x in all_files if "freqDist" in x] outlier_charts = [x for x in all_files if "outlier" in x] drift_charts = [x for x in all_files if "drift" in x and ".csv" not in x] all_charts_num_1_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=freq_charts, type_col="numerical" ) all_charts_num_2_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=eventDist_charts, type_col="numerical" ) all_charts_num_3_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=outlier_charts, type_col="numerical" ) all_charts_cat_1_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=freq_charts, type_col="categorical" ) all_charts_cat_2_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=eventDist_charts, type_col="categorical" ) all_drift_charts_ = chart_gen_list(master_path, chart_type=drift_charts) for x in [ all_charts_num_1_, all_charts_num_2_, all_charts_num_3_, all_charts_cat_1_, all_charts_cat_2_, all_drift_charts_, ]: if len(x) == 1: x.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) else: x mapping_tab_list = [] for i in stats_files: if i.split(".csv")[0] in SG_tabs: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Descriptive Statistics"]) elif i.split(".csv")[0] in QC_tabs: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Quality Check"]) elif i.split(".csv")[0] in AE_tabs: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Attribute Associations"]) elif i.split(".csv")[0] in drift_tab or i.split(".csv")[0] in stability_tab: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Data Drift & Data Stability"]) else: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "null"]) xx = pd.DataFrame(mapping_tab_list, columns=["file_name", "tab_name"]) xx_avl = list(set(xx.file_name.values)) for i in SG_tabs: if i in xx_avl: avl_SG.append(i) for j in QC_tabs: if j in xx_avl: avl_QC.append(j) for k in AE_tabs: if k in xx_avl: avl_AE.append(k) missing_SG = list(set(SG_tabs) - set(avl_SG)) missing_QC = list(set(QC_tabs) - set(avl_QC)) missing_AE = list(set(AE_tabs) - set(avl_AE)) missing_drift = list( set(drift_tab) - set(xx[xx.tab_name.values == "Data Drift & Data Stability"].file_name.values) ) missing_stability = list( set(stability_tab) - set(xx[xx.tab_name.values == "Data Drift & Data Stability"].file_name.values) ) ds_ind = drift_stability_ind( missing_drift, drift_tab, missing_stability, stability_tab ) if ds_ind[0] > 0: drift_df = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "drift_statistics.csv" ).sort_values(by=["flagged"], ascending=False) metric_drift = list(drift_df.drop(["attribute", "flagged"], 1).columns) drift_df = drift_df[drift_df.attribute.values != id_col] len_feats = drift_df.shape[0] drift_df_stats = ( drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1] .melt(id_vars="attribute", value_vars=metric_drift) .sort_values(by=["variable", "value"], ascending=False) ) drifted_feats = drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].shape[0] if ds_ind[1] > 0.5: df_stability = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "stabilityIndex_metrics.csv" ) df_stability["idx"] = df_stability["idx"].astype(str).apply(lambda x: "df" + x) n_df_stability = str(df_stability["idx"].nunique()) df_si_ = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "stability_index.csv") df_si = df_si_[ [ "attribute", "stability_index", "mean_si", "stddev_si", "kurtosis_si", "flagged", ] ] unstable_attr = list(df_si_[df_si_.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values) total_unstable_attr = list(df_si_.attribute.values) elif ds_ind[1] == 0.5: df_si_ = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "stability_index.csv") df_si = df_si_[ [ "attribute", "stability_index", "mean_si", "stddev_si", "kurtosis_si", "flagged", ] ] unstable_attr = list(df_si_[df_si_.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values) total_unstable_attr = list(df_si_.attribute.values) df_stability = pd.DataFrame() n_df_stability = "the" else: pass tab1 = executive_summary_gen( master_path, label_col, ds_ind, id_col, iv_threshold, corr_threshold ) tab2 = wiki_generator( master_path, dataDict_path=dataDict_path, metricDict_path=metricDict_path ) tab3 = descriptive_statistics( master_path, SG_tabs, avl_SG, missing_SG, all_charts_num_1_, all_charts_cat_1_ ) tab4 = quality_check(master_path, QC_tabs, avl_QC, missing_QC, all_charts_num_3_) tab5 = attribute_associations( master_path, AE_tabs, avl_AE, missing_AE, label_col, all_charts_num_2_, all_charts_cat_2_, ) tab6 = data_drift_stability( master_path, ds_ind, id_col, drift_threshold_model, all_drift_charts_ ) tab7 = ts_viz_generate(master_path, id_col, False, output_type) tab8 = loc_report_gen( lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, False ) final_tabs_list = [] for i in [tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6, tab7, tab8]: if i == "null_report": pass else: final_tabs_list.append(i) if run_type in ("local", "databricks"): run_id = ( mlflow_config["run_id"] if mlflow_config is not None and mlflow_config["track_reports"] else "" ) report_run_path = ends_with(final_report_path) + run_id + "/" dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=final_tabs_list, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save(report_run_path + "ml_anovos_report.html", open=True) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifact(report_run_path) elif run_type == "emr": dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=final_tabs_list, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save("ml_anovos_report.html", open=True) bash_cmd = "aws s3 cp ml_anovos_report.html " + ends_with(final_report_path) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) elif run_type == "ak8s": dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=final_tabs_list, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save("ml_anovos_report.html", open=True) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "ml_anovos_report.html" ' + ends_with(path_ak8s_modify(final_report_path)) + str(auth_key) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") print("Report generated successfully at the specified location")
def anovos_report(master_path, id_col=None, label_col=None, corr_threshold=0.4, iv_threshold=0.02, drift_threshold_model=0.1, dataDict_path='.', metricDict_path='.', run_type='local', final_report_path='.', output_type=None, mlflow_config=None, lat_cols=[], long_cols=[], gh_cols=[], max_records=100000, top_geo_records=100, auth_key='NA')
This function actually helps to produce the final report by scanning through the output processed from the data analyzer module.
- Path containing the input files.
- ID column (Default value = "")
- label column (Default value = "")
- Correlation threshold beyond which attributes can be categorized under correlated. (Default value = 0.4)
- IV threshold beyond which attributes can be called as significant. (Default value = 0.02)
- threshold which the user is specifying for tagging an attribute to be drifted or not (Default value = 0.1)
- Data dictionary path. Default value is kept as None.
- Metric dictionary path. Default value is kept as None.
- local or emr or databricks or ak8s option. Default is kept as local
- Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type.
- Path where the report will be saved. (Default value = ".")
- Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly"
- MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled.
- Latitude columns identified in the data
- Longitude columns identified in the data
- Geohash columns identified in the data
- Maximum geospatial points analyzed
- Top geospatial records displayed
Expand source code
def anovos_report( master_path, id_col=None, label_col=None, corr_threshold=0.4, iv_threshold=0.02, drift_threshold_model=0.1, dataDict_path=".", metricDict_path=".", run_type="local", final_report_path=".", output_type=None, mlflow_config=None, lat_cols=[], long_cols=[], gh_cols=[], max_records=100000, top_geo_records=100, auth_key="NA", ): """ This function actually helps to produce the final report by scanning through the output processed from the data analyzer module. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. id_col ID column (Default value = "") label_col label column (Default value = "") corr_threshold Correlation threshold beyond which attributes can be categorized under correlated. (Default value = 0.4) iv_threshold IV threshold beyond which attributes can be called as significant. (Default value = 0.02) drift_threshold_model threshold which the user is specifying for tagging an attribute to be drifted or not (Default value = 0.1) dataDict_path Data dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. metricDict_path Metric dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. run_type local or emr or databricks or ak8s option. Default is kept as local auth_key Option to pass an authorization key to write to filesystems. Currently applicable only for ak8s run_type. final_report_path Path where the report will be saved. (Default value = ".") output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" mlflow_config MLflow configuration. If None, all MLflow features are disabled. lat_cols Latitude columns identified in the data long_cols Longitude columns identified in the data gh_cols Geohash columns identified in the data max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- Output[HTML] """ if run_type == "emr": bash_cmd = ( "aws s3 cp --recursive " + ends_with(master_path) + " " + ends_with("report_stats") ) master_path = "report_stats" subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if run_type == "databricks": master_path = output_to_local(master_path) dataDict_path = output_to_local(dataDict_path) metricDict_path = output_to_local(metricDict_path) final_report_path = output_to_local(final_report_path) if run_type == "ak8s": output_path_mod = path_ak8s_modify(master_path) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "' + ends_with(output_path_mod) + str(auth_key) + '" "' + ends_with("report_stats") + '" --recursive=true' ) master_path = "report_stats" subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) if "global_summary.csv" not in os.listdir(master_path): print( "Minimum supporting data is unavailable, hence the Report could not be generated." ) return None global global_summary_df global numcols_name global catcols_name global rows_count global columns_count global numcols_count global catcols_count global blank_chart global df_si_ global df_si global unstable_attr global total_unstable_attr global drift_df global metric_drift global drift_df global len_feats global drift_df_stats global drifted_feats global df_stability global n_df_stability global stability_interpretation_table global plot_index_stability SG_tabs = [ "measures_of_counts", "measures_of_centralTendency", "measures_of_cardinality", "measures_of_percentiles", "measures_of_dispersion", "measures_of_shape", "global_summary", ] QC_tabs = [ "nullColumns_detection", "IDness_detection", "biasedness_detection", "invalidEntries_detection", "duplicate_detection", "nullRows_detection", "outlier_detection", ] AE_tabs = [ "correlation_matrix", "IV_calculation", "IG_calculation", "variable_clustering", ] drift_tab = ["drift_statistics"] stability_tab = ["stability_index", "stabilityIndex_metrics"] avl_SG, avl_QC, avl_AE = [], [], [] stability_interpretation_table = pd.DataFrame( [ ["0-1", "Very Unstable"], ["1-2", "Unstable"], ["2-3", "Marginally Stable"], ["3-3.5", "Stable"], ["3.5-4", "Very Stable"], ], columns=["StabilityIndex", "StabilityOrder"], ) plot_index_stability = go.Figure( data=[ go.Table( header=dict( values=list(stability_interpretation_table.columns), fill_color=px.colors.sequential.Greys[2], align="center", font=dict(size=12), ), cells=dict( values=[ stability_interpretation_table.StabilityIndex, stability_interpretation_table.StabilityOrder, ], line_color=px.colors.sequential.Greys[2], fill_color="white", align="center", height=25, ), columnwidth=[2, 10], ) ] ) plot_index_stability.update_layout(margin=dict(l=20, r=700, t=20, b=20)) blank_chart = go.Figure() blank_chart.update_layout(autosize=False, width=10, height=10) blank_chart.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color blank_chart.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color blank_chart.update_xaxes(visible=False) blank_chart.update_yaxes(visible=False) global_summary_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "global_summary.csv") rows_count = int( global_summary_df[global_summary_df.metric.values == "rows_count"].value.values[ 0 ] ) catcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) numcols_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_count" ].value.values[0] ) columns_count = int( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "columns_count" ].value.values[0] ) if catcols_count > 0: catcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "catcols_name" ].value.values ) ) else: catcols_name = "" if numcols_count > 0: numcols_name = ",".join( list( global_summary_df[ global_summary_df.metric.values == "numcols_name" ].value.values ) ) else: numcols_name = "" all_files = os.listdir(master_path) eventDist_charts = [x for x in all_files if "eventDist" in x] stats_files = [x for x in all_files if ".csv" in x] freq_charts = [x for x in all_files if "freqDist" in x] outlier_charts = [x for x in all_files if "outlier" in x] drift_charts = [x for x in all_files if "drift" in x and ".csv" not in x] all_charts_num_1_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=freq_charts, type_col="numerical" ) all_charts_num_2_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=eventDist_charts, type_col="numerical" ) all_charts_num_3_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=outlier_charts, type_col="numerical" ) all_charts_cat_1_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=freq_charts, type_col="categorical" ) all_charts_cat_2_ = chart_gen_list( master_path, chart_type=eventDist_charts, type_col="categorical" ) all_drift_charts_ = chart_gen_list(master_path, chart_type=drift_charts) for x in [ all_charts_num_1_, all_charts_num_2_, all_charts_num_3_, all_charts_cat_1_, all_charts_cat_2_, all_drift_charts_, ]: if len(x) == 1: x.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) else: x mapping_tab_list = [] for i in stats_files: if i.split(".csv")[0] in SG_tabs: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Descriptive Statistics"]) elif i.split(".csv")[0] in QC_tabs: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Quality Check"]) elif i.split(".csv")[0] in AE_tabs: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Attribute Associations"]) elif i.split(".csv")[0] in drift_tab or i.split(".csv")[0] in stability_tab: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "Data Drift & Data Stability"]) else: mapping_tab_list.append([i.split(".csv")[0], "null"]) xx = pd.DataFrame(mapping_tab_list, columns=["file_name", "tab_name"]) xx_avl = list(set(xx.file_name.values)) for i in SG_tabs: if i in xx_avl: avl_SG.append(i) for j in QC_tabs: if j in xx_avl: avl_QC.append(j) for k in AE_tabs: if k in xx_avl: avl_AE.append(k) missing_SG = list(set(SG_tabs) - set(avl_SG)) missing_QC = list(set(QC_tabs) - set(avl_QC)) missing_AE = list(set(AE_tabs) - set(avl_AE)) missing_drift = list( set(drift_tab) - set(xx[xx.tab_name.values == "Data Drift & Data Stability"].file_name.values) ) missing_stability = list( set(stability_tab) - set(xx[xx.tab_name.values == "Data Drift & Data Stability"].file_name.values) ) ds_ind = drift_stability_ind( missing_drift, drift_tab, missing_stability, stability_tab ) if ds_ind[0] > 0: drift_df = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "drift_statistics.csv" ).sort_values(by=["flagged"], ascending=False) metric_drift = list(drift_df.drop(["attribute", "flagged"], 1).columns) drift_df = drift_df[drift_df.attribute.values != id_col] len_feats = drift_df.shape[0] drift_df_stats = ( drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1] .melt(id_vars="attribute", value_vars=metric_drift) .sort_values(by=["variable", "value"], ascending=False) ) drifted_feats = drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].shape[0] if ds_ind[1] > 0.5: df_stability = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "stabilityIndex_metrics.csv" ) df_stability["idx"] = df_stability["idx"].astype(str).apply(lambda x: "df" + x) n_df_stability = str(df_stability["idx"].nunique()) df_si_ = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "stability_index.csv") df_si = df_si_[ [ "attribute", "stability_index", "mean_si", "stddev_si", "kurtosis_si", "flagged", ] ] unstable_attr = list(df_si_[df_si_.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values) total_unstable_attr = list(df_si_.attribute.values) elif ds_ind[1] == 0.5: df_si_ = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "stability_index.csv") df_si = df_si_[ [ "attribute", "stability_index", "mean_si", "stddev_si", "kurtosis_si", "flagged", ] ] unstable_attr = list(df_si_[df_si_.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values) total_unstable_attr = list(df_si_.attribute.values) df_stability = pd.DataFrame() n_df_stability = "the" else: pass tab1 = executive_summary_gen( master_path, label_col, ds_ind, id_col, iv_threshold, corr_threshold ) tab2 = wiki_generator( master_path, dataDict_path=dataDict_path, metricDict_path=metricDict_path ) tab3 = descriptive_statistics( master_path, SG_tabs, avl_SG, missing_SG, all_charts_num_1_, all_charts_cat_1_ ) tab4 = quality_check(master_path, QC_tabs, avl_QC, missing_QC, all_charts_num_3_) tab5 = attribute_associations( master_path, AE_tabs, avl_AE, missing_AE, label_col, all_charts_num_2_, all_charts_cat_2_, ) tab6 = data_drift_stability( master_path, ds_ind, id_col, drift_threshold_model, all_drift_charts_ ) tab7 = ts_viz_generate(master_path, id_col, False, output_type) tab8 = loc_report_gen( lat_cols, long_cols, gh_cols, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, False ) final_tabs_list = [] for i in [tab1, tab2, tab3, tab4, tab5, tab6, tab7, tab8]: if i == "null_report": pass else: final_tabs_list.append(i) if run_type in ("local", "databricks"): run_id = ( mlflow_config["run_id"] if mlflow_config is not None and mlflow_config["track_reports"] else "" ) report_run_path = ends_with(final_report_path) + run_id + "/" dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=final_tabs_list, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save(report_run_path + "ml_anovos_report.html", open=True) if mlflow_config is not None: mlflow.log_artifact(report_run_path) elif run_type == "emr": dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=final_tabs_list, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save("ml_anovos_report.html", open=True) bash_cmd = "aws s3 cp ml_anovos_report.html " + ends_with(final_report_path) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) elif run_type == "ak8s": dp.Report( default_template[0], default_template[1], dp.Select(blocks=final_tabs_list, type=dp.SelectType.TABS), ).save("ml_anovos_report.html", open=True) bash_cmd = ( 'azcopy cp "ml_anovos_report.html" ' + ends_with(path_ak8s_modify(final_report_path)) + str(auth_key) ) subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-c", bash_cmd]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid run_type") print("Report generated successfully at the specified location")
def attribute_associations(master_path, AE_tabs, avl_recs_AE, missing_recs_AE, label_col, all_charts_num_2_, all_charts_cat_2_, print_report=False)
This function helps to produce output specific to the Attribute Association Tab. Parameters
- Path containing the input files.
- correlation_matrix','IV_calculation','IG_calculation','variable_clustering'
- Available files from the AE_tabs (Association Evaluator tabs)
- Missing files from the AE_tabs (Association Evaluator tabs)
- label column
- Numerical charts (histogram) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects
- Categorical charts (barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects
- Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False.
DatapaneObject / Output[HTML]
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def attribute_associations( master_path, AE_tabs, avl_recs_AE, missing_recs_AE, label_col, all_charts_num_2_, all_charts_cat_2_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Attribute Association Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. AE_tabs correlation_matrix','IV_calculation','IG_calculation','variable_clustering' avl_recs_AE Available files from the AE_tabs (Association Evaluator tabs) missing_recs_AE Missing files from the AE_tabs (Association Evaluator tabs) label_col label column all_charts_num_2_ Numerical charts (histogram) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects all_charts_cat_2_ Categorical charts (barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ if (len(missing_recs_AE) == len(AE_tabs)) and ( (len(all_charts_num_2_) + len(all_charts_cat_2_)) == 0 ): return "null_report" else: if len(all_charts_num_2_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_2_) == 0: target_association_rep = dp.Text("##") else: if len(all_charts_num_2_) > 0 and len(all_charts_cat_2_) == 0: target_association_rep = dp.Group( dp.Text("### Attribute to Target Association"), dp.Text( """ *Bivariate Distribution considering the event captured across different attribute splits (or categories)* """ ), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_num_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), label="Numerical", ) elif len(all_charts_num_2_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_2_) > 0: target_association_rep = dp.Group( dp.Text("### Attribute to Target Association"), dp.Text( """ *Bivariate Distribution considering the event captured across different attribute splits (or categories)* """ ), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_cat_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), label="Categorical", ) else: target_association_rep = dp.Group( dp.Text("### Attribute to Target Association"), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_cat_2_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text( """ *Event Rate is defined as % of event label (i.e. label 1) in a bin or a categorical value of an attribute.* """ ), dp.Text("# "), ) if len(missing_recs_AE) == len(AE_tabs): report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section analyzes the interaction between different attributes and/or the relationship between an attribute & the binary target variable.* """ ), dp.Text("## "), target_association_rep, dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), label="Attribute Associations", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section analyzes the interaction between different attributes and/or the relationship between an attribute & the binary target variable.* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Association Matrix & Plot"), dp.Select( blocks=data_analyzer_output( master_path, avl_recs_AE, tab_name="association_evaluator" ), type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("## "), target_association_rep, dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), label="Attribute Associations", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "attribute_associations.html", open=True ) return report
def chart_gen_list(master_path, chart_type, type_col=None)
This function helps to produce the charts in a list object form nested by a datapane object. Parameters
- Path containing all the charts same as the other files from data analyzed output
- Files containing only the specific chart names for the specific chart category
- None. Default value is kept as None
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def chart_gen_list(master_path, chart_type, type_col=None): """ This function helps to produce the charts in a list object form nested by a datapane object. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing all the charts same as the other files from data analyzed output chart_type Files containing only the specific chart names for the specific chart category type_col None. Default value is kept as None Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ plot_list = [] for i in chart_type: col_name = i[i.find("_") + 1 :] if type_col == "numerical": if col_name in numcols_name.replace(" ", "").split(","): plot_list.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i))), label=col_name, ) ) else: pass elif type_col == "categorical": if col_name in catcols_name.replace(" ", "").split(","): plot_list.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i))), label=col_name, ) ) else: pass else: plot_list.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i))), label=col_name, ) ) return plot_list
def data_analyzer_output(master_path, avl_recs_tab, tab_name)
This section produces output in form of datapane objects which is specific to the different data analyzer modules. It is used by referring to the Master path along with the Available list of metrics & the Tab name. Parameters
- Path containing all the output from analyzed data
- Available file names from the analysis tab
- Analysis tab from association_evaluator / quality_checker / stats_generator
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def data_analyzer_output(master_path, avl_recs_tab, tab_name): """ This section produces output in form of datapane objects which is specific to the different data analyzer modules. It is used by referring to the Master path along with the Available list of metrics & the Tab name. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing all the output from analyzed data avl_recs_tab Available file names from the analysis tab tab_name Analysis tab from association_evaluator / quality_checker / stats_generator Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ df_list = [] df_plot_list = [] # @FIXME: unused variables plot_list = [] avl_recs_tab = [x for x in avl_recs_tab if "global_summary" not in x] for index, i in enumerate(avl_recs_tab): data = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv") if len(data.index) == 0: continue if tab_name == "quality_checker": if i == "duplicate_detection": duplicate_recs = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv" ).round(3) _unique_rows_count = int( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "unique_rows_count" ].value.values ) _rows_count = int( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "rows_count" ].value.values ) _duplicate_rows_count = int( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "duplicate_rows" ].value.values ) _duplicate_pct = float( duplicate_recs[ duplicate_recs["metric"] == "duplicate_pct" ].value.values * 100.0 ) unique_rows_count = f" No. Of Unique Rows: **{_unique_rows_count}**" # @FIXME: variable names exists in outer scope rows_count = f" No. of Rows: **{_rows_count}**" duplicate_rows = f" No. of Duplicate Rows: **{_duplicate_rows_count}**" duplicate_pct = f" Percentage of Duplicate Rows: **{_duplicate_pct}%**" df_list.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i))), dp.Group( dp.Text(rows_count), dp.Text(unique_rows_count), dp.Text(duplicate_rows), dp.Text(duplicate_pct), ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) elif i == "outlier_detection": df_list.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv").round( 3 ) ), "outlier_charts_placeholder", ] ) else: df_list.append( [ dp.Text("### " + str(remove_u_score(i))), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv").round( 3 ) ), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), ] ) elif tab_name == "association_evaluator": for j in avl_recs_tab: if j == "correlation_matrix": df_list_ = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + str(j) + ".csv" ).round(3) feats_order = list(df_list_["attribute"].values) df_list_ = df_list_.round(3) fig = px.imshow( df_list_[feats_order], y=feats_order, color_continuous_scale=global_theme, aspect="auto", ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Correlation Plot ")) df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(df_list_[["attribute"] + feats_order]), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(j), ) ) elif j == "variable_clustering": df_list_ = ( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(j) + ".csv") .round(3) .sort_values(by=["Cluster"], ascending=True) ) fig = px.sunburst( df_list_, path=["Cluster", "Attribute"], values="RS_Ratio", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Distribution of homogenous variable across Clusters")) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Variable Clustering Plot ")) fig.layout.autosize = True df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(df_list_), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(j), ) ) else: try: df_list_ = pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + str(j) + ".csv" ).round(3) col_nm = [ x for x in list(df_list_.columns) if "attribute" not in x ] df_list_ = df_list_.sort_values(col_nm[0], ascending=True) fig = df_list_, x=col_nm[0], y="attribute", orientation="h", color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color # fig.update_layout(title_text=str("Representation of " + str(remove_u_score(j)))) fig.layout.autosize = True df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(df_list_), dp.Plot(fig), label=remove_u_score(j), ) ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") pass if len(avl_recs_tab) == 1: df_plot_list.append( dp.Group( dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" " ), dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" "), label=" ", ) ) else: pass return df_plot_list else: df_list.append( dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + str(i) + ".csv").round(3), label=remove_u_score(avl_recs_tab[index]), ) ) if tab_name == "quality_checker" and len(avl_recs_tab) == 1: return df_list[0], [dp.Text("#"), dp.Plot(blank_chart)] elif tab_name == "stats_generator" and len(avl_recs_tab) == 1: return [ df_list[0], dp.DataTable(pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" "), ] else: return df_list
def data_drift_stability(master_path, ds_ind, id_col, drift_threshold_model, all_drift_charts_, print_report=False)
This function helps to produce output specific to the Data Drift & Stability Tab. Parameters
- Path containing the input files.
- Drift stability indicator in list form.
- ID column
- threshold which the user is specifying for tagging an attribute to be drifted or not
- Charts (histogram/barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects
- Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False.
DatapaneObject / Output[HTML]
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def data_drift_stability( master_path, ds_ind, id_col, drift_threshold_model, all_drift_charts_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Data Drift & Stability Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. ds_ind Drift stability indicator in list form. id_col ID column drift_threshold_model threshold which the user is specifying for tagging an attribute to be drifted or not all_drift_charts_ Charts (histogram/barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ line_chart_list = [] if ds_ind[0] > 0: fig_metric_drift = go.Figure() fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[0]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[1], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[0], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[1]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[3], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[1], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[2]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[5], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[2], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1][metric_drift[3]].values), y=list(drift_df[drift_df.flagged.values == 1].attribute.values), marker=dict(color=global_theme[7], size=14), mode="markers", name=metric_drift[3], ) ) fig_metric_drift.add_vrect( x0=0, x1=drift_threshold_model, fillcolor=global_theme[7], opacity=0.1, layer="below", line_width=1, ), fig_metric_drift.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) fig_metric_drift.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig_metric_drift.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig_metric_drift.update_xaxes( showline=True, linewidth=2, gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1] ) fig_metric_drift.update_yaxes( showline=True, linewidth=2, gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[2] ) # Drift Chart - 2 fig_gauge_drift = go.Figure( go.Indicator( domain={"x": [0, 1], "y": [0, 1]}, value=drifted_feats, mode="gauge+number", title={"text": ""}, gauge={ "axis": {"range": [None, len_feats]}, "bar": {"color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[7]}, "steps": [ { "range": [0, drifted_feats], "color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[8], }, { "range": [drifted_feats, len_feats], "color": px.colors.sequential.Greens[8], }, ], "threshold": { "line": {"color": "black", "width": 3}, "thickness": 1, "value": len_feats, }, }, ) ) fig_gauge_drift.update_layout(font={"color": "black", "family": "Arial"}) def drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats): """ Parameters ---------- drifted_feats count of attributes drifted len_feats count of attributes passed for analysis Returns ------- String """ if drifted_feats == 0: text = """ *Drift barometer does not indicate any drift in the underlying data. Please refer to the metric values as displayed in the above table & comparison plot for better understanding* """ elif drifted_feats == 1: text = ( "*Drift barometer indicates that " + str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats) + " (" + str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%) attributes has been drifted from its source behaviour.*" ) elif drifted_feats > 1: text = ( "*Drift barometer indicates that " + str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats) + " (" + str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%) attributes have been drifted from its source behaviour.*" ) else: text = "" return text else: pass if ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] == 0: return "null_report" elif ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] > 0.5: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) elif ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] == 0: if len(all_drift_charts_) > 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Select(blocks=all_drift_charts_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text( """ *Source & Target datasets were compared to see the % deviation at decile level for numerical attributes and at individual category level for categorical attributes* """ ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), label="Drift & Stability", ) elif ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) if len(all_drift_charts_) > 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Select(blocks=all_drift_charts_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text( """ *Source & Target datasets were compared to see the % deviation at decile level for numerical attributes and at individual category level for categorical attributes* """ ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) elif ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: for i in total_unstable_attr: if len(total_unstable_attr) > 1: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) else: line_chart_list.append( line_chart_gen_stability(df1=df_stability, df2=df_si_, col=i) ) line_chart_list.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) if len(all_drift_charts_) > 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Select(blocks=all_drift_charts_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text( """ *Source & Target datasets were compared to see the % deviation at decile level for numerical attributes and at individual category level for categorical attributes* """ ), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### "), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *This section examines the dataset stability wrt the baseline dataset (via computing drift statistics) and/or wrt the historical datasets (via computing stability index).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Data Drift Analysis"), dp.DataTable(drift_df), dp.Text( "*An attribute is flagged as drifted if any drift metric is found to be above the threshold of " + str(drift_threshold_model) + ".*" ), dp.Text("##"), dp.Text("### Data Health"), dp.Group( dp.Plot(fig_metric_drift), dp.Plot(fig_gauge_drift), columns=2 ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*Representation of attributes across different computed Drift Metrics*" ), dp.Text(drift_text_gen(drifted_feats, len_feats)), columns=2, ), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("## "), dp.Text("### Data Stability Analysis"), dp.DataTable(df_si), dp.Select(blocks=line_chart_list, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Group( dp.Text("**Stability Index Interpretation:**"), dp.Plot(plot_index_stability), ), label="Drift & Stability", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "data_drift_stability.html", open=True ) return report
def descriptive_statistics(master_path, SG_tabs, avl_recs_SG, missing_recs_SG, all_charts_num_1_, all_charts_cat_1_, print_report=False)
This function helps to produce output specific to the Descriptive Stats Tab. Parameters
- Path containing the input files.
- measures_of_counts','measures_of_centralTendency','measures_of_cardinality','measures_of_percentiles','measures_of_dispersion','measures_of_shape','global_summary'
- Available files from the SG_tabs (Stats Generator tabs)
- Missing files from the SG_tabs (Stats Generator tabs)
- Numerical charts (histogram) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects
- Categorical charts (barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects
- Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False.
DatapaneObject / Output[HTML]
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def descriptive_statistics( master_path, SG_tabs, avl_recs_SG, missing_recs_SG, all_charts_num_1_, all_charts_cat_1_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Descriptive Stats Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. SG_tabs measures_of_counts','measures_of_centralTendency','measures_of_cardinality','measures_of_percentiles','measures_of_dispersion','measures_of_shape','global_summary' avl_recs_SG Available files from the SG_tabs (Stats Generator tabs) missing_recs_SG Missing files from the SG_tabs (Stats Generator tabs) all_charts_num_1_ Numerical charts (histogram) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects all_charts_cat_1_ Categorical charts (barplot) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ if "global_summary" in avl_recs_SG: cnt = 0 else: cnt = 1 if len(missing_recs_SG) + cnt == len(SG_tabs): return "null_report" else: if "global_summary" in avl_recs_SG: l1 = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the dataset with key statistical metrics and distribution plots.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Global Summary"), dp.Group( dp.Text(" Total Number of Records: **" + f"{rows_count:,}" + "**"), dp.Text( " Total Number of Attributes: **" + str(columns_count) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Number of Numerical Attributes : **" + str(numcols_count) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Numerical Attributes Name : **" + str(numcols_name) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Number of Categorical Attributes : **" + str(catcols_count) + "**" ), dp.Text( " Categorical Attributes Name : **" + str(catcols_name) + "**" ), ), ) else: l1 = dp.Text("# ") if len(data_analyzer_output(master_path, avl_recs_SG, "stats_generator")) > 0: l2 = dp.Text("### Statistics by Metric Type") l3 = dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=data_analyzer_output( master_path, avl_recs_SG, "stats_generator" ), type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), ) else: l2 = dp.Text("# ") l3 = dp.Text("# ") if len(all_charts_num_1_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_1_) == 0: l4 = 1 elif len(all_charts_num_1_) == 0 and len(all_charts_cat_1_) > 0: l4 = ( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Attribute Visualization"), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_cat_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), ) elif len(all_charts_num_1_) > 0 and len(all_charts_cat_1_) == 0: l4 = ( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Attribute Visualization"), dp.Select(blocks=all_charts_num_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), ) else: l4 = ( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Attribute Visualization"), dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_cat_1_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN, ), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ) ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), ) if l4 == 1: report = dp.Group( l1, dp.Text("# "), l2, l3, dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Descriptive Statistics", ) else: report = dp.Group( l1, dp.Text("# "), l2, l3, *l4, dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Descriptive Statistics", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "descriptive_statistics.html", open=True ) return report
def drift_stability_ind(missing_recs_drift, drift_tab, missing_recs_stability, stability_tab)
This function helps to produce the drift & stability indicator for further processing. Ideally a data with both drift & stability should produce a list of [1,1] Parameters
- Missing files from the drift tab
- "drift_statistics"
- Missing files from the stability tab
- "stability_index, stabilityIndex_metrics"
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def drift_stability_ind( missing_recs_drift, drift_tab, missing_recs_stability, stability_tab ): """ This function helps to produce the drift & stability indicator for further processing. Ideally a data with both drift & stability should produce a list of [1,1] Parameters ---------- missing_recs_drift Missing files from the drift tab drift_tab "drift_statistics" missing_recs_stability Missing files from the stability tab stability_tab "stability_index, stabilityIndex_metrics" Returns ------- List """ if len(missing_recs_drift) == len(drift_tab): drift_ind = 0 else: drift_ind = 1 if len(missing_recs_stability) == len(stability_tab): stability_ind = 0 elif ("stabilityIndex_metrics" in missing_recs_stability) and ( "stability_index" not in missing_recs_stability ): stability_ind = 0.5 else: stability_ind = 1 return drift_ind, stability_ind
def executive_summary_gen(master_path, label_col, ds_ind, id_col, iv_threshold, corr_threshold, print_report=False)
This function helps to produce output specific to the Executive Summary Tab. Parameters
- Path containing the input files.
- Label column.
- Drift stability indicator in list form.
- ID column.
- IV threshold beyond which attributes can be called as significant.
- Correlation threshold beyond which attributes can be categorized under correlated.
- Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False.
DatapaneObject / Output[HTML]
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def executive_summary_gen( master_path, label_col, ds_ind, id_col, iv_threshold, corr_threshold, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Executive Summary Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. label_col Label column. ds_ind Drift stability indicator in list form. id_col ID column. iv_threshold IV threshold beyond which attributes can be called as significant. corr_threshold Correlation threshold beyond which attributes can be categorized under correlated. print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ try: obj_dtls = json.load( open(ends_with(master_path) + "freqDist_" + str(label_col)) ) # @FIXME: never used local variable text_val = list(list(obj_dtls.values())[0][0].items())[8][1] x_val = list(list(obj_dtls.values())[0][0].items())[10][1] y_val = list(list(obj_dtls.values())[0][0].items())[12][1] label_fig_ = go.Figure( data=[ go.Pie( labels=x_val, values=y_val, textinfo="label+percent", insidetextorientation="radial", pull=[0, 0.1], marker_colors=global_theme, ) ] ) label_fig_.update_traces(textposition="inside", textinfo="percent+label") label_fig_.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) label_fig_.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color label_fig_.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") label_fig_ = None a1 = ( "The dataset contains **" + str(f"{rows_count:,d}") + "** records and **" + str(numcols_count + catcols_count) + "** attributes (**" + str(numcols_count) + "** numerical + **" + str(catcols_count) + "** categorical)." ) if label_col is None: a2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("- There is **no** target variable in the dataset"), dp.Text("- Data Diagnosis:"), ) else: if label_fig_ is None: a2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("- Target variable is **" + str(label_col) + "** "), dp.Text("- Data Diagnosis:"), ) else: a2 = dp.Group( dp.Text("- Target variable is **" + str(label_col) + "** "), dp.Plot(label_fig_), dp.Text("- Data Diagnosis:"), ) try: x1 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_dispersion.csv") .query("`cov`>1") .attribute.values ) if len(x1) > 0: x1_1 = ["High Variance", x1] else: x1_1 = ["High Variance", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x1_1 = ["High Variance", None] try: x2 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`skewness`>0") .attribute.values ) if len(x2) > 0: x2_1 = ["Positive Skewness", x2] else: x2_1 = ["Positive Skewness", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x2_1 = ["Positive Skewness", None] try: x3 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`skewness`<0") .attribute.values ) if len(x3) > 0: x3_1 = ["Negative Skewness", x3] else: x3_1 = ["Negative Skewness", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x3_1 = ["Negative Skewness", None] try: x4 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`kurtosis`>0") .attribute.values ) if len(x4) > 0: x4_1 = ["High Kurtosis", x4] else: x4_1 = ["High Kurtosis", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x4_1 = ["High Kurtosis", None] try: x5 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_shape.csv") .query("`kurtosis`<0") .attribute.values ) if len(x5) > 0: x5_1 = ["Low Kurtosis", x5] else: x5_1 = ["Low Kurtosis", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x5_1 = ["Low Kurtosis", None] try: x6 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "measures_of_counts.csv") .query("`fill_pct`<0.7") .attribute.values ) if len(x6) > 0: x6_1 = ["Low Fill Rates", x6] else: x6_1 = ["Low Fill Rates", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x6_1 = ["Low Fill Rates", None] try: biasedness_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "biasedness_detection.csv") if "treated" in biasedness_df: x7 = list(biasedness_df.query("`treated`>0").attribute.values) else: x7 = list(biasedness_df.query("`flagged`>0").attribute.values) if len(x7) > 0: x7_1 = ["High Biasedness", x7] else: x7_1 = ["High Biasedness", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x7_1 = ["High Biasedness", None] try: x8 = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "outlier_detection.csv" ).attribute.values ) if len(x8) > 0: x8_1 = ["Outliers", x8] else: x8_1 = ["Outliers", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x8_1 = ["Outliers", None] try: corr_matrx = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "correlation_matrix.csv") corr_matrx = corr_matrx[list(corr_matrx.attribute.values)] corr_matrx = corr_matrx.where( np.triu(np.ones(corr_matrx.shape), k=1).astype(np.bool) ) to_drop = [ column for column in corr_matrx.columns if any(corr_matrx[column] > corr_threshold) ] if len(to_drop) > 0: x9_1 = ["High Correlation", to_drop] else: x9_1 = ["High Correlation", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x9_1 = ["High Correlation", None] try: x10 = list( pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "IV_calculation.csv") .query("`iv`>" + str(iv_threshold)) .attribute.values ) if len(x10) > 0: x10_1 = ["Significant Attributes", x10] else: x10_1 = ["Significant Attributes", None] except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") x10_1 = ["Significant Attributes", None] blank_list_df = [] for i in [x1_1, x2_1, x3_1, x4_1, x5_1, x6_1, x7_1, x8_1, x9_1, x10_1]: try: for j in i[1]: blank_list_df.append([i[0], j]) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"processing failed, error {e}") blank_list_df.append([i[0], "NA"]) list_n = [] x1 = pd.DataFrame(blank_list_df, columns=["Metric", "Attribute"]) x1["Value"] = "✔" all_cols = ( catcols_name.replace(" ", "") + "," + numcols_name.replace(" ", "") ).split(",") remainder_cols = list(set(all_cols) - set(x1.Attribute.values)) total_metrics = set(list(x1.Metric.values)) for i in remainder_cols: for j in total_metrics: list_n.append([j, i]) x2 = pd.DataFrame(list_n, columns=["Metric", "Attribute"]) x2["Value"] = "✘" x = x1.append(x2, ignore_index=True) x = ( x.drop_duplicates() .pivot(index="Attribute", columns="Metric", values="Value") .fillna("✘") .reset_index()[ [ "Attribute", "Outliers", "Significant Attributes", "Positive Skewness", "Negative Skewness", "High Variance", "High Correlation", "High Kurtosis", "Low Kurtosis", ] ] ) x = x[ ~( (x["Attribute"].isnull()) | (x.Attribute.values == "NA") | (x["Attribute"] == " ") ) ] if ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: a5 = "Data Health based on Drift Metrics & Stability Index : " report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("- " + a5), dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="# Drifted Attributes", value=str(str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats)), ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Drifted Attributes", value=str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%", ), dp.BigNumber( heading="# Unstable Attributes", value=str(len(unstable_attr)) + " out of " + str(len(total_unstable_attr)), change="numerical", is_upward_change=True, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Unstable Attributes", value=str( np.round(100 * len(unstable_attr) / len(total_unstable_attr), 2) ) + "%", ), columns=4, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] >= 0.5: a5 = "Data Health based on Stability Index : " report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("- " + a5), dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="# Unstable Attributes", value=str(len(unstable_attr)) + " out of " + str(len(total_unstable_attr)), change="numerical", is_upward_change=True, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Unstable Attributes", value=str( np.round(100 * len(unstable_attr) / len(total_unstable_attr), 2) ) + "%", ), columns=2, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if ds_ind[0] == 1 and ds_ind[1] == 0: a5 = "Data Health based on Drift Metrics : " report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("- " + a5), dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="# Drifted Attributes", value=str(str(drifted_feats) + " out of " + str(len_feats)), ), dp.BigNumber( heading="% Drifted Attributes", value=str(np.round((100 * drifted_feats / len_feats), 2)) + "%", ), columns=2, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if ds_ind[0] == 0 and ds_ind[1] == 0: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("**Key Report Highlights**"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("- " + a1), a2, dp.DataTable(x), dp.Text("# "), label="Executive Summary", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "executive_summary.html", open=True ) return report
def gen_time_series_plots(base_path, x_col, y_col, time_cat)
This function helps to produce Time Series Plots by sourcing the aggregated data as Daily/Hourly/Weekly level.
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
- Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly"
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def gen_time_series_plots(base_path, x_col, y_col, time_cat): """ This function helps to produce Time Series Plots by sourcing the aggregated data as Daily/Hourly/Weekly level. Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names time_cat Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- Plot """ df = pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + x_col + "_" + y_col + "_" + time_cat + ".csv" ).dropna() if len([x for x in df.columns if "min" in x]) == 0: if time_cat == "daily": # x_col = x_col + "_ts" fig = px.line( df, x=x_col, y="count", color=y_col, color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list( [ dict( count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=3, label="3m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=6, label="6m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=1, label="YTD", step="year", stepmode="todate" ), dict( count=1, label="1y", step="year", stepmode="backward", ), dict(step="all"), ] ) ), rangeslider=dict(visible=True), type="date", ) ) elif time_cat == "weekly": fig = df, x="dow", y="count", color=y_col, color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) # fig.update_layout(barmode='stack') elif time_cat == "hourly": fig = df, x="daypart_cat", y="count", color=y_col, color_discrete_sequence=global_theme, ) # fig.update_layout(barmode='stack') else: pass else: if time_cat == "daily": # x_col = x_col + "_ts" f1 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["min"]), name="Min", line=dict(color=global_theme[6]), ) f2 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["max"]), name="Max", line=dict(color=global_theme[4]), ) f3 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["mean"]), name="Mean", line=dict(color=global_theme[2]), ) f4 = go.Scatter( x=list(df[x_col]), y=list(df["median"]), name="Median", line=dict(color=global_theme[0]), ) fig = go.Figure(data=[f1, f2, f3, f4]) fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list( [ dict( count=1, label="1m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=3, label="3m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=6, label="6m", step="month", stepmode="backward", ), dict( count=1, label="YTD", step="year", stepmode="todate" ), dict( count=1, label="1y", step="year", stepmode="backward", ), dict(step="all"), ] ) ), rangeslider=dict(visible=True), type="date", ) ) elif time_cat == "weekly": f1 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["min"]), marker_color=global_theme[6], name="Min", ) f2 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["max"]), marker_color=global_theme[4], name="Max", ) f3 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["mean"]), marker_color=global_theme[2], name="Mean", ) f4 = go.Bar( x=list(df["dow"]), y=list(df["median"]), marker_color=global_theme[0], name="Median", ) fig = go.Figure(data=[f1, f2, f3, f4]) fig.update_layout(barmode="group") elif time_cat == "hourly": f1 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["min"]), marker_color=global_theme[6], name="Min", ) f2 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["max"]), marker_color=global_theme[4], name="Max", ) f3 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["mean"]), marker_color=global_theme[2], name="Mean", ) f4 = go.Bar( x=list(df["daypart_cat"]), y=list(df["median"]), marker_color=global_theme[0], name="Median", ) fig = go.Figure(data=[f1, f2, f3, f4]) fig.update_layout(barmode="group") else: pass fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) return fig
def lambda_cat(val)
- Value of Box Cox Test which translates into the transformation to be applied.
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def lambda_cat(val): """ Parameters ---------- val Value of Box Cox Test which translates into the transformation to be applied. Returns ------- String """ if val < -1: return "Reciprocal Square Transform" elif val >= -1 and val < -0.5: return "Reciprocal Transform" elif val >= -0.5 and val < 0: return "Receiprocal Square Root Transform" elif val >= 0 and val < 0.5: return "Log Transform" elif val >= 0.5 and val < 1: return "Square Root Transform" elif val >= 1 and val < 2: return "No Transform" elif val >= 2: return "Square Transform" else: return "ValueOutOfRange"
def line_chart_gen_stability(df1, df2, col)
This function helps to produce charts which are specific to data stability index. It taken into account the stability input along with the analysis column to produce the desired output. Parameters
- Analysis dataframe pertaining to summarized stability metrics
- Analysis dataframe pertaining to historical data
- Analysis column
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def line_chart_gen_stability(df1, df2, col): """ This function helps to produce charts which are specific to data stability index. It taken into account the stability input along with the analysis column to produce the desired output. Parameters ---------- df1 Analysis dataframe pertaining to summarized stability metrics df2 Analysis dataframe pertaining to historical data col Analysis column Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ def val_cat(val): """ Parameters ---------- val Returns ------- String """ if val >= 3.5: return "Very Stable" elif val >= 3 and val < 3.5: return "Stable" elif val >= 2 and val < 3: return "Marginally Stable" elif val >= 1 and val < 2: return "Unstable" elif val >= 0 and val < 1: return "Very Unstable" else: return "Out of Range" val_si = list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].stability_index.values)[0] f1 = go.Figure() f1.add_trace( go.Indicator( mode="gauge+number", value=val_si, gauge={ "axis": {"range": [None, 4], "tickwidth": 1, "tickcolor": "black"}, "bgcolor": "white", "steps": [ {"range": [0, 1], "color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[7]}, {"range": [1, 2], "color": px.colors.sequential.Reds[6]}, {"range": [2, 3], "color": px.colors.sequential.Oranges[4]}, {"range": [3, 3.5], "color": px.colors.sequential.BuGn[7]}, {"range": [3.5, 4], "color": px.colors.sequential.BuGn[8]}, ], "threshold": { "line": {"color": "black", "width": 3}, "thickness": 1, "value": val_si, }, "bar": {"color": global_plot_bg_color}, }, title={"text": "Order of Stability: " + val_cat(val_si)}, ) ) f1.update_layout(height=400, font={"color": "black", "family": "Arial"}) f5 = "Stability Index for " + str(col.upper()) if len(df1.columns) > 0: attr_type = df1["type"].tolist()[0] if attr_type == "Numerical": f2 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="mean", markers=True, title="CV of Mean is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].mean_cv.values)[0]), ) f2.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[2], marker=dict(size=14)) f2.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f2.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f3 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="stddev", markers=True, title="CV of Stddev is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].stddev_cv.values)[0]), ) f3.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[6], marker=dict(size=14)) f3.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f3.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color f4 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="kurtosis", markers=True, title="CV of Kurtosis is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].kurtosis_cv.values)[0]), ) f4.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[4], marker=dict(size=14)) f4.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f4.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color return dp.Group( dp.Text("#"), dp.Text(f5), dp.Plot(f1), dp.Group(dp.Plot(f2), dp.Plot(f3), dp.Plot(f4), columns=3), label=col, ) else: f2 = px.line( df1, x="idx", y="mean", markers=True, title="Standard deviation of Mean is " + str(list(df2[df2["attribute"] == col].mean_stddev.values)[0]), ) f2.update_traces(line_color=global_theme[2], marker=dict(size=14)) f2.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color f2.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color return dp.Group( dp.Text("#"), dp.Text(f5), dp.Plot(f1), dp.Group(dp.Plot(f2), columns=1), label=col, ) else: return dp.Group(dp.Text("#"), dp.Text(f5), dp.Plot(f1), label=col)
def list_ts_remove_append(l, opt)
This function helps to remove or append "_ts" from any list.
- List containing column name
- Option to choose between 1 & Others to enable the functionality of removing or appending "_ts" within the elements of a list
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def list_ts_remove_append(l, opt): """ This function helps to remove or append "_ts" from any list. Parameters ---------- l List containing column name opt Option to choose between 1 & Others to enable the functionality of removing or appending "_ts" within the elements of a list Returns ------- List """ ll = [] if opt == 1: for i in l: if i[-3:] == "_ts": ll.append(i[0:-3:]) else: ll.append(i) return ll else: for i in l: if i[-3:] == "_ts": ll.append(i) else: ll.append(i + "_ts") return ll
def loc_field_stats(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list, max_records)
This function helps to produce a basic summary of all the geospatial fields auto-detected
- List of latitude columns identified
- List of longitude columns identified
- List of geohash columns identified
- Maximum geospatial points analyzed
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def loc_field_stats(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list, max_records): """ This function helps to produce a basic summary of all the geospatial fields auto-detected Parameters ---------- lat_col_list List of latitude columns identified long_col_list List of longitude columns identified geohash_col_list List of geohash columns identified max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ loc_cnt = ( overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[1] * 2 ) + (overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[2]) loc_var_stats = overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[0] x = "#" t0 = dp.Text(x) t1 = dp.Text( "There are **" + str(loc_cnt) + "** location fields captured in the data containing " + str(overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[1]) + " pair(s) of **Lat,Long** & " + str(overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)[2]) + " **Geohash** field(s)" ) t2 = dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(loc_var_stats, index=loc_var_stats.keys())).rename( columns={0: ""} ) ) return dp.Group(t0, t1, t2)
def loc_report_gen(lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, print_report=False)
This function helps to read all the lat,long & geohash columns as input alongside few input parameters to produce the geospatial analysis report tab
- Latitude columns identified in the data
- Longitude columns identified in the data
- Geohash columns identified in the data
- Master path where the aggregated data resides
- Maximum geospatial points analyzed
- Top geospatial records displayed
- Option to specify whether the Report needs to be saved or not. True / False can be used to specify the needful
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def loc_report_gen( lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, master_path, max_records, top_geo_records, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to read all the lat,long & geohash columns as input alongside few input parameters to produce the geospatial analysis report tab Parameters ---------- lat_cols Latitude columns identified in the data long_cols Longitude columns identified in the data geohash_cols Geohash columns identified in the data master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides max_records Maximum geospatial points analyzed top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed print_report Option to specify whether the Report needs to be saved or not. True / False can be used to specify the needful Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ _ = dp.Text("#") dp1 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the information about the geospatial features identified in the data and their landscaping view*" ), loc_field_stats(lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, max_records), ) if (len(lat_cols) + len(geohash_cols)) > 0: dp2 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text("## Descriptive Analysis by Location Attributes"), read_stats_ll_geo( lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, master_path, top_geo_records ), _, ) dp3 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text("## Clustering Geospatial Field"), read_cluster_stats_ll_geo(lat_cols, long_cols, geohash_cols, master_path), _, ) dp4 = dp.Group( _, dp.Text("## Visualization by Geospatial Fields"), read_loc_charts(master_path), _, ) report = dp.Group(dp1, dp2, dp3, dp4, label="Geospatial Analyzer") elif (len(lat_cols) + len(geohash_cols)) == 0: report = "null_report" if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "geospatial_analyzer.html", open=True ) return report
def overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list)
This function helps to produce a basic summary of all the geospatial fields auto-detected in a dictionary along with the length of lat-lon & geohash cols identified.
- List of latitude columns identified
- List of longitude columns identified
- List of geohash columns identified
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def overall_stats_gen(lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list): """ This function helps to produce a basic summary of all the geospatial fields auto-detected in a dictionary along with the length of lat-lon & geohash cols identified. Parameters ---------- lat_col_list List of latitude columns identified long_col_list List of longitude columns identified geohash_col_list List of geohash columns identified Returns ------- Dictionary,Integer,Integer """ d = {} ll = [] col_list = ["Latitude Col", "Longitude Col", "Geohash Col"] # for idx,i in enumerate([lat_col_list,long_col_list,geohash_col_list,polygon_col_list]): for idx, i in enumerate([lat_col_list, long_col_list, geohash_col_list]): if i is None: ll = [] elif i is not None: ll = [] for j in i: ll.append(j) d[col_list[idx]] = ",".join(ll) l1 = len(lat_col_list) l2 = len(geohash_col_list) return d, l1, l2
def plotSeasonalDecompose(base_path, x_col, y_col, metric_col='median', title='Seasonal Decomposition')
This function helps to produce output specific to the Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series. Ideally it's expected to source a data containing atleast 2 cycles or 24 months as the most.
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
- Metric of aggregation. Options can be between "Median", "Mean", "Min", "Max"
- "Title Description"
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def plotSeasonalDecompose( base_path, x_col, y_col, metric_col="median", title="Seasonal Decomposition" ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series. Ideally it's expected to source a data containing atleast 2 cycles or 24 months as the most. Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names metric_col Metric of aggregation. Options can be between "Median", "Mean", "Min", "Max" title "Title Description" Returns ------- Plot """ df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(base_path) + x_col + "_" + y_col + "_daily.csv").dropna() df[x_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[x_col], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") df = df.set_index(x_col) if len([x for x in df.columns if "min" in x]) == 0: # result = seasonal_decompose(df[metric_col],model="additive") pass else: result = seasonal_decompose(df[metric_col], model="additive", period=12) fig = make_subplots( rows=2, cols=2, subplot_titles=["Observed", "Trend", "Seasonal", "Residuals"], ) # fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.observed, name="Observed", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[0]), ), row=1, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.trend, name="Trend", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[2]), ), row=1, col=2, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.seasonal, name="Seasonal", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[4]), ), row=2, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=result.resid, name="Residuals", mode="lines+markers", line=dict(color=global_theme[6]), ), row=2, col=2, ) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.observed, name ="Observed", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[0]))) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.trend, name ="Trend", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[2]))) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.seasonal, name ="Seasonal", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[4]))) # fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=df.index, y=result.resid, name ="Residuals", mode='lines+markers',line=dict(color=global_theme[6]))) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, width=2000, height=800) fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) return fig
def quality_check(master_path, QC_tabs, avl_recs_QC, missing_recs_QC, all_charts_num_3_, print_report=False)
This function helps to produce output specific to the Quality Checker Tab. Parameters
- Path containing the input files.
- nullColumns_detection','IDness_detection','biasedness_detection','invalidEntries_detection','duplicate_detection','nullRows_detection','outlier_detection'
- Available files from the QC_tabs (Quality Checker tabs)
- Missing files from the QC_tabs (Quality Checker tabs)
- Numerical charts (outlier charts) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects
- Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False.
DatapaneObject / Output[HTML]
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def quality_check( master_path, QC_tabs, avl_recs_QC, missing_recs_QC, all_charts_num_3_, print_report=False, ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Quality Checker Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. QC_tabs nullColumns_detection','IDness_detection','biasedness_detection','invalidEntries_detection','duplicate_detection','nullRows_detection','outlier_detection' avl_recs_QC Available files from the QC_tabs (Quality Checker tabs) missing_recs_QC Missing files from the QC_tabs (Quality Checker tabs) all_charts_num_3_ Numerical charts (outlier charts) all collated in a list format supported as per datapane objects print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ c_ = [] r_ = [] if len(missing_recs_QC) == len(QC_tabs): return "null_report" else: row_wise = ["duplicate_detection", "nullRows_detection"] col_wise = [ "nullColumns_detection", "IDness_detection", "biasedness_detection", "invalidEntries_detection", "outlier_detection", ] row_wise_ = [p for p in row_wise if p in avl_recs_QC] col_wise_ = [p for p in col_wise if p in avl_recs_QC] len_row_wise = len([p for p in row_wise if p in avl_recs_QC]) len_col_wise = len([p for p in col_wise if p in avl_recs_QC]) if len_row_wise == 0: c = data_analyzer_output(master_path, col_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in c: for j in i: if j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) > 1: c_.append( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_3_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN ) ) elif ( j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) == 0 ): c_.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart)) else: c_.append(j) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*c_), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) elif len_col_wise == 0: r = data_analyzer_output(master_path, row_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in r: for j in i: r_.append(j) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*r_), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) else: c = data_analyzer_output(master_path, col_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in c: for j in i: if j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) > 1: c_.append( dp.Select( blocks=all_charts_num_3_, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN ) ) elif ( j == "outlier_charts_placeholder" and len(all_charts_num_3_) == 0 ): c_.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart)) else: c_.append(j) r = data_analyzer_output(master_path, row_wise_, "quality_checker") for i in r: for j in i: r_.append(j) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section identifies the data quality issues at both row and column level.*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*c_), label="Column Level"), dp.Group(dp.Text("# "), dp.Group(*r_), label="Row Level"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Quality Check", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "quality_check.html", open=True ) return report
def read_cluster_stats_ll_geo(lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, master_path)
This function helps to read all the cluster analysis output for the lat-lon & geohash field produced from the analyzer module
- Latitude column identified
- Longitude column identified
- Geohash column identified
- Master path where the aggregated data resides
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def read_cluster_stats_ll_geo(lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, master_path): """ This function helps to read all the cluster analysis output for the lat-lon & geohash field produced from the analyzer module Parameters ---------- lat_col Latitude column identified long_col Longitude column identified geohash_col Geohash column identified master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ll_col, plot_ll, all_geo_cols = [], [], [] try: len_lat_col = len(lat_col) except: len_lat_col = 0 try: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) except: len_geohash_col = 0 if (len_lat_col > 0) or (len_geohash_col > 0): try: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): ll_col.append(lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx]) except: pass all_geo_cols = ll_col + geohash_col if len(all_geo_cols) > 0: for i in all_geo_cols: if len(all_geo_cols) == 1: p1 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_elbow_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_silhoutte_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Identification", ) p2 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Distribution", ) p3 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Visualization", ) p4 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Outlier Points", ) plot_ll.append( dp.Group( dp.Select(blocks=[p1, p2, p3, p4], type=dp.SelectType.TABS), label=i, ) ) plot_ll.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) elif len(all_geo_cols) > 1: p1 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_elbow_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_1_silhoutte_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Identification", ) p2 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_2_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Cluster Distribution", ) p3 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_kmeans_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_3_dbscan_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Visualization", ) p4 = dp.Group( dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_1_" + i ) ) ) ), dp.Plot( go.Figure( json.load( open( ends_with(master_path) + "cluster_plot_4_dbscan_2_" + i ) ) ) ), label="Outlier Points", ) plot_ll.append( dp.Group( dp.Select(blocks=[p1, p2, p3, p4], type=dp.SelectType.TABS), label=i, ) ) return dp.Select(blocks=plot_ll, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN)
def read_loc_charts(master_path)
This function helps to read all the geospatial charts from the master path and populate in the report
- Master path where the aggregated data resides
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def read_loc_charts(master_path): """ This function helps to read all the geospatial charts from the master path and populate in the report Parameters ---------- master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ll_charts_nm = [x for x in os.listdir(master_path) if "loc_charts_ll" in x] geo_charts_nm = [x for x in os.listdir(master_path) if "loc_charts_gh" in x] ll_col_charts, geo_col_charts = [], [] if len(ll_charts_nm) > 0: if len(ll_charts_nm) == 1: for i1 in ll_charts_nm: col_name = i1.replace("loc_charts_ll_", "") ll_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i1))), label=col_name, ) ) ll_col_charts.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) elif len(ll_charts_nm) > 1: for i1 in ll_charts_nm: col_name = i1.replace("loc_charts_ll_", "") ll_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i1))), label=col_name, ) ) ll_col_charts = dp.Select(blocks=ll_col_charts, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if len(geo_charts_nm) > 0: if len(geo_charts_nm) == 1: for i2 in geo_charts_nm: col_name = i2.replace("loc_charts_gh_", "") geo_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i2))), label=col_name, ) ) geo_col_charts.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" ")) elif len(geo_charts_nm) > 1: for i2 in geo_charts_nm: col_name = i2.replace("loc_charts_gh_", "") geo_col_charts.append( dp.Plot( go.Figure(json.load(open(ends_with(master_path) + i2))), label=col_name, ) ) geo_col_charts = dp.Select(blocks=geo_col_charts, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if (len(ll_charts_nm) > 0) and (len(geo_charts_nm) == 0): return ll_col_charts elif (len(ll_charts_nm) == 0) and (len(geo_charts_nm) > 0): return geo_col_charts elif (len(ll_charts_nm) > 0) and (len(geo_charts_nm) > 0): return dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(ll_col_charts, label="Lat-Long-Plot"), dp.Group(geo_col_charts, label="Geohash-Plot"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, )
def read_stats_ll_geo(lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, master_path, top_geo_records)
This function helps to read all the basis stats output for the lat-lon & geohash field produced from the analyzer module
- Latitude column identified
- Longitude column identified
- Geohash column identified
- Master path where the aggregated data resides
- Top geospatial records displayed
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def read_stats_ll_geo(lat_col, long_col, geohash_col, master_path, top_geo_records): """ This function helps to read all the basis stats output for the lat-lon & geohash field produced from the analyzer module Parameters ---------- lat_col Latitude column identified long_col Longitude column identified geohash_col Geohash column identified master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides top_geo_records Top geospatial records displayed Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ try: len_lat_col = len(lat_col) except: len_lat_col = 0 try: len_geohash_col = len(geohash_col) except: len_geohash_col = 0 ll_stats, geohash_stats = [], [] if len_lat_col > 0: if len_lat_col == 1: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): ll_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Lat_Long_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Lat Long", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx], ) ) ll_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" " ), label=" ", ) ) elif len_lat_col > 1: for idx, i in enumerate(lat_col): ll_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Lat_Long_1_" + lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Lat Long", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=lat_col[idx] + "_" + long_col[idx], ) ) ll_stats = dp.Select(blocks=ll_stats, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if len_geohash_col > 0: if len_geohash_col == 1: for idx, i in enumerate(geohash_col): geohash_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Geohash_Distribution_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Geohash Distribution", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=geohash_col[idx], ) ) geohash_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.DataTable( pd.DataFrame(columns=[" "], index=range(1)), label=" " ), label=" ", ) ) elif len_geohash_col > 1: for idx, i in enumerate(geohash_col): geohash_stats.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Overall_Summary_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Overall Summary", ), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(master_path) + "Top_" + str(top_geo_records) + "_Geohash_Distribution_2_" + geohash_col[idx] + ".csv" ), label="Top " + str(top_geo_records) + " Geohash Distribution", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=geohash_col[idx], ) ) geohash_stats = dp.Select(blocks=geohash_stats, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN) if (len_lat_col + len_geohash_col) == 1: if len_lat_col == 0: return geohash_stats else: return ll_stats elif (len_lat_col + len_geohash_col) > 1: if (len_lat_col > 1) and (len_geohash_col == 0): return ll_stats elif (len_lat_col == 0) and (len_geohash_col > 1): return geohash_stats elif (len_lat_col >= 1) and (len_geohash_col >= 1): return dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group(ll_stats, label="Lat-Long-Stats"), dp.Group(geohash_stats, label="Geohash-Stats"), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, )
def remove_u_score(col)
This functions help to remove the "_" present in a specific text Parameters
- Analysis column containing "_" present gets replaced along with upper case conversion
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def remove_u_score(col): """ This functions help to remove the "_" present in a specific text Parameters ---------- col Analysis column containing "_" present gets replaced along with upper case conversion Returns ------- String """ col_ = col.split("_") bl = [] for i in col_: if i == "nullColumns" or i == "nullRows": bl.append("Null") else: bl.append(i[0].upper() + i[1:]) return " ".join(bl)
def ts_landscape(base_path, ts_cols, id_col)
This function helps to produce a basic landscaping view of the data by picking up the base path for reading the aggregated data and specified by the timestamp / date column & the ID column.
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- ID Column
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def ts_landscape(base_path, ts_cols, id_col): """ This function helps to produce a basic landscaping view of the data by picking up the base path for reading the aggregated data and specified by the timestamp / date column & the ID column. Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name id_col ID Column Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ if ts_cols is None: return dp.Text("#") else: df_stats_ts = [] for i in ts_cols: if len(ts_cols) > 1: df_stats_ts.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("*ID considered here is : " + str(id_col) + "*"), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("#### Consistency Analysis Of Dates"), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_1.csv" ) .set_index("attribute") .T, label=i, ), ), dp.Group( dp.Text( "*The Percentile distribution across different bins of ID-Date / Date-ID combination should be in a considerable range to determine the regularity of Time series. In an ideal scenario the proportion of dates within each ID should be same. Also, the count of IDs across unique dates should be consistent for a balanced distribution*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("#### Vital Statistics"), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).T.rename(columns={0: ""}), label=i, ), ), label=i, ) ) else: df_stats_ts.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("*ID considered here is : " + str(id_col) + "*"), dp.Text("#### Consistency Analysis Of Dates"), dp.Text("# "), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_1.csv" ) .set_index("attribute") .T, label=i, ), ), dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("#### Vital Statistics"), dp.DataTable( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).T.rename(columns={0: ""}), label=i, ), ), label=i, ) ) df_stats_ts.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Group( dp.Text("### Time Stamp Data Diagnosis"), dp.Select(blocks=df_stats_ts, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN), )
def ts_stats(base_path)
This function helps to read the base data containing desired input and produces output specific to the
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
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def ts_stats(base_path): """ This function helps to read the base data containing desired input and produces output specific to the `ts_cols_stats.csv` file Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. Returns ------- List """ df = pd.read_csv(base_path + "ts_cols_stats.csv") all_stats = [] for i in range(0, 7): try: all_stats.append(df[df.index.values == i].values[0][0].split(",")) except: all_stats.append([]) c0 = pd.DataFrame(all_stats[0], columns=["attributes"]) c1 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[1], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c1["Analyzed Attributes"] = "✔" c2 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[2], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c2["Attributes Identified"] = "✔" c3 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[3], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c3["Attributes Pre-Existed"] = "✔" c4 = pd.DataFrame(list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[4], 1), columns=["attributes"]) c4["Overall TimeStamp Attributes"] = "✔" c5 = list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[5], 1) c6 = list_ts_remove_append(all_stats[6], 1) return c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6
def ts_viz_1_1(base_path, x_col, y_col, output_type)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
- Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly"
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def ts_viz_1_1(base_path, x_col, y_col, output_type): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- Plot """ ts_fig = gen_time_series_plots(base_path, x_col, y_col, output_type) return ts_fig
def ts_viz_1_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list, output_type)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical / Categorical column names
- Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly"
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def ts_viz_1_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list, output_type): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name col_list Numerical / Categorical column names output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ bl = [] for i in col_list: if len(col_list) > 1: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_1_1(base_path, ts_col, i, output_type), label=i)) else: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_1_1(base_path, ts_col, i, output_type), label=i)) bl.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=bl, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN)
def ts_viz_1_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols, cat_cols, output_type)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
- Categorical column names
- Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly"
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def ts_viz_1_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols, cat_cols, output_type): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name num_cols Numerical column names cat_cols Categorical column names output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_v = [] # print(num_cols) # print(cat_cols) if len(num_cols) == 0: for i in ts_col: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label=i) ) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label=i) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) elif len(cat_cols) == 0: for i in ts_col: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label=i) ) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group(ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label=i) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) elif (len(num_cols) >= 1) & (len(cat_cols) >= 1): for i in ts_col: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=i, ) ) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, num_cols, output_type), label="Numerical", ), dp.Group( ts_viz_1_2(base_path, i, cat_cols, output_type), label="Categorical", ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), label=i, ) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_v, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN)
def ts_viz_2_1(base_path, x_col, y_col)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
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def ts_viz_2_1(base_path, x_col, y_col): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_fig = [] for i in ["mean", "median", "min", "max"]: ts_fig.append( dp.Plot( plotSeasonalDecompose(base_path, x_col, y_col, metric_col=i), label=i.title(), ) ) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_fig, type=dp.SelectType.TABS)
def ts_viz_2_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
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def ts_viz_2_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name col_list Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ bl = [] for i in col_list: if len(col_list) > 1: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) else: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) bl.append(dp.Group(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" "), label=" ")) return dp.Select(blocks=bl, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN)
def ts_viz_2_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
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def ts_viz_2_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name num_cols Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_v = [] if len(ts_col) > 1: for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 24: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The plots couldn't be displayed as x must have 2 complete cycles requires 24 observations. x only has " + str(f) + " observation(s)" ), label=i, ) ) else: for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 24: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_2_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The plots couldn't be displayed as x must have 2 complete cycles requires 24 observations. x only has " + str(f) + " observation(s)" ), label=i, ) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_v, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN)
def ts_viz_3_1(base_path, x_col, y_col)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
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def ts_viz_3_1(base_path, x_col, y_col): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. x_col Timestamp / date column name y_col Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ ts_fig = [] df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(base_path) + x_col + "_" + y_col + "_daily.csv").dropna() df[x_col] = pd.to_datetime(df[x_col], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") df = df.set_index(x_col) for metric_col in ["mean", "median", "min", "max"]: try: adf_test = ( round(adfuller(df[metric_col])[0], 3), round(adfuller(df[metric_col])[1], 3), ) if adf_test[1] < 0.05: adf_flag = True else: adf_flag = False except: adf_test = ("nan", "nan") adf_flag = False try: kpss_test = ( round(kpss(df[metric_col], regression="ct")[0], 3), round(kpss(df[metric_col], regression="ct")[1], 3), ) if kpss_test[1] < 0.05: kpss_flag = True else: kpss_flag = False except: kpss_test = ("nan", "nan") kpss_flag = False # df[metric_col] = df[metric_col].apply(lambda x: boxcox1p(x,0.25)) # lambda_box_cox = round(boxcox(df[metric_col])[1],5) fit = PowerTransformer(method="yeo-johnson") try: lambda_box_cox = round([metric_col]).reshape(-1, 1)).lambdas_[0], 3 ) cnt = 0 except: cnt = 1 if cnt == 0: # df[metric_col+"_transformed"] = boxcox(df[metric_col],lmbda=lambda_box_cox) df[metric_col + "_transformed"] = fit.transform( np.array(df[metric_col]).reshape(-1, 1) ) fig = make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, subplot_titles=["Pre-Transformation", "Post-Transformation"], ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=df[metric_col], mode="lines+markers", name=metric_col, line=dict(color=global_theme[1]), ), row=1, col=1, ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=df.index, y=df[metric_col + "_transformed"], mode="lines+markers", name=metric_col + "_transformed", line=dict(color=global_theme[7]), ), row=1, col=2, ) fig.layout.plot_bgcolor = global_plot_bg_color fig.layout.paper_bgcolor = global_paper_bg_color fig.update_xaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_yaxes(gridcolor=px.colors.sequential.Greys[1]) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, width=2000, height=400) fig.update_layout( legend=dict(orientation="h", x=0.5, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center") ) ts_fig.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="ADF Test Statistic", value=adf_test[0], change=adf_test[1], is_upward_change=adf_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="KPSS Test Statistic", value=kpss_test[0], change=kpss_test[1], is_upward_change=kpss_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="Box-Cox Transformation", value=lambda_box_cox, change=str(lambda_cat(lambda_box_cox)), is_upward_change=True, ), columns=3, ), dp.Text("#### Transformation View"), dp.Text( "Below Transformation is basis the inferencing from the Box Cox Transformation. The Lambda value of " + str(lambda_box_cox) + " indicates a " + str(lambda_cat(lambda_box_cox)) + ". A Pre-Post Transformation Visualization is done for better clarity. " ), dp.Plot(fig), dp.Text("**Guidelines :** "), dp.Text( "**ADF** : *The more negative the statistic, the more likely we are to reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value is less than the significance level of 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis and take that the series is stationary*" ), dp.Text( "**KPSS** : *If the p-value is high, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. So the series is stationary.*" ), label=metric_col.title(), ) ) else: ts_fig.append( dp.Group( dp.Group( dp.BigNumber( heading="ADF Test Statistic", value=adf_test[0], change=adf_test[1], is_upward_change=adf_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="KPSS Test Statistic", value=kpss_test[0], change=kpss_test[1], is_upward_change=kpss_flag, ), dp.BigNumber( heading="Box-Cox Transformation", value="ValueOutOfRange", change="ValueOutOfRange", is_upward_change=True, ), columns=3, ), dp.Text("**Guidelines :** "), dp.Text( "**ADF** : *The more negative the statistic, the more likely we are to reject the null hypothesis. If the p-value is less than the significance level of 0.05, we can reject the null hypothesis and take that the series is stationary*" ), dp.Text( "**KPSS** : *If the p-value is high, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. So the series is stationary.*" ), label=metric_col.title(), ) ) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_fig, type=dp.SelectType.TABS)
def ts_viz_3_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
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def ts_viz_3_2(base_path, ts_col, col_list): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name col_list Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ bl = [] for i in col_list: if len(num_cols) > 1: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) else: bl.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_1(base_path, ts_col, i), label=i)) bl.append(dp.Group(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label=" "), label=" ")) return dp.Select(blocks=bl, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN)
def ts_viz_3_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols)
- Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- Timestamp / date column name
- Numerical column names
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def ts_viz_3_3(base_path, ts_col, num_cols): """ Parameters ---------- base_path Base path which is the same as Master path where the aggregated data resides. ts_col Timestamp / date column name num_cols Numerical column names Returns ------- DatapaneObject """ # f = list(pd.read_csv(ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv").count_unique_dates.values)[0] # if f >= 6: if len(ts_col) > 1: ts_v = [] for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 6: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The data contains insufficient data points for the desired transformation analysis. Please ensure the number of unique dates is sufficient." ), label=i, ) ) else: ts_v = [] for i in ts_col: f = list( pd.read_csv( ends_with(base_path) + "stats_" + i + "_2.csv" ).count_unique_dates.values )[0] if f >= 6: ts_v.append(dp.Group(ts_viz_3_2(base_path, i, num_cols), label=i)) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) else: ts_v.append( dp.Group( dp.Text( "The data contains insufficient data points for the desired transformation analysis. Please ensure the number of unique dates is sufficient." ), label=i, ) ) ts_v.append(dp.Plot(blank_chart, label="_")) return dp.Select(blocks=ts_v, type=dp.SelectType.DROPDOWN)
def ts_viz_generate(master_path, id_col, print_report=False, output_type=None)
This function helps to produce the output in the nested / recursive function supported by datapane. Eventually this is populated at the final report.
- Master path where the aggregated data resides.
- ID Column
- Option to specify whether the Report needs to be saved or not. True / False can be used to specify the needful.
- Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly"
DatapaneObject / Output[HTML]
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def ts_viz_generate(master_path, id_col, print_report=False, output_type=None): """ This function helps to produce the output in the nested / recursive function supported by datapane. Eventually this is populated at the final report. Parameters ---------- master_path Master path where the aggregated data resides. id_col ID Column print_report Option to specify whether the Report needs to be saved or not. True / False can be used to specify the needful. output_type Time category of analysis which can be between "Daily", "Hourly", "Weekly" Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ master_path = ends_with(master_path) try: c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 = ts_stats(master_path) except: return "null_report" stats_df = ( c0.merge(c1, on="attributes", how="left") .merge(c2, on="attributes", how="left") .merge(c3, on="attributes", how="left") .merge(c4, on="attributes", how="left") .fillna("✘") ) global num_cols global cat_cols num_cols, cat_cols = c5, c6 final_ts_cols = list(ts_stats(master_path)[4].attributes.values) if output_type == "daily": report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the information about timestamp features and how they are interactive with other attributes. An exhaustive diagnosis is done by looking at different time series components, how they could be useful in deriving insights for further downstream applications*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Basic Landscaping"), dp.Text( "Out of **" + str(len(list(ts_stats(master_path)[1].attributes.values))) + "** potential attributes in the data, the module could locate **" + str(len(final_ts_cols)) + "** attributes as Timestamp" ), dp.DataTable(stats_df), ts_landscape(master_path, final_ts_cols, id_col), dp.Text( "*Lower the **CoV** (Coefficient Of Variation), Higher the Consistency between the consecutive dates. Similarly the Mean & Variance should be consistent over time*" ), dp.Text("### Visualization across the Shortlisted Timestamp Attributes"), ts_viz_1_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols, cat_cols, output_type), dp.Text("### Decomposed View"), ts_viz_2_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols), dp.Text("### Stationarity & Transformations"), ts_viz_3_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), label="Time Series Analyzer", ) elif output_type is None: report = "null_report" else: report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( "*This section summarizes the information about timestamp features and how they are interactive with other attributes. An exhaustive diagnosis is done by looking at different time series components, how they could be useful in deriving insights for further downstream applications*" ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("### Basic Landscaping"), dp.Text( "Out of **" + str(len(list(ts_stats(master_path)[1].attributes.values))) + "** potential attributes in the data, the module could locate **" + str(len(final_ts_cols)) + "** attributes as Timestamp" ), dp.DataTable(stats_df), ts_landscape(master_path, final_ts_cols, id_col), dp.Text( "*Lower the **CoV** (Coefficient Of Variation), Higher the Consistency between the consecutive dates. Similarly the Mean & Variance should be consistent over time*" ), dp.Text("### Visualization across the Shortlisted Timestamp Attributes"), ts_viz_1_3(master_path, final_ts_cols, num_cols, cat_cols, output_type), dp.Text("#"), dp.Text("#"), label="Time Series Analyzer", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "time_series_analyzer.html", open=True ) return report
def wiki_generator(master_path, dataDict_path=None, metricDict_path=None, print_report=False)
This function helps to produce output specific to the Wiki Tab. Parameters
- Path containing the input files.
- Data dictionary path. Default value is kept as None.
- Metric dictionary path. Default value is kept as None.
- Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False.
DatapaneObject / Output[HTML]
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def wiki_generator( master_path, dataDict_path=None, metricDict_path=None, print_report=False ): """ This function helps to produce output specific to the Wiki Tab. Parameters ---------- master_path Path containing the input files. dataDict_path Data dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. metricDict_path Metric dictionary path. Default value is kept as None. print_report Printing option flexibility. Default value is kept as False. Returns ------- DatapaneObject / Output[HTML] """ try: datatype_df = pd.read_csv(ends_with(master_path) + "data_type.csv") except FileNotFoundError: logger.error( f"file {master_path}/data_type.csv doesn't exist, cannot read datatypes" ) except Exception:"generate an empty dataframe with columns attribute and data_type ") datatype_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["attribute", "data_type"], index=range(1)) try: data_dict = pd.read_csv(dataDict_path).merge( datatype_df, how="outer", on="attribute" ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"file {dataDict_path} doesn't exist, cannot read data dict") except Exception: data_dict = datatype_df try: metric_dict = pd.read_csv(metricDict_path) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error(f"file {metricDict_path} doesn't exist, cannot read metrics dict") except Exception: metric_dict = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "Section Category", "Section Name", "Metric Name", "Metric Definitions", ], index=range(1), ) report = dp.Group( dp.Text("# "), dp.Text( """ *A quick reference to the attributes from the dataset (Data Dictionary) and the metrics computed in the report (Metric Dictionary).* """ ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Select( blocks=[ dp.Group( dp.Group(dp.Text("## "), dp.DataTable(data_dict)), label="Data Dictionary", ), dp.Group( dp.Text("##"), dp.DataTable(metric_dict), label="Metric Dictionary" ), ], type=dp.SelectType.TABS, ), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), dp.Text("# "), label="Wiki", ) if print_report: dp.Report(default_template[0], default_template[1], report).save( ends_with(master_path) + "wiki_generator.html", open=True ) return report